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2560 lines (1702 loc) · 117 KB

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2560 lines (1702 loc) · 117 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog. Currently, this repo is in Prerelease. When it is released, this project will adhere to Semantic Versioning



  • Adds the Container Query Guide page to the Development Guide section of Storybook.


  • Updates the spacing on Modal.
  • Updates the spacing between heading and content in Banner component.
  • Updates the Card, FeaturedContent, and SearchBar components to use container queries.
  • Updated the "filter" variant of TagSet to remove tag button wrapper when isDismissible and onClick are false.
  • Updates Image to include 'fourByOne' and 'twoByThree' aspect ratio options.

3.5.4 (February 13, 2025)


  • Adds the "utilityCheck" option to the Icon component.
  • Adds the getTextFromElement utility function.


  • Updates the Checkbox component to use the DS utilityCheck icon.
  • Updates the Checkbox component to set the correct background color for all states.
  • Updates the AlphabetFilter component to correct the font weight.
  • Updates the StatusBadge component to support the fontSize style prop.
  • Updates the Menu component to set the line height to 1.5 for menu options.
  • Updates the FeedbackBox component to set the font weight for the popup header to medium.
  • Updates the primary variant of the Hero component to have appropriate padding for desktop and mobile, and max-width of 860px
  • Updates the campaign variant of the Hero component to have consistent padding.
  • Updates the Label component to set the font weight for the (required) label to "medium".
  • Updates the Fieldset component to set the font weight for the (required) label to "medium".
  • Updates the FeedbackBox component to set the font weight for the (required) label on the Textarea element to "medium".


  • Fixes the circular styles for images in the Menu component.

3.5.3 (January 30, 2025)


  • Adds the useFormatNumber hook.


  • Updates the Pagination component to handle 4 digit page counts.
  • Updates the Heading component to add line-height styles for mobile.
  • Updates the Breadcrumbs component to make link text screen readable on mobile breakpoints
  • Updates the Breadcrumbs component to center align arrow on mobile breakpoints
  • Updates the MultiSelect component to adjust the text and size styles for the search input field.

3.5.2 (January 16, 2025)


  • Adds the Filtering subsection to the Style Guide.


  • Updates the Form component to remove the aria-label. The previous value of "form" was redundant and not required.
  • Updates the RadioGroup component to replace the fieldset and legend wrappers with a div and span for the title. The main div wrapper around the Radio components already has a role="radiogroup" values which makes the fieldset redundant.
  • Updates the Pagination component to apply new visual styles.


  • Fixes the infinite loop in the Image component caused when there is no fallbackSrc prop value.

3.5.1 (December 19, 2024)


  • Adds jest-transformer-svg to mock SVGs more accurately in our tests


  • Fixes TextInput's conflicting internal and external ref values for the clearable button focus management.

3.5.0 (December 5, 2024)


  • Adds the "SubNav"component.
  • Adds the useScrollFadeStyles hook.


  • Updates the MultiSelect component to add itemCount as a data property to the items prop to render the item count for an option.


  • Fixes issue where focus indicator was being cut off in places in the Template component.

3.4.4 (November 20, 2024)


  • Fixes a styling issue in the Header's list to make it stricter.

3.4.3 (November 18, 2024)


  • Adds the NYPL Header as a DS component as a temporary solution for a specific application. It's only meant to be used internally and teams are still encouraged to use the nypl-header-app.

3.4.2 (November 7, 2024)


  • Adds the "contentFilterRelease" option to the Icon component.
  • Adds the "socialX" option to the Icon component.
  • Adds the heading7 and heading8 to the font size design tokens.
  • Adds the heading7 and heading8 options for the size prop in the Heading component.


  • Updates Storybook and related dependencies to version 8.3.6.
  • Updates the Link component to prevent line breaks.
  • Updates the SocialMediaLinks component to support the "socialX" icon.


  • Fixes spacing issues and dark mode color styles in the Table component.

3.4.1 (October 24, 2024)


  • Adds the "decorativeBookBroken" option (for error pages) to the Icon component.
  • Adds the "xxxxlarge" and "xxxxxlarge" size options for the Icon component.
  • Adds the "2xlarge", "3xlarge", "4xlarge", and "5xlarge" sustainable size options for the Icon component.


  • Updates Select in the SearchBar component to allow long option titles before truncation.
  • Updates the ProgressIndicator component to add the labelPlacement prop to allow for custom placement of a label for circular indicators.
  • Updates image props in the Hero component to allow custom image components.
  • Updates Vite from 5.2.8 to 5.2.14 to fix a security vulnerability.


  • Removes unused dependencies, two of which were causing npm vulnerabilities.

3.4.0 (October 2, 2024)


  • Updates invalid text in the SearchBar component to include "There was a problem. " prefix.
  • Updates the MultiSelect component to add interaction tests.
  • Increases the z-index of the FeedbackBox's Drawer component so it displays above all other elements on a page.
  • Updates the Table component to add the isScrollable prop to enable horizontal scrolling.
  • Updates the Table component to add the columnStyles prop to allow for custom column styles (i.e. width, text alignment, etc.).
  • Updates the Table component to add the tableTextSize prop to set the size of the text within the table.
  • Updates the Table component to add the titleText and showTitleText props to control the <caption> element and aria-label attribute.
  • Updates the styles for the Template component to better accommodate the horizontal scrolling in the Table component.

