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Brew Formulae for Audiovisual Preservation

Maintained Formulae

  • bash-avpres – Bash scripts for audiovisual preservation
  • ffcommand-engine – Instals the FFCommand_Engine app by Colorlab
    Attention: Use the --HEAD flag to install the not officially released version 0.6 rather than the current version 0.51 for macOS (and 0.5 for Windows).
  • ffmpeg – Alternate FFmpeg formula with options:
    brew options avpres/formulae/ffmpeg

Full installation requires to log into our extranet before running the following formulae:

  • the MovIm package contains the libmovim C library, implementing the MovIm video codec, and its associated movimenc, movimdec and movimplay utilities, as well as the openmovim Bash command-line interface to encode, decode, play and analyse virtually any moving images
  • the openLTFS package includes the libltfs C library and its associated ltfs, ltfs_check, ltfs_copy and mkltfs utilities, as well as the openltfs Bash command-line interface
  • the openLTO package is a collection of Bash scripts to manage LTO cartridges with LTFS
  • the Spoiled_Apples package emulates 6502, 680x0 and PowerPC−based Apple computers and clones

Renamed Formula

The openMovIm package has been renamed MovIm on 2019-05-04.

Deleted Formulae

We have removed both CineForm formulae on 2024-10-26, as the resources no longer appear to be maintained.

  • cineform – Alternate static and shared CineForm libraries: libcineform.a, as well as under Linux or libcineform.dylib under macOS
  • cineform-gopro – GoPro’s static CineForm library: libCFHDCodec.a

As Prolog is now a available as regular Homebrew formula (gnu-prolog), we have deleted our formula on 2021-07-21:

  • gprolog – Prolog top-level (GNU Prolog)

The following formulae have been deleted from this GitHub repository:

  • cpio – Copy files to and from archives

Under Linux also instals: mt – Control magnetic tape drive operation.

  • hla – High Level Assembler (HLABE back end, LD linker)

  • vrecord-x is a vrecord flavour running on Linux, macOS and Windows

After two years, the official formula by the AMIA Open Source Committee added Linux support, as well as HuffYUV and ProRes 422 HQ encodings. Therefore this alternate one was no longer needed.

As the regular Homebrew formula (gnu-cobol) is now again up to date, we have deleted our formula on 2020-12-19:

  • gcobol – GNU COBOL (includes --HEAD option which installs the version 3.1 RC 1)

As QuickJS is now available as a regular Homebrew formula (quickjs), we have deleted our formula on 2019-08-03:

  • quickjs – QuickJS Javascript Engine

The development of libycocg and libmsmi has been stopped and on 2019-01-12 and these libraries are superseded by libmovim. The two associated formulae have been deleted from this GitHub repository on 2019-03-02:

  • the openMSMI package contains the libmsmi C library, implementing the MSMI video codec for multispectral moving images, and the openmsmi Bash command-line interface to libmsmi, allowing to encode, decode, play and analyse multispectral moving images
  • the openYCoCg package contains the libycocg C library, implementing the YCoCg video codec, and the openycocg Bash command−line interface, allowing to encode, decode, play and analyse Y′COCG video files

Copyright, Licence and Disclaimer

Copyright © 2017–2025 by Reto Kromer

These formulae are released under a 3-Clause BSD License and are provided “as is” without warranty or support of any kind.