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autorino is a tool for Assisted Unloading, Treatment & Organisation of RINex Observations πŸ›°οΈ 🌐 🦏

Version: 1.2.0
Date: 2025-03-08

Authors & Contributors:

Contact e-mail: [email protected]

Licence: GNU GPL v3 (see attached license file)


The autorino package (for Assisted Unloading, Treatment & Organisation of RINex Observations) is designed for automated download and conversion of GNSS raw data from the main manufacturers’ receivers (Leica, Septentrio, Topcon, Trimble, and BINEX) based on their respective official conversion utilities. A special focus is put on conversion to RINEX3/4 and near real-time capability (download frequency up to 5 min).

autorino aims to perfom the four following tasks:

  1. Download GNSS raw data from remote GNSS receivers
  2. Conversion of GNSS raw data to RINEX3/4 format using official conversion utilities from the main GNSS manufacturers.
  3. Handle RINEX files (e.g., merging, splitting, splicing, etc.) using dedicated utilities.
  4. Metadata edition of RINEX files (e.g., modifying header metadata, renaming filenames, editing comments, etc.) based on autorino's spinoff tool rinexmod.


Automatic installation (recommended)

Clone the autorino repository.

git clone

And then install autorino using the pip package manager.

cd autorino
pip install .

For developpers, you can install autorino in developement mode.

pip install -e .

Setting up the environment

You need to set up the environment variable $AUTORINO_ENV to point to the autorino's configuration file.

In your .bashrc or .bash_profile file, add the following lines:

export AUTORINO_ENV="/home/user/path_to/autorino/configfiles/env/autorino_env.yml"

This configuration file is a YAML file that contains the paths to the different GNSS raw data converters, described in the next section below.

If $AUTORINO_ENV is not set, autorino will use the default configuration file located in the package's configfiles/env/ folder.
Per defaults values assume that the converter executables are known by your system and (e.g. set in your $PATH).

External utilities (GNSS converters)

Download external utilities

To properly use the autorino package, you need to install the official GNSS raw data converters from the different GNSS manufacturers websites. You can find the official converters here:


converter here: mdb2rinex
Go in: Products & Services > Downloads > GNSS Products > GRxx receiver > Tools > MDB to RINEX Converter for LINUX.
see IGSMAIL-8341 for more details.


converter here: sbf2rin


converter here: tps2rin
autorino will emulate it with wine. Be sure to have wine installed on your computer. Detailled precedure will be added soon.


converter here: convbin
convbin is part of the RTKLIB package. You can install it from the RTKLIB (explorer version) github repository.

detailed procedure
git clone
cd RTKLIB/app/consapp/convbin/gcc

The compiled binary convbin will be in the RTKLIB/app/consapp/convbin/gcc folder.

Trimble (official Linux converter)

Ask Trimble support for the official Linux converter t0xConverter.

Trimble (unofficial dockerized converter)

converter here: trm2rinex-docker-ovs
This docker image is a wrapper around Trimble's official converter trm2rinex which is not available for Linux.
It relies on Trimble's official converter for Windows ConvertToRinex available here & there.

Trimble's runpkr00

for legacy RINEX2 conversion with teqc converter here: runpkr00


for legacy RINEX2 conversion with the well-known but discontinued UNAVCO's teqc software converter here: teqc

RINEX handling software

You might also need RINEX handeling software:

  • teqc (for legacy RINEX2 only)
  • IGN's converto

NB: GFZRNX usage is not allowed in routine mode without a proper commercial license. Be sure to comply with it.

Setting up external utilities

Be sur to have set $AUTORINO_ENV environment variable to point to the env configuration file. (see dedicated section above)

Once the converters are installed, you need to set the converter paths in the autorino's env configuration file.

To configure the external utilities, you can:

  1. set the full executable's paths to the in the env configuration file
  2. set the paths in your $PATH environment variable, and then simply set the executable's names in the env configuration file.

The authors recommend the second option, as it is more flexible and easier to maintain.

A recommended receipe for setting up the external utilities

  • Create a directory for the GNSS converters in your prefered location, e.g. your $HOME.
mkdir /your/favorite/location/converters_gnss
cd /your/favorite/location/converters_gnss
  • Create a subdirectory with a version name, typically the date of the download.
  • Copy the GNSS converters in the version directory. Do not forget to make each of them executable with chmod +x

  • Create a symbolic link called operational, pointing to the version directory.

ln -s vYYYYMMDD operational
  • Edit your .bashrc or .bash_profile file to add the operationnal virtual folder to your $PATH, and then make its content available in the whole environnement.
export PATH=$PATH:/your/favorite/location/converters_gnss/operational
  • If you want to update some conversion software, create a new version directory, set the new software inside, and update the operational symbolic link.