3.3.2 (September 19, 2024)


  • Lowercases the 'r' of '(required)' in labels and placeholders where necessary in order to align with sentence case guidelines.
  • Updates the CheckboxGroup, DatePicker, FeedbackBox, Label, RadioGroup, SearchBar, Select, Slider, and TextInput component to use a lowercase 'r' for '(required)' in labels and placeholders in order to align with sentence case typography guidelines.


  • Passes the fallbackSrc and onError properties to the Card's imageProps prop object.
  • Fixes issue with HelperErrorText where, if text value was not a string, necessary styles weren't applied.

3.3.1 (September 5, 2024)


  • Updates Tooltip component with placement and offset props for custom positioning.


  • Fixes a duplicate id issue in the Image component. This happened when an aspect ratio value rendered a wrapper div with the same id as the img element. This was not picked up by internal accessibility tests but in a consuming application.

3.3.0 (August 29, 2024)


  • Adds development guide for Conditional Viewport
  • Adds the FilterBarPopup compoonent and useFilterBarPopup hook.


  • Updates the FilterBarInline component to apply closeOnBlur to MultiSelect components when layout="row".
  • Updates the Breadcrumbs component props to include customLinkComponent and linkProps.
  • Updates the Banner component to allow for HTML content in the content prop when passed as a string.
  • Updates the SearchBar component styles for mobile viewports.
  • Updates the Select component to accept a defaultValue prop to set initial value of uncontrolled components.
  • Updates the legend in the MultiSelect's CheckboxGroup to use the buttonText prop value for better accessibility context.
  • Updates the Menu component to add the showSelectionAsLabel prop and improve the aria-label values.
  • Updates the Image component to default the alt attribute to an empty string if no value is passed.


  • Removes imageProps.alt missing warning message from FeaturedContent as the prop is not always required.

3.2.0 (July 25, 2024)


  • Adds the FilterBarInline component.
  • Adds refined NewsletterSignup component with updated props.
  • Adds refined SocialMediaLinks component with updated props


  • Updates Storybook and related npm packages to version 8.1.11. Does not affect any DS component.
  • Updates Menu component with new showSelectionAsLabel prop and aria-label behavior.
  • Updates the Banner, Button, ButtonGroup, DatePicker, FeaturedContent, FeedbackBox, Fieldset, HelperErrorText, Label, SkipNavigation, and StyledList components to export all types and prop interfaces.

3.1.7 (July 3, 2024)


  • Adds Storybook interaction tests for the CheckboxGroup, DatePicker, FeedbackBox, and Slider components.
  • Adds digitalCollections color variant to the Breadcrumbs component.
  • Adds closeOnBlur prop to the MultiSelect component which, when set to true, closes the component if it loses focus.


  • Updates base font stack to only system-ui and sans-serif.
  • Updates the Accordion component to close panel when element within panel is focused and "esc" key is pressed.

3.1.6 (June 20, 2024)


  • Adds Storybook interaction tests for Searchbar, Select, and Radiogroup components.


  • Updates how links are styled within the Heading component.
  • Updates jest related npm packages for security patches.


  • Fixes broken Github Action for release tags.

3.1.5 (June 6, 2024)


  • Adds the following npm packages: jest-transformer-svg, @storybook/addon-designs, and @storybook/test.
  • Adds Storybook interaction tests for Select.
  • Adds Storybook interaction tests for RadioGroup.


  • Updates the following packages:
    • Storybook main package and related libraries to 8.0.8.
    • remark-gfm to 4.0.0.
    • vite to 5.2.8, @vitejs/plugin-react to 4.2.1, and vite-plugin-svgr to 4.2.0.
  • Updates how SVGs are imported into LogoSvgs.tsx and IconSvgs.tsx.
  • Updates Storybook internal link and heading styles and enables the hash heading URL linking.


  • Removes the following packages: downshift, tough-cookie, @storybook/testing-library, storybook-addon-designs, and @svgr/webpack.


  • Exports useMediaQuery and chakra from Chakra UI.
  • Updates the TextInput and SearchBar components to better associate the input element to the entire component's helper text.

3.1.4 (May 23, 2024)


  • Adds showRowDividers prop to show/hide row dividers for the List "dl" variant.


  • Updates the Accordion component to close focused panel when "esc" key is pressed.


  • Fixes the z-index issue in the MultiSelect component's selected item button.
  • Fixes the Checkbox positioning so it is visible when it is focused in a scrollable container.
  • Fixes a Breadcrumbs snapshot test that was duplicated and now has the appropriate "locations" variant.

3.1.3 (May 15, 2024)


  • Adds new type prop to the Modal component with "default" and "confirmation" variants.


  • Fixes the desktop styling flicker in the ButtonGroup component.

3.1.2 (May 9, 2024)


  • Adds the id prop to the Hero, HorizontalRule, SkeletonLoader, TemplateAppContainer, and Text components.
  • Adds the id property to the imageProps prop object in the Card component.


  • Updates the Heading component to allow more HTML attributes as props.


  • Fixes an issue with the Table component where it rendered the headings twice until the component loaded and applied the desktop styles. This was done by adding inline responsive styles and removing the use of the useWindowSize hook.

