This framework is streamlining InSAR displacement processing routines for earthquake inversion through pyrocko and Grond.
Kite features simple and efficient handling of displacement data:
- Import InSAR displacement data from GAMMA, ISCE, GMTSAR, ROI_PAC and Matlab
- Efficient quadtree implementation
- Covariance estimation from noise
- Interactive GUI
Recommended citation for Kite
Isken, Marius; Sudhaus, Henriette; Heimann, Sebastian; Steinberg, Andreas; Daout, Simon; Vasyura-Bathke, Hannes (2017): Kite - Software for Rapid Earthquake Source Optimisation from InSAR Surface Displacement. V. 0.1. GFZ Data Services.
- PySide with OpenGL support (Qt4)
- pyQtGraph
- NumPy
- SciPy
Installation on Debian based distributions through apt
sudo apt-get install python-pyside python-pyside.qtcore python-pyside.qtopengl\
python-yaml python-scipy python-numpy
git clone
cd pyqtgraph; sudo python install
git clone
cd kite; sudo python install
sudo pip install git+
sudo pip install git+
Find the documentation at
from kite import Scene
# Import Matlab container to kite
scene = Scene.import_file('dataset.mat')
scene.spool() # start the GUI for data inspection and Quadtree parametrisation
# Inspection of covariance parameters