Package sftp - SFTP VFS implementation.
In this backend, any new FileSystem instance is a new connection to the remote server. It may be impolite to take up a large number of a server's available connections, so better to use the same filesystem.
Rely on
func UseFs() error {
fs := backend.Backend(sftp.Scheme)
Or call directly:
import ""
func DoSomething() {
fs := sftp.NewFileSystem()
location, err := fs.NewLocation("[email protected]:22", "/some/path/")
if err != nil {
#handle error
sftp can be augmented with some implementation-specific methods. Backend returns vfs.FileSystem interface so it would have to be cast as sftp.FileSystem to use them.
These methods are chainable:
(*FileSystem) WithClient(client interface{})*FileSystem
(*FileSystem) WithOptions(opts vfs.Options) *FileSystem
func DoSomething() {
// cast if fs was created using backend.Backend(). Not necessary if created directly from sftp.NewFileSystem().
fs := backend.Backend(sftp.Scheme)
fs = fs.(*sftp.FileSystem)
// to pass specific client
sshClient, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", "[email protected]:22", &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: "someuser",
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{ssh.Password("mypassword")},
HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey,
// handle error
client, err := _sftp.NewClient(sshClient)
// handle error
fs = fs.WithClient(client)
// to pass in client options. See Options for more info. Note that changes to Options will make nil any client.
// This behavior ensures that changes to settings will get applied to a newly created client.
fs = fs.WithOptions(
KeyFilePath: "/home/Bob/.ssh/id_rsa",
KeyPassphrase: "s3cr3t",
KnownHostsCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey,
location, err := fs.NewLocation("[email protected]:22", "/some/path/")
// handle error
file := location.NewFile("myfile.txt")
// handle error
_, err := file.Write([]bytes("some text")
// handle error
err := file.Close()
// handle error
Authentication, by default, occurs automatically when Client() is called. Since user is part of the URI authority section (Volume), auth is handled slightly differently than other vfs backends.
A client is initialized lazily, meaning we only make a connection to the server at the last moment so we are free to modify options until then. The authenticated session is closed any time WithOption(), WithClient(), or Close() occurs. Currently, that means that closing a file belonging to an fs will break the connection of any other open file on the same fs.
User may only be set in the URI authority section (Volume in vfs parlance).
scheme host
__/ ___/____ port
/ \ / \ /\
sftp://[email protected]:22/path/to/file.txt
\____________________/ \______________/
\______/ \ \
/ authority section path
username (Volume)
sftp vfs backend accepts either a password or an ssh key, with or without a passphrase.
Passwords may be passed via Options.Password or via the environmental variable
SSH keys may be passed via Options.KeyFilePath and (optionally)
Options.KeyPassphrase. They can also be passed via environmental variables
, respectively.
Known hosts ensures that the server you're connecting to hasn't been somehow redirected to another server, collecting your info (man-in-the-middle attack). Handling for this can be accomplished via:
- Options.KnownHostsString which accepts a string.
- Options.KnownHostsFile or environmental variable
which accepts a path to a known_hosts file. - Options.KnownHostsCallback which allows you to specify any of the ssh.AuthMethod
functions. Environmental variable
will set this callback function to ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey which may be helpful for testing but should not be used in production. - Defaults to trying to find and use /.ssh/known_hosts. For unix, system-wide location /etc/ssh/.ssh/known hosts is also checked. SSH doesn't exist natively on Windows and each third-party implementation has a different location for known_hosts. Because of this, no attempt is made to find a system-wide file for Windows. It's better to specify in KnownHostsFile in that case.
Passing in multiple host key algorithms, key exchange algorithms is supported - these are specified as string slices. Example:
fs = fs.WithOptions(
KeyExchanges: []string{ "diffie-hellman-group-a256", "ecdh-sha2-nistp256" },
Ciphers: []string{ "aes256-ctr", "aes192-ctr", "aes128-ctr" },
MACs: []string{ "hmac-sha2-256", "hmac-sha2-512" },
HostKeyAlgorithms: []string{ "ssh-rsa", "ssh-ed25519" },
// other settings
When dialing a TCP connection, Go doesn't disconnect for you. This is true even when the connection falls out of scope, and even when garbage collection is forced. The connection must be explicitly closed. Unfortunately, VFS.FileSystem has no explicit close mechanism.
Instead, the SFTP backend will automatically disconnect 10 seconds (default) after connection. This disconnect timer is canceled anytime a server-side request (like list, read, etc) is made. Once the request has completed, a new timer will begin. If the timer expires (because it is not interrupted by any request), the server connection will be closed. Any subsequent server request will first reconnect, perform the request, and start a new disconnect timer.