3.1.1 (April 25, 2024)


  • Adds docs for "Visited State Patterns" to the Link component story page.
  • Adds the ui.warning.tertiary color token in order to have a light mode "warning" color option that meets the WCAG 2.1 AA color contrast standard.
  • Adds fallbackSrc and onError props to the Image component.
  • Adds the fallbackSrc and onError properties to the imageProps prop for the Hero component.
  • Adds the isDarkText prop to the Hero component.


  • Updates the placeholder value for the search field within the MultiSelect component.
  • Updates the background colors for the "noBrand" variant of the Button component.
  • Updates the hex values for the ui.warning.primary and ui.warning.secondary color tokens.
  • Updates the Banner and StatusBadge components to use the ui.warning.tertiary color for bertter accessibility in the "warning" variant.
  • Updates the styles for the UI colors, text treatment and Clear all button in the TagSet component.
  • Updates the component category for the TagSet component to "Content Display".
  • Updates placeholder images on story pages and tests to use the getPlaceholderImage utility function which provides NYPL images.


  • Adds workaround to Hero and FeaturedContent to fix Chakra bug that causes certain image URLs to not render through the background-image CSS property.

3.1.0 (April 11, 2024)


  • Adds the "actionLightbulb" option to the Icon component.
  • Adds the Banner component.
  • Adds the MultiSelectGroup v2 component.


  • Updates the DatePicker, Select, Slider, and TextInput components to reduce the spacing between the field label and the field itself from "8px" to "2px".
  • Updates the Hero component with conditional logic to handle how the foregroundColor and isDarkText props are used.

3.0.1 (March 28, 2024)


  • Adds the "editorMode" option (pencil) to the Icon component.
  • Updates the ul bullet color in the List component.
  • Adds the Errors page to the Accessibility Guide section of Storybook.
  • Adds the @storyook/addon-interactions addon to Storybook and @storybook/test for writing interaction tests.


  • Updates default heading size to heading4 on Modal component.
  • Updates mobile styles for the SocialMediaLinks component

3.0.0 (March 14, 2024) React 18 / Chakra 2.8


  • Adds 5% and 10% opacities for the semantic colors in the color pallette.
  • Adds the Menu component.
  • Adds the MultiSelect v2 component.
  • Adds the useMultiSelect hook.


  • Updates the repo to use Node 18.
  • Updates to React 18 and Chakra 2.8.
  • Updates the StatusBadge component to add the type prop.
  • Updates the StatusBadge component to change the UI styles.
  • Updates the base Modal component to use the useDSHeading hook internally to render a DS Heading for the headingText prop.
  • Updates the Heading component to use native Chakra responsive styles to handle the font sizes of the component's internal heading, overline and subtitle elements. This also resolves the flashing font size bug that is most noticeable on slower internet connections.
  • Updates the Text component to use native Chakra responsive styles for the font sizes of the subtitle1 and subtitle2 variants.
  • Updates the NewsletterSignup component to follow NYPL recommendations and use more direct language for the email field error message.
  • Updates the default export to include FocusLock, useStyleConfig, and useMultiStyleConfig from Chakra UI.
  • Updates the default export to include the test helper "MatchMedia".
  • Updates the Accordion component to include the ariaLabel and buttonInteractionRef props.
  • Updates the Tabs component to use horizontal scrolling and arrow buttons step through tabs in mobile view.


  • Removes console warnings from the CheckboxGroup component when a non-Checkbox component is passed as a child.
  • Fixes the responsive styles related to the image in the FeaturedContent component.

Breaking Changes

  • Removes the NewsletterSignup and SocialMediaLinks components.
  • Updates the TagSet component to allow for more properties in the tag data object. The onClick function now returns the entire data object in the callback argument instead of just the tag label.
  • Updates the Link component to follow Chakra's patterns for usage with application framework routing systems, as well as a general refactor. Usage with Next.js has been updated.

2.1.6 (February 22, 2024)


  • Updates focus ring color in Notification and Breadcrumbs to match color of text.
  • Updates the StatusBadge styles so that if an icon is passed, the icon and text line up with one another


  • Fixes a styling issue on the range DatePicker for the month and year types where the in-range selected date values did not have the correct DS colors.
  • Fixes the desktop font size for the "heading5" variant in the Heading component.

2.1.5 (February 5, 2024)


  • Adds the "navigationMoreVert" option (vertical ellipsis) to the Icon component.


  • Updates Tabs to be scrollable when the width of the tab set is greater than the viewport.
  • Updates the required comment field so it cannot be submitted when empty for the FeedbackBox component.
  • Updates the Heading component to use a custom @media query method to handle the responsive font-size styles.
  • Updates the Text component to use native Chakra responsive styles for the font sizes of the subtitle1 and subtitle2 variants.


  • Fixes the focus ring style for the open button in the FeedbackBox component.
  • Forcibly focuses on the open button when the FeedbackBox form is closed to ensure focus is not lost.

2.1.4 (January 4, 2024)


  • Adds optional placeholder and placeholderTo props to the DatePicker component.
  • Adds the "actionDelete", "actionHome", "actionLockClosed", "actionPayment", "communicationCall", "communicationChatBubble", and "communicationEmail" options to the Icon component.


