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Git Exercises and Commands

Part 1: Repositories

1.1 Tasks

  1. setup your git user name and email address: git config --global "John Doe" and git config --global [email protected] (and optionally the preferred text editor of git git config --global core.editor vim)
  2. put the 3 text files into a new folder
  3. initialize the git repository using git init <directory>. Want a better terminal experience? Try Oh My Zsh or Oh My Bash!
  4. use git status in order to see what you have currently in your git repository
  5. add the 3 text files using git add <filenames>
  6. check the status of your repository with git status. Try to understand the status output.
  7. use git rm --cached <file names> as indicated in the status output (or git reset <file names>) unstage the changes
  8. stage the changes again, using git add <file names>
  9. use git commit to save the files into a commit. A text editor will open and you need to write a short commit message (e.g. "Initial commit"). Save the text file and exit the editor when you are done to finish the commit.
  10. now make some changes to the files. (e.g. delete some content)
  11. try out the command git diff. What do you see?
  12. Stage and commit again
  13. use git log to get the name of the first commit
  14. go back to the first version using git checkout <commit name>
  15. check that you are seeing the first commit; check your current position in the commit history through git log --all
  16. go back to the latest commit using git checkout main (or git checkout master, depending on the name of your default branch).
  17. (for the adventurous: use git reset --hard <commit name> to return the HEAD to the first commit. Why should this be avoided if possible?)
  18. use git rm to remove the 3 text files
  19. choose a recipe from Foodista or write your own! Copy the recipe into a new text file; add and commit it to the repository.
  20. make some changes to the recipe (personalize it!); commit the changed text; this commit will be the base for the following classes.

1.2 You should have learned

  • how to create the local repository (init)
  • how to update the local repository (staging, committing, reset)
  • how to inspect the local repository (log, diff, show)

1.3 Commands

git config
git init
git add
git commit
git status
git log
git checkout
git reset
git diff

Part 2: Branches and Merging

2.1 Tasks

  1. extract the archive recipe.tgz (or into your repository
  2. look at index.html with your web browser (note: you may need to enable local file access for your browser. Instructions here)
  3. commit all files
  4. make a new branch using git branch <branch name>. Checkout if the branch exists with git branch and then git checkout <branch name> to move to it.
  5. use git mv to put your album review file into the corresponding subfolder as recipes/ This will overwrite the default recipe.
  6. look again at index.html with your browser and see if your recipe shows up.
  7. commit all the changes
  8. Markdown-ize your recipe (if you don't know what's Markdown and/or how to use it, please visit this page);
  9. use git mv recipes/ recipes/<your_recipe>.md to give a more appropriate name of your choice.
  10. edit index.html to change the name of the recipe file.
  11. commit these changes
  12. do further edits to <your_recipe>.md, add one ore more images
  13. commit the final version
  14. switch back to the main (or master) branch; create a file; make a few more commits
  15. use "Git Graph" with Visual Studio Code or git log --all --graph --decorate in the terminal to visualize the git graph structure. Other possible GUI are gitk, GitUp on Mac, or ungit on all platforms (other clients are listed here)
  16. merge the branch into the main (or master) branch

2.2 You should have learned

  • what a branch is
  • how to open a new branch
  • how to merge one branch into another

2.3 Commands

git branch
git checkout <branch name>
git merge
"Git Graph" (or another gui)

Part 3: Remotes

3.1 Tasks

  1. create a GitHub account
  2. create an ssh key using ssh-keygen and upload the key to GitHub
  3. create a new repository on GitHub use git add remote to add the remote repository to your repository (follow the GitHub help when you create the repository)
  4. use git push to push your commits to the remote (you get help with git push --help)
  5. edit the file using the GitHub online interface
  6. use git pull to download and merge the new version into the local repository
  7. modify again the file using the GitHub online interface
  8. use git fetch to download remote commits
  9. type git status. What are you seeing? Try to understand that git pull is a combination of git fetch and git merge (or git rebase)
  10. make a local commit and a remote commit using the GitHub interface, so that the local and remote repository diverge. Try git push and see what happens
  11. do again git fetch followed by git merge: look at the Git Graph
  12. redo step "10" (local and remote commit), but now do git fetch followed by git rebase: what is the difference between merge and rebase?
  13. go one folder down from your repository
  14. use git clone --bare to make a local clone of the repository. What is a bare repository?
  15. add the second local repository as remote local. Open the file .git/config to see and change the remotes.
  16. make a change, commit, and use git push local main (or git push local master) to update the local repository

3.2 You should have learned

  • how to add a remote repository
  • how to synchronize (pull, fetch, push, merge, rebase) with the remote repository

3.3 Commands

git remote
git push
git clone
git pull
git fetch
git rebase

Part 4: Github and Online Interfaces

4.1 Tasks

  1. make a fork of the main repository
  2. clone the fork on your personal computer
  3. make a new branch with a name of your choice
  4. checkout the new branch.
  5. integrate your recipe into the cookbook and commit to the new branch
  6. push the modified cookbook branch to your GitHub repository fork
  7. add the main repository as a remote with name upstream to the local repository. Checkout the file .git/config after you have done it. What is the difference between origin and upstream?
  8. open a pull request using the GitHub web interface to include your changes in the main repository
  9. reply to the comments of the repository managers and fix conflicts on your local computer by committing and pushing new versions to your GitHub fork's branch.

4.2 Advanced

  1. Try to push from the local main (or master) to a different remote branch with git push origin main:new_branch (or git push origin master:new_branch).

4.3 You should have learned

  • how to use git to interact with a repository hosted on GitHub
  • how to work on foreign repositories using forks and pull requests

4.4 Commands

git blame