All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fork cantaloupe project and include it as a submodule in NYPL cantaloupe (DR-2934)
- Use jruby base Docker image and install rsolr gem (DR-3034)
- Update build for Docker swarm (DR-3118)
- Serve robots.txt to discourage web crawlers (DR-2929)
- Bypass RepoAPI rights call for DC Facelift homepage featured images (DR-2901)
- Reduced logging level from trace to info (DR-2892)
- Bypass RepoAPI rights call for DC Facelift homepage swimlane images (DR-2873)
- Set cache max-age to one year and disable no_store directive
- Send real ip addresses not junk. (DR-2848)
- Fixed identification of f derivative types (DR-2761)
- Enabled the administrative console and remote management API (DR-2705)
- Add a script to purge items from the cache (DR-2706)
- Add list of items that need cache purging in production (DR-2707)
- Build via Travis (DR-2660)
- Rendered regressed images (DR-2578)
- Forced use of https API urls. (DR-2570)
- Upgraded Canteloupe to 5.0.5 (DR-2419)
- Upgraded nginx to 1.25
- Changed database address for filestore to replica address. (DR-2108)
- Changed response for filepath to serve no default image when an image is not found. (DR-2041)
- Changed logger calls to use already created logger. (DR-1925)
- Changed call to API to not be curl command but instead use basic net http. (DR-1925)
- Switch Repo API connections to https (DR-1958)
- Added rights restrictions for regions of an image. (DR-1849)
- Added designated properties files for dev and prod. (DR-1865)
- Remove restrictions from info.json endpoint. (DR-1469)
- Fixed info.json endpoint by using full_res rights logic. (DR-1838)
- Increased cache time by a factor of 2. (DR-1804)
- Fixed bug with cutting f derivatives. (DR-1764)
- Update properties to return cached content immediately, if available. (DR-1741)
- Added new type handling for tif requests. (DR-1678)
- Updated pecking order of derivatives to exclude u files. (DR-1611)
- Updated pecking order of derivatives to include g, v, and q files. (DR-1611)
- Changelog and new git flow branches. (DR-1360)
- Config files for qa and production. (DR-1360)
- Added rights aware logic to return appropriate capture types for an IP address. (DR-1529)
- Added 403 response for restricted images. (DR-1387)