  • Updates the DatePicker's initialDate and initialDateTo props to accept an empty string.


  • Fixes bug where month and year Datepicker calendars were rendering vertically rather than horizontally.

2.1.3 (December 7, 2023)


  • Adds the hasVisitedStyles prop to Link which is used to include or omit the visited state styles. Default value is true.
  • Adds the useDSHeading hook to render a default H2 heading or a custom heading element.
  • Adds the sizeBasedOn prop to the Image component.
  • Adds the isDarkBackgroundImage prop to the Hero component.


  • Removes disabled variant from Link theme file, as it isn't being used.
  • Updates the font-weight to "regular" for the subtitle1 and subtitle2 text styles.
  • Updates the "digitalCollectionsBlack" variant of the Logo component to use NYPL color design tokens.
  • Updates the following components to accept JSX.Element type values into their "title" prop: List, NewsletterSignup,
  • Updates the following components to accept JSX.Element type values into their "headingText" prop: AlphabetFilter, AudioPlayer, ComponentWrapper, SearchBar, VideoPlayer
  • Updates the Notification component to accept JSX.Element type values into its "notificationHeading" prop.
  • Updates the StructuredContent component to accept JSX.Element type values into its "headingText" and "calloutText" props.
  • Updates the FeaturedContent component by adjusting the spacing in the "fullScreen" variant to better align the component text content with the page text content.
  • Updates the "campaign" variant of the Hero component to improve the spacing around the component.
  • Updates the Card component so that it accepts the imageProps.isLazy prop and passes it to its internal Image component.


  • Adds z-index on hover to the SearchBar's select icon so it no longer disappears.
  • Adds z-index to the DatePicker's calendar container so that the helper text does not shift when the calendar opens.

2.1.2 (November 9, 2023)


  • Adds the sizeBasedOn prop to the Logo component.
  • Added the autoComplete prop to the TextInput component for setting the "autocomplete" attribute manually.


  • Updates max version for Chakra UI to 1.8.9 for minor bug fixes.
  • Updates the layout for the "campaign" variant of the Hero component to have consistent padding on its left and right sides.
  • Updates the getSectionColors function to also return dark mode color variants.
  • Updates the NewsletterSignup component's newsletterSignupType prop to render proper dark mode variant colors.

2.1.1 (October 26, 2023)


  • Adds a changelog to the story pages for the Heading component.


  • Updates the Heading component to set the aria-roledescription value as "subtitle" (a more familiar and recognizable value) for the overline element.
  • Updates the FeedbackBox and NewsletterSignup components to set the tabindex on the internal elements to "-1".
  • Updates DatePicker's TextInput to always have an aria-label attribute that tells screen reader users how to access the calendar.
  • Updates Storybook to v7.5.1.


  • Fixes a bug in the Hero component where custom background colors were not rendering properly in dark mode for the "campaign" and "tertiary" variants.


  • Deprecates the "secondary" and "fiftyFifty" variants of the Hero component.

2.1.0 (October 18, 2023)


  • Adds the ComponentChangelogTable component.
  • Adds a changelog to the story pages for the DatePicker, FeedbackBox, Hero, Slider, and TextInput components.
  • Adds the FeaturedContent component.
  • Adds the NewsletterSignup component.


  • Temporarily renaming FilterBar, MultiSelect, MultiSelectGroup, useMultiSelect, and useFilterBar Storybook page files so they don't show up in the Storybook sidebar.
  • Updates the Slider component to use appropriate aria-label values for the slider thumbs and text input fields.
  • Updates TextInput so it no longer incorrectly overwrites the aria-describedby value to undefined when part of the DatePicker component.
  • Updates DatePicker so that focus remains on input after value is changed.
  • Updates the FeedbackBox component to remove the underline on the component's Privacy Policy link.
  • Updates DatePicker to pass a additionalHelperTextIds to its TextInput if needed so that the aria-describedby value can be associated with all relevant helperTexts.


  • Fixes an issue with backgroundColor and foregroundColor props not prioritizing the passed design token values for the Hero component.

2.0.1 (September 28, 2023)

NOTE: Version number 2.0.0 was previously released in 2019 and is marked as deprecated in npm. The first stable relase for Reservoir v2 is 2.0.1.

2.0.0 (September 28, 2023)

Breaking Changes

  • This update introduces a number of visual breaking changes related to typography styles.
  • Removes the FilterBar and MultiSelect components.
  • Removes the useFilterBar and useMultiSelect hooks.


  • Adds the isUnderlined prop to the Link component.
  • Adds the "standalone" variant to the Link component.
  • Adds NYPL Patterns to the Links Accessibility Guide.
  • Adds the SocialMediaLinks component.


  • Updates underline styles of the Link component.
  • Updates the hex value for the Link Primary color style.
  • Updates the Link component so that non-button variants change color once visited.
  • Updates the Link component to explicitly assign the text color for the "buttonPrimary" variant hover state.
  • Updates all components that render text to use the Typo2023 color scheme.
  • Updates the base styles to use the Typo2023 styles.
  • Updates all components to implement the Typo2023 styles.
  • Updates the Breadcrumbs, Card, Heading, Pagination, and SkipNavigation components to implement the Typo2023 link patterns.