Options.AutoDisconnect accepts an integer representing the number seconds before disconnecting after being idle. Default value is 10 seconds.
Any server request action using the same underlying FileSystem (and therefore sftp client), will reset the timer. This should be the most desirable behavior.
func doSFTPStuff() {
fs := sftp.NewFileSystem()
loc, err := fs.NewLocation("[email protected]:22", "/some/path/")
file1, _ := loc.NewFile("file1.txt")
file2, _ := loc.NewFile("file2.txt")
file1.Touch() // "touches" file and starts disconnect timer (default: 10sec)
_, _ := loc.List() // stops timer, does location listing, resets timer to 10 seconds
file2.Touch() // stops timer, "touches" file2, resets timer to 10 seconds
time.Sleep(time.Duration(15) * time.Second) // pause for 15 seconds, disconnects for server after 10 seconds
_, _ := loc.List() // reconnects, does location listing, starts new disconnect timer
func main {
// call our sftp function
// even though the vfs sftp objects have fallen out of scope, our connection remains UNTIL the timer counts down
// do more work (that take longer than 10 seconds
// at some point during the above, the sftp connection will have closed
NOTE: AutoDisconnect has nothing to do with "keep alive". Here we're only concerned with releasing resources, not keeping the server from disconnecting us. If that is something you want, you'd have to implement yourself, injecting your own client using WithClient().
const Scheme = "sftp"
Scheme defines the filesystem type.
type Client interface {
Chtimes(path string, atime, mtime time.Time) error
Create(path string) (*_sftp.File, error)
MkdirAll(path string) error
OpenFile(path string, f int) (*_sftp.File, error)
ReadDir(p string) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
Remove(path string) error
Rename(oldname, newname string) error
Stat(p string) (os.FileInfo, error)
Close() error
Client is an interface to make it easier to test
type File struct {
Authority utils.Authority
File implements vfs.File interface for SFTP fs.
func (f *File) Close() error
Close calls the underlying sftp.File Close, if opened, and clears the internal pointer
func (f *File) CopyToFile(file vfs.File) error
CopyToFile puts the contents of File into the targetFile passed.
func (f *File) CopyToLocation(location vfs.Location) (vfs.File, error)
CopyToLocation creates a copy of *File, using the file's current path as the new file's path at the given location.
func (f *File) Delete(opts ...options.DeleteOption) error
Delete removes the remote file. Error is returned, if any.
func (f *File) Exists() (bool, error)
Exists returns a boolean of whether or not the file exists on the sftp server
func (f *File) LastModified() (*time.Time, error)
LastModified returns the LastModified property of sftp.File.
func (f *File) Location() vfs.Location
Location returns a vfs.Location at the location of the file. IE: if file is at sftp://[email protected]/here/is/the/file.txt the location points to sftp://[email protected]/here/is/the/
func (f *File) MoveToFile(t vfs.File) error
MoveToFile puts the contents of File into the targetFile passed using File.CopyToFile. If the copy succeeds, the source file is deleted. Any errors from the copy or delete are returned. If the given location is also sftp AND for the same user and host, the sftp.Rename method is used, otherwise we'll do an io.Copy to the destination file then delete source file.
func (f *File) MoveToLocation(location vfs.Location) (vfs.File, error)
MoveToLocation works by creating a new file on the target location then calling MoveToFile() on it.
func (f *File) Name() string
Name returns the path portion of the file's path property. IE: "file.txt" of "sftp://[email protected]/some/path/to/file.txt"
func (f *File) Path() string
Path return the directory portion of the file's path. IE: "path/to" of "sftp://[email protected]/some/path/to/file.txt"
func (f *File) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
Read calls the underlying sftp.File Read.
func (f *File) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)
Seek calls the underlying sftp.File Seek.
func (f *File) Size() (uint64, error)
Size returns the size of the remote file.
func (f *File) String() string
String implement fmt.Stringer, returning the file's URI as the default string.
func (f *File) Touch() error
Touch creates a zero-length file on the vfs.File if no File exists. Update File's last modified timestamp. Returns error if unable to touch File.
func (f *File) URI() string
URI returns the File's URI as a string.
func (f *File) Write(data []byte) (res int, err error)
Write calls the underlying sftp.File Write.
type FileSystem struct {
FileSystem implements vfs.FileSystem for the SFTP filesystem.
func NewFileSystem() *FileSystem
NewFileSystem initializer for fileSystem struct.