Getting started: some simple examples

Convert RAW file to RINEX in API mode

The most basic and common operation that autorino can perform is to convert some RAW files to RINEX.

convert_rnx function minimal example

import autorino.common as arocmn
import glob

### Find all BINEX files in a folder
p = "/home/user/where_your/raw_data/are_stored/"
l = glob.glob(p,"*BNX")

### Define the output folder
out_dir = "/home/user/where_your/rinex_data/will_be_saved/"
tmp_dir = out_dir

### Call the conversion function

convert_rnx function definition

go to source code

Convert RAW file to RINEX in CLI mode

autorino_convert_rnx minimal example

python3  --force  --metadata /home/user/path/of/your/sitelogs  --out_dir_structure '<SITE_ID4>/%Y' --list_file_input  /home/user/where_your/raw_data/are_stored/raw_data_list.txt /home/user/where_your/rinex_data/will_be_saved/```

autorino_convert_rnx help

usage: [-h] [-l] [-s OUT_DIR_STRUCTURE] [-tmp TMP_DIR]
                               [-log LOG_DIR] [-rnmo RINEXMOD_OPTIONS]
                               [-m METADATA] [-f]
                               raws_inp [raws_inp ...] out_dir

Convert RAW files to RINEX.

positional arguments:
  raws_inp              The input RAW files to be convertedPossible inputs
                        are: * one single RAW file path * a list of RAW path *
                        a text file containing a list of RAW paths (then
                        --list_file_input must be activated) * a directory
                        containing RAW files
  out_dir               The output directory where the converted files will be

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list_file_input
                        If set to True, the input RAW files are provided as a
                        list in a text file
  -s OUT_DIR_STRUCTURE, --out_dir_structure OUT_DIR_STRUCTURE
                        The structure of the output directory.If provided, the
                        converted files will be stored in a subdirectory of
                        out_dir following this structure.See for
                        more information.Typical values are '<SITE_ID4>/%Y/'
                        or '%Y/%j/
  -tmp TMP_DIR, --tmp_dir TMP_DIR
                        The temporary directory used during the conversion
  -log LOG_DIR, --log_dir LOG_DIR
                        The directory where logs will be stored. If not
                        provided, it defaults to tmp_dir
  -rnmo RINEXMOD_OPTIONS, --rinexmod_options RINEXMOD_OPTIONS
                        The options for modifying the RINEX files during the
  -m METADATA, --metadata METADATA
                        The metadata to be included in the converted RINEX
                        files. Possible inputs are: * list of string (sitelog
                        file paths), * single string (single sitelog file
                        path), * single string (directory containing the
                        sitelogs), * list of MetaData objects, * single
                        MetaData object
  -f, --force           Force the conversion even if the output files already

Call a Step workflow in CLI mode

autorino_cfgfile_run minimal example

python3  -c /path/to/your/configfile.yml -m /path/to/your/main_configfile.yml -s '2024-05-01 00:00:00' -e '2024-05-05 23:59:59' -p '01D' -ls 'SITE' -ss 'download,convert,splice' -f```

autorino_cfgfile_run help

usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-m MAIN_CONFIG] [-s START]
                               [-e END] [-p PERIOD] [-ls LIST_SITES]
                               [-ss STEPS_SELECT_LIST] [-es] [-f]

Assisted Unloading, Treatment and Organization of RINEX observations

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        cfgfiles file path or directory path containing the
                        cfgfiles file
  -m MAIN_CONFIG, --main_config MAIN_CONFIG
                        main cfgfiles file path
  -s START, --start START
  -e END, --end END
  -p PERIOD, --period PERIOD
  -ls LIST_SITES, --list_sites LIST_SITES
                        Comma-separated list of site identifiers
  -ss STEPS_SELECT_LIST, --steps_select_list STEPS_SELECT_LIST
                        Comma-separated list of selected steps to be executed.
                        The step's names are the ones in the config file
                        (download, convert...)
  -es, --exclude_steps_select
                        Flag to exclude the selected steps. The step's names
                        are the ones in the config file (download, convert...)
  -f, --force           force the execution of the steps

The configuration files

autorino relies on YAML configuration files to perform its workflow (i.e. set of steps) operations.

The env configuration file

Described in the Setting up the environment and Setting up external utilities sections above.