1.7.3 (September 13, 2023)


  • Updates the Logo component to include variants for NYC Public Schools.
  • Updates the Icon component to include variants for "sunFull" and "moonCrescent".
  • Updates Breadcrumbs default design token to support apps using both newer and older DS versions.

1.7.2 (August 31 , 2023)


  • Adds the "actionIdentity", "actionIdentityFilled", "actionSearch", "mapsPlace", "socialSpotify", and "socialVimeo" options to the Icon component.


  • Updates List styling so the bottom border on description lists matches other borders.
  • Updates type IconRotationTypes to IconRotations.IconRotationTypes will still work for now, but is deprecated and will be removed in a later version.
  • Updates Modal component documentation.

1.7.1 (August 17, 2023)


  • Adds the "TikTok" option to the Icon component.
  • Adds the role prop to the Text component.
  • Adds the backdropBackgroundColor prop to the Hero component for the "campaign" heroType variant.


  • Updates the ARIA attributes for the overline and subtitle elements in the Heading component.
  • Updates the docs for the Text component and the Typography Style Guide to include more information about the Typography 2023 updates.

1.7.0 (July 20, 2023)


  • Adds the screenreaderOnlyText prop to the Button and Link components.


  • Updates the existing heading typography styles to add new default styles options for native heading elements, including h1 thru h6.
  • Updates the existing heading typography styles to add new size options, including display1 and heading1 thru heading6.
  • Updates the existing text typography styles to add overline and subtitle options.
  • Updates the Heading component to include the new heading typography styles.
  • Updates the Text component to include the new text typography styles.
  • Updates the Typography docs to include the new options added to the heading and text typography styles.
  • Updates the Design Tokens docs to include the new tokens added to the heading and text typography styles.
  • Updates the Heading component to include overline and subtitle elements.
  • Updates the spacing gap between main content in the TemplateAppContainer component.
  • Updates the background color of the "clear" button in Dark Mode for the TextInput component. This also affects the SearchBar component when a clear button is present in the TextInput component.
  • Updates the spacing of the text in the HelperErrorText component.
  • Updates the ComponentWrapper component to conditionally render the HelperErrorText component.
  • Updates the version of the react-datepicker npm package.
  • Updates the right-to-left visual display for the Accordion component.

1.6.1 (June 22, 2023)


  • Adds "xxxsmall" size (32px width) to the Image component.
  • Adds the "connect" section hues to the light and dark color palettes.
  • Adds the "connect" color variant to the Breadcrumbs component.
  • Adds internal ChakraProvider component to be able to conditionally include CSS styles through the resetCSS and disableGlobalStyle props.
  • Adds a theme prop to the DSProvider to merge in an additional theme file if necessary; this is to support to the Header and Footer components in the NYPL Header App.
  • Adds Managing Focus page to the Accessibility Guide in Storybook.


  • Updates the Button component to increase the internal spacing between the button text and an icon.
  • Updates placeholder images to come from placekitten, rather than placeimg, which is being deprecated.

1.6.0 (June 8, 2023)

Vite Foundation Update

This updates replaces TSDX with Vite for the build tool. This allows the Reservoir DS library to be easily maintained and allow individual npm packages to be updated for security patches and general bug fixes. At the same time, the local and production build process are now much faster. Specific updates and changes:

  • Node 16 is the recommended version to use and it is set in the .nvmrc file.
  • Github Actions are updated to use Node 16. The Typecheck workflow is removed since that's covered by the build script. Using Node 16 also allows the Vercel deployments to work without the the added NODE_OPTIONS flag in the npm build script.
  • Vite is used to build the library and start a development build.
  • Rollup plugins are removed in favor of Vite plugins.
  • Gulp and the resources.scss file are removed. Other related .scss files were also removed since they are not used (in the library or in consuming applications).
  • ESLint packages are updated.
  • Jest is updated along with its config file. jest-environment-jsom and ts-jest are used now. Snapshot test output files have slightly different rendered HTML syntax.
  • The build is still outputting CommonJS and ES module dist files, but the final name is slightly different. This does not affect how the DS is imported into any application.
  • Due to moving to ESM as the default for the repo, types are exported separated from components in the main /src/index.ts file. This doesn't affect the final build but just how components, interfaces, and types are exported.
  • Storybook is updated to 7.0.18 which is a major version.
  • All Storybook component documentation have been updated to use the Storybook 7 CSF format, along with MDX for the custom documentation pages.


  • Adds the target prop to the Link component.


  • Removes the Header and Footer components from the DS. These components will be moved and maintained in the nypl-header-app.

1.5.4 (May 4, 2023)


  • Updates the Select component to use a set text color value.


  • Fixes the focus rectangle around the TextInput clear button so it is centered on both desktop and mobile views.

1.5.3 (April 28, 2023)


  • Adds ui.gray.semi-medium and ui.gray.semi-dark to the color palette.
  • Adds Audio and Video page to the Accessibility Guide section of Storybook.
  • Adds "Pinterest" and "SoundCloud" options to the Icon component.


  • Updates the Link component to include the rel attributes "noopener" and "noreferrer" on the "external" variant.
  • Updates the dark.ui.border.default design token to use ui.gray.semi-dark as its base.
  • Updates the dark.ui.border.hover design token to use ui.gray.semi-medium as its base.
  • Updates the dark.ui.disabled.primary design token to use ui.gray.dark as its base.
  • Updates the dark.ui.disabled.secondary design token to use ui.gray.x-dark as its base.
  • Updates the Toggle component to use ui.gray.semi-dark color for its background color.
  • Updates the List and StyledList components to use ui.gray.semi-dark for the bullet color in the "ul" variant.
  • Updates the Slider component to use for the color of the track bar in the "disabled" state.
  • Updates the Breadcrumbs component so that the last breadcrumb item is now a link. If the link text is too long, it will get truncated and the DS Tooltip component will be used to display the full text in a tooltip when the text is hovered.


  • Fixes a border-radius formatting issues on the hover state of the search field for the dark mode version of the Header component.
  • Fixes a color issue on the hover state of the links for the dark mode version of the Footer component.
  • Fixes a border-color issue for the dark mode version of the FeedbackBox component.
  • Fixes a bug in TextInput that prevented the external clearing of value.

1.5.2 (April 6, 2023)


  • Updates the aria-label and title props in the Tabs component's button and icon elements to be more descriptive.
  • Updates useCloseDropDown hook to be exported for nypl-header-app.
  • Updates the Logo component to include "black" and "white" variants for NYCDOE.

1.5.1 (March 23, 2023)


  • Updates the Button component to use a transparent background for the default state of the "secondary" variant.
  • Updates the Hero component so that the height of the image in the "campaign" and "fiftyFifty" variants will grow and shrink based on the text content.
  • Updates the SearchBar component to include defaultValue as a prop in textInputProps.


  • Removes the Color Mode docs page from Storybook due to the addition of the Supporting Dark Mode docs page.


  • Removes the Slider component's internal state update function (setCurrentValue) from Chakra's own RangeSlider component's onChangeEnd prop function. This fixes an issue where both Chakra's onChange and onChangeEnd prop functions were being called regardless of whether they were passed to the DS Slider component or not. Since Chakra's onChange function will always be called, the internal state function is kept. This ensures that there is no multiple calls or loop of state update calls when using keyboard controls to change the range slider's value.

1.5.0 (March 16, 2023)


  • Adds brand as a breadcrumbsType to the Breadcrumbs component.
  • Adds dark color mode support for background-color and color global styles.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the HelperErrorText and StatusBadge components.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the Button, Checkbox, DatePicker, ProgressIndicator, Radio, SearchBar, Select, Slider and Toggle components.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the Card and Hero components.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the Heading and List components.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the Footer, Header, HorizontalRule and Table components.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the Notification, ProgressIndicator, and SkeletonLoader components.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the Breadcrumbs, Link Types, and Pagination components.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the Accordion, Modal, Tabs, and Tooltip components.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the AlphabetFilter, AudioPlayer, and TagSet components.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the FeedbackBox and StyledList components.
  • Adds dark color mode support for the FilterBar and MultiSelect components.
  • Adds Supporting Dark Mode under the Development Guide.


  • Updates background color values available in Storybook.
  • Updates the hex value for dark.ui.error.primary.
  • Updates the Design Tokens Style Guide to include more detailed information about the available tokens.


  • Deprecates the darkMode prop in the ProgressIndicator component.

1.4.2 (March 2, 2023)


  • Updates the Logo component to include "black" and "white" variants for Digital Collections.


  • Updates the Slider component's currentValue state to use the useStateWithDependencies hook.

1.4.1 (February 9, 2023)


  • Adds the pattern prop to the TextInput component.
  • Adds documentation page "Dynamic Content" to the Accessibility Guide.
  • Adds the isRenderedText prop to the HelperErrorText component.


  • Adds a third radio button to the Header component, separating search options between the Circulating Catalog, Research Catalog, and the website.
  • Temporarily removes the "log in" state from the Header component, the feature to read auth cookies, and the patron's name when logged in, and the log out link.
  • Truncate breadcrumb text if beyond 40 characters then add ellipsis at the end. If the breadcrumb text is truncated, the DS Tooltip component is used to display the full text in a tooltip when the text is hovered.
  • Updates the SearchBar's textInputProps prop to include the following props to pass to the TextInput component: isClearableCallback, max, maxLength, min, and pattern.
  • Updates how the CheckboxGroup, ComponentWrapper, DatePicker, and RadioGroup components internally render the HelperErrorText component. The update in the ComponentWrapper component affects the AudioPlayer, Checkbox, Radio, SearchBar, Select, Slider, TextInput, Toggle, and VideoPlayer DS components, each of which render helper or error text.
  • Updates the MultiSelect component so it closes when the "escape" key is pressed.
  • Updates where the focus is set in the MultiSelect "dialog" variant after the "Apply" button is clicked.
  • Updates where the focus is set in the MultiSelect component after the selected items count button is clicked.

1.4.0 (January 26, 2023)


  • Adds the MultiSelect, MultiSelectGroup, FilterBar component.
  • Adds the useMultiSelect, useFilterBar hook.
  • Adds the onChangeEnd prop in the Slider component.
  • Adds autocomplete attribute to TextInputs with type "tel", "email", and "url".
  • Adds docs for Links and Repetitive Actions to the Accessibility Guide.


  • Updates the hex value for ui.gray.xx-dark,, ui.gray.xxxx-dark,,,, dark.ui.disabled.secondary, dark.ui.error.primary, dark.ui.error.secondary, dark.ui.focus,,, dark.ui.status.primary, dark.ui.status.secondary, dark.ui.success.primary, dark.ui.success.secondary, dark.ui.warning.primary and dark.ui.warning.secondary.
  • Updates the layout of the category RadioGroup to column for the mobile view of the FeedbackBox component.
  • Updates the background color for the "iconOnly" and "text" variants of the Button component.
  • Updates the DOM in the header of the FeedbackBox component to improve accessibility.
  • Updates the Link component to include descriptive text for screen readers in the component's "external" variant.
  • Updates the HelperErrorText component to set the ariaLive default value to "polite".
  • Updates the Accessibility details for the Notification component.
  • Better docs for the onSubmit prop in the FeedbackBox component.


  • Fixes spacing and alignment issues in the FeedbackBox component.
  • Fixes the width of the Privacy Policy link in the FeedbackBox component.
  • Fixes issue where aria-describedby attribute was not being added to some TextInputs.


  • Removes the Link component warning about the deprecated button variant. This change is temporary and will be reverted once teams are able to update their Links appropriately.
  • Removes the arial-label attribute from the CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup components for improved accessibility. Using the attribute is redundant with the existing "screen reader only" <legend> element.

1.3.1 (December 15, 2022)


  • Adds the optional isClearableCallback prop to the TextInput component. This prop works with the isClearable prop and the passed function is invoked when the "clear" button is clicked. This is most helpful for controlled TextInput component implementations.


  • Updates the background color for the hover state in the secondary variant of the Button component.


  • Fixes the z-index value of the SVG icon in the Select component so it does not render above other elements on a consuming application's page.

1.3.0 (December 8, 2022)

This release is exactly the same as the 1.3.0-rc release candidate published on December 2, 2022. The rc release was reviewed and validated.

1.3.0-rc (Release Candidate December 2, 2022)


  • Adds additional color options to Icon component.
  • Adds reusable iconColors and iconNames arrays/types for DRYer, easier-to-update code.
  • Adds the following color options to the color theme object:, ui.typography.inverse.body, ui.typography.inverse.heading, dark.ui.typography.inverse.body, and dark.ui.typography.inverse.heading.
  • Adds the StyledList component.
  • Adds the FeedbackBox component, useFeedbackBox component hook, and useStateWithDependencies helper hook.


  • Updates the data displayed on the Colors Style Guide to expand the contrast details for the ui and dark.ui color.
  • Updates the md breakpoint to "37.5em", which is equal to "600px".


  • Adds Node environment variable to npm script that Vercel uses to build the site. This patches an error from webpack not building correctly.

1.2.2 (November 10, 2022)


  • Adds an isClearable prop to the TextInput component. When set to true, a close Button component will render on top of the input element. Once clicked, any text value in the input field will be cleared and focus will return to the input element.
  • Adds the isClearable property to the textInputProps prop object in the SearchBar component. This allows the isClearable prop to be passed to the TextInput component to render the close Button component.


  • Updates the Icon and Logo documentation to include size values in px.
  • Updates the spacing within the tertiary variant of the Hero component.
  • Updates the Buttons Style Guide to extend the information about button sizes.
  • Updates the viewport options in Storybook to align with the Reservoir breakpoints.


  • Fixes an invalid TOC link on the Card component Storybook page.
  • Fixes the sizing of the errorFilled and errorOutline icons in the Icon component.
  • Adds new props to Chakra's ToolTip to more forcefully close the DS ToolTip. New props include closeDelay, closeOnClick, closeOnEsc, and closeOnMouseDown.


  • Removes the Button component warning about the deprecated link variant. This change is temporary and will be reverted once teams are able to update their Buttons appropriately.

1.2.1 (October 27, 2022)


  • Adds the "buttonPrimary", "buttonSecondary", "buttonPill", "buttonCallout", "buttonNoBrand", "buttonDisabled" variants for the the Link component, set through the type prop.


  • Deprecates the "button" type variant for the Link component. Use any of the new "buttonX" variants instead.


  • Updates the AlphabetFilter component by adding aria-label=“Filter by letter" attribute and removing the role attribute on the <nav> element.
  • Updates AlphabetFilter border color for the active letter indicator from ui.gray.medium to ui.gray.dark.
  • Updates background styles for Hero component's primary and campaign variants.
  • Updates the hover styles for the Checkbox and Radio components.
  • Improves TagSet "filter" type accessibility by adding an aria-label that includes "click to remove filter", when isDismissible is true.


  • Updates Storybook npm packages to fix copying documentation and table of contents heading linking.

1.2.0 (October 17, 2022)


  • Adds a variant for NYCDOE to the Logo component.
  • Adds the TagSet component.
  • Adds the AlphabetFilter component.
  • Adds the AudioPlayer component.
  • Adds the requiredLabelText prop to the TextInput and Label component. This allows customizing the "(Required)" text for other languages.


  • Updates the hamburger SVG for the Icon component to allow for color assignments.
  • Updates ComponentWrapper prop descriptionText type to string | JSX.Element.