func (fs *FileSystem) Client(authority utils.Authority) (Client, error)
Client returns the underlying sftp.Client, creating it, if necessary See Overview for authentication resolution
func (fs *FileSystem) Name() string
Name returns "Secure File Transfer Protocol"
func (fs *FileSystem) NewFile(authority, filePath string, opts ...options.NewFileOption) (vfs.File, error)
NewFile function returns the SFTP implementation of vfs.File.
func (fs *FileSystem) NewLocation(authority, locPath string) (vfs.Location, error)
NewLocation function returns the SFTP implementation of vfs.Location.
func (fs *FileSystem) Retry() vfs.Retry
Retry will return the default no-op retrier. The SFTP client provides its own retryer interface, and is available to override via the sftp.FileSystem Options type.
func (fs *FileSystem) Scheme() string
Scheme return "sftp" as the initial part of a file URI ie: sftp://
func (fs *FileSystem) WithClient(client interface{}) *FileSystem
WithClient passes in an sftp client and returns the filesystem (chainable)
func (fs *FileSystem) WithOptions(opts vfs.Options) *FileSystem
WithOptions sets options for client and returns the filesystem (chainable)
type Location struct {
Authority utils.Authority
Location implements the vfs.Location interface specific to sftp fs.
func (l *Location) ChangeDir(relativePath string) error
ChangeDir takes a relative path, and modifies the underlying Location's path. The caller is modified by this so the only return is any error. For this implementation there are no errors.
func (l *Location) DeleteFile(fileName string, opts ...options.DeleteOption) error
DeleteFile removes the file at fileName path.
func (l *Location) Exists() (bool, error)
Exists returns true if the remote SFTP file exists.
func (l *Location) FileSystem() vfs.FileSystem
FileSystem returns a vfs.FileSystem interface of the location's underlying fileSystem.
func (l *Location) List() ([]string, error)
List calls sftp.ReadDir to list all files in the location's path. If you have many thousands of files at the given location, this could become quite expensive.
func (l *Location) ListByPrefix(prefix string) ([]string, error)
ListByPrefix calls sftp.ReadDir with the location's path modified relatively by the prefix arg passed to the function.
func (l *Location) ListByRegex(regex *regexp.Regexp) ([]string, error)
ListByRegex retrieves the filenames of all the files at the location's current path, then filters out all those that don't match the given regex. The resource considerations of List() apply here as well.
func (l *Location) NewFile(filePath string, opts ...options.NewFileOption) (vfs.File, error)
NewFile uses the properties of the calling location to generate a vfs.File (backed by an sftp.File). The filePath argument is expected to be a relative path to the location's current path.
func (l *Location) NewLocation(relativePath string) (vfs.Location, error)
NewLocation makes a copy of the underlying Location, then modifies its path by calling ChangeDir with the relativePath argument, returning the resulting location. The only possible errors come from the call to ChangeDir, which, for the SFTP implementation doesn't ever result in an error.
func (l *Location) Path() string
Path returns the path the location references in most SFTP calls.
func (l *Location) String() string
String implement fmt.Stringer, returning the location's URI as the default string.
func (l *Location) URI() string
URI returns the Location's URI as a string.
func (l *Location) Volume() string
Volume returns the Authority the location is contained in.
type Options struct {
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` // env var VFS_SFTP_PASSWORD
KeyFilePath string `json:"keyFilePath,omitempty"` // env var VFS_SFTP_KEYFILE
KeyPassphrase string `json:"keyPassphrase,omitempty"` // env var VFS_SFTP_KEYFILE_PASSPHRASE
KnownHostsFile string `json:"knownHostsFile,omitempty"` // env var VFS_SFTP_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE
KnownHostsString string `json:"knownHostsString,omitempty"`
KeyExchanges []string `json:"keyExchanges,omitempty"`
Ciphers []string `json:"ciphers,omitempty"`
MACs []string `json:"macs,omitempty"`
HostKeyAlgorithms []string `json:"hostKeyAlgorithms,omitempty"`
AutoDisconnect int `json:"autoDisconnect,omitempty"` // seconds before disconnecting. default: 10
KnownHostsCallback ssh.HostKeyCallback // env var VFS_SFTP_INSECURE_KNOWN_HOSTS
FileBufferSize int // Buffer Size In Bytes Used with utils.TouchCopyBuffered
Options holds sftp-specific options. Currently only client options are used.
type ReadWriteSeekCloser interface {
ReadWriteSeekCloser is a read write seek closer interface representing capabilities needed from std libs sftp File struct.