The sites configuration files

It contains the site-specific information and configuration under the main station block. Then, it is organized in different sub-blocks:

  • site: site's name, its coordinates, and metadata
  • device: manually define the device's (receiver and antenna) characteristics if metadata are not provided in site block
  • access : connexion protocols, login and password etc...
  • sessions : define the record sessions characteristics. Each session is in a sub-block with its own parameters.
    • session_<sessionname> : define one record session characteristics. The session block name is, by convention, session_<sessionname>, where <sessionname> is also the first session's general sub-block attribute's name.
      • general : name, data freqency, temporary and log directories of the session
      • epoch_range : See the dedicated section below.
      • steps : list of the steps constituting the workflow. Each step is a sub-block with its own parameters.

The different possible steps are:

  • download : download the data
  • convert : convert the data
  • splice : splice (concatenate) the data
  • split : split the data

A step has the following generic structure:

  • active: a boolean (True or False) to activate or deactivate the step
  • inp_dir_parent: the parent directory of the input files
  • inp_structure: the filename structure of the input files
  • out_dir_parent: the parent directory of the output files
  • out_structure: the filename structure of the output files
  • epoch_range: the epoch range of the step. (see above)
  • options: a dictionary of options specific to the step

The main configuration file

It contains the "standard" configuration for an autorino workflow, i.e. all the parameters, paths, options ... which are the same for all stations. main values can be called and used in the sites configuration files using the alias FROM_MAIN (see below).

Aliases in the configuration files

To use generic or variables values in the configuration files, you can use aliases. Aliases take the form of <aliasname> or <ALIASNAME> with < >. Alias are case-sensitive: the first version is lower-case and the latter is upper-case. The following aliases are managed:

  • <site_id4> or <SITE_ID4>: the 4-characters site name
  • <site_id9> or <SITE_ID9>: the 9-characters site name

Time aliases can also be used. They follow the date format convention, e.g. %Y for the year, %H for the hour, %j for the day of year, etc...

The environment variables can also be used as aliases. They follow the <$ENVVAR> convention, using $ and between < & >, e.g. <$HOME> for the home directory.

Per default values can be called and used in the configuration files using the alias:

  • FROM_MAIN. Then, the value is taken from the main configuration file, see above
  • FROM_SESSION. Then, the value is taken from the session block

Under the hood

autorino is based on a main parent class: StepGnss. It performs generic actions on input files, saving them in an output folder.

StepGnss has three daughter classes:

  • DownloadGnss: for downloading a RAW file to the local server
  • ConvertGnss: for RAW > RINEX conversion
  • HandleGnss: to perform decimation, spliting or splicing operations on a RINEX. It has two daughter classes:
    • SplitGnss: to split a RINEX file
    • SpliceGnss: to splice (concatenate) RINEX files

The central attribute of a StepGnss object is its table (step_gnss.table).

This is a pandas' DataFrame that lists, among other things, the input files, and, where applicable, the output files if the operation has been successful.

About epoch range and timing.

When defining an epoch range for a step, you give:

  • a first epoch (epoch1*)
  • an last epoch (epoch2*)
  • a period (period)

*: epoch1 and epoch2 are automatically sorted. You don't have to worry about the order, which one is the oldest and which one is the newest with respect to the present epoch.

To create an epoch range, autorino generates a set of (start bound, end bound) starting at the first epoch, increased incrementally by the period, and stoped at the ending epoch. The ending epoch is not included as a final start bound.

epoch1 and epoch2 can be relative epochs to the presente epoch in human-readable sentences. (interpretation done with the dateparser package). For instance:

  • "10 days ago"
  • "today at 00:00"
  • "now"
  • "15 minutes ago"

epoch1 and epoch2 can also be absolute epochs in the date format. For instance: "2024-05-01 00:00:00"

Internally, autorino uses UTC timescale. (which is a good proxy for the GPS time as the minute level). Customizing the time zone is possible by modifying the tz format in the configuration files. It will change the way the input epoch1 and epoch2 are interpreted. You can customize it using the tz database names: e.g. Europe/Paris, America/Guadeloupe, America/Martinique, Indian/Reunion etc...

Using the round_method option, you can round epoch1 and epoch2 to the closest epoch according to period. Accepted values are:

  • floor (default): round to the closest epoch before the epoch1/epoch2.
  • ceil: round to the closest epoch after the epoch1/epoch2.
  • round: round to the closest epoch depending where you are in the period (not recommended).

A simple exemple

If you ask on 2025-01-20 for an epoch range with:

  • epoch1: "10 days ago"
  • epoch2: "today"
  • period: "01D"
  • round_method: "floor"

You will get the following results:

        epoch_srt         epoch_end
25-01-16 00:00:00 25-01-16 23:59:59
25-01-17 00:00:00 25-01-17 23:59:59
25-01-18 00:00:00 25-01-18 23:59:59
25-01-19 00:00:00 25-01-19 23:59:59
25-01-20 00:00:00 25-01-20 23:59:59