1.1.2 (September 29, 2022)


  • Adds the size prop to the Button component. The accepted values are "small", "medium", and "large". The default size value is "medium".
  • Adds the value prop to the Slider component to programmatically update the values of the Slider component.
  • Adds the value prop to the CheckboxGroup component to programmatically update the values of the Checkboxes within it.


  • Updates the colors for the secondary and iconOnly variants of the Button component.
  • Updates the Tooltip component to remove the dropshadow effect.
  • Updates whether the content inside of an Accordion is always rendered through the isAlwaysRendered prop.
  • Updates the spacing of the icon and text in the Notification component.
  • Updates the padding and placement of the links in the Footer component.
  • Updates how content in the Table component is aligned.
  • Updates the Button styles in the Header, Notification, SearchBar, and Tabs components based on the new size prop.
  • Updates the content prop of the Tooltip component to accept number values.


  • Removed the data-testid attribute from the Button component.

1.1.1 (September 19, 2022)


  • Adds the text variant in the Button component.


  • Fixes a bug where the defaultValue for a TextInput component was not being passed correctly to the Chakra input element.


  • Deprecates the link variant in the Button component.

1.1.0 (August 30, 2022)

This release is exactly the same as the 1.1.0-rc5 release candidate which was published and reviewed. Minor bug fixes, listed below, were made.


  • Fixes how the "footer" area is rendered in the TemplateAppContainer.
  • Fixes ARIA labels in the Footer.

1.1.0-rc5 (Release Candidate August 14, 2022)

Header Feature

  • Adds static Header component with login dropdown (functionality to be added later).
  • Implements focus lock in Login component in the Header's internal Login component.
  • Adds the SkipNavigation to the Header component.
  • Adds the SitewideAlerts component used internally in the Header component. This component dynamically fetches and renders NYPL sitewide alerts.
  • Adds login functionality, which includes reading cookie values with new package, js-cookie, making an API call for patron details, and showing a different UI to logged in users.
  • Adds refresh login functionality, which is used when a cookie's accessToken has expired and the server responds to a request for patron details with a 401. It attempts to refresh the token and, if successful, refetches the patron's details.
  • Adds the desktop search form to the Header component with the SearchButton and SearchForm components.
  • Refactors SearchButton and SearchForm to implement the mobile search form.
  • Adds the mobile navigation menu for the Header component with MobileNav and MobileNavButton components.
  • Adds the mobile login menu for the Header component.
  • Adds React context for the Header's patron state data through HeaderContext and HeaderProvider.
  • Better namespacing for Header-only components.
  • Sets Header Auth links for production and development environments.
  • Adds the EncoreCatalogLogOutTimer function to keep track of the patron's current site and when they should be logged out of Encore/Catalog after a timeout period.
  • Uses legacy SVG icons for parity with the existing Header component.


  • Adds Tooltip component.
  • Adds the basic Footer React component and documentation. Uses "legacy" SVG icons in the Footer component for social media icons.
  • Adds @chakra-ui/focus-lock packages to dependencies and peerDependencies.
  • Adds the useCloseDropDown hook to manage closing dropdown-like components through clicks outside of it and by pressing the escape key.
  • Adds the react-ga package to send Google Analytics events in the Header component.


  • Updates the onClick event type for the Pagination links onClick function.
  • Updates the Link component's onClick event type.
  • Makes small, clarifying update to Color Mode story in Storybook.


  • Fixes the styling for the Image component in the Hero "secondary" variant.

1.0.8 (August 11, 2022)


  • Adds new color values under ui:
    • bg.default, bg.hover,, border.default, border.hover, typography.heading, and typography.body.
  • Adds new colors values under ui.gray:
    • xxxx-dark and xxx-dark.
  • Adds UI fills colors for dark mode in the codebase and also exported in the useNYPLTheme hook.
  • Adds an optional panelMaxHeight prop to the Accordion component that determines the height of the panel and displays a scrollbar if content exceeds it.


  • Updates color value for xx-dark.
  • Updates the style of the TOC on the Style Guide pages to match the style of the TOC on the component pages.
  • Updates the Template components to use CSS grid instead of flexbox.
  • Updates the Template documentation with the new pattern for using individual Template components that go above the main TemplateContent component.
  • Updates the Placeholder component's CSS to better display in the Template components.
  • Updates how HTML attributes are passed down in the Image component to the HTML img element.
  • Updates the Accordion so that its panel content only renders when the Accordion is open.

1.0.7 (July 29, 2022)


  • Updates border color in the Description variant of the List component.
  • Updates how options are passed to the SearchBar component for its internal Select component.
  • Updates how style props are passed to the Link component when using with third-party libraries, such as React Router.
  • Updates the layout of the Image in the Hero "secondary" and "fiftyFifty" variants for mobile and desktop.

1.0.6 (July 21, 2022)


  • Adds the isLazy prop to the Image component which is set to false by default.


  • Updates the following components to use React's forwardRef wrapper function to pass along refs to the correct DOM element. This is for third-party packages and components such as Chakra's Tooltip to work correctly.
    • Accordion, Breadcrumbs, Button, ButtonGroup, Card, ComponentWrapper, FieldSet, Form, SimpleGrid, Heading, HelperErrorText, Hero, HorizontalRule, Icon, Image, Label, List, Logo, Modal, Notification, Pagination, ProgressIndicator, SearchBar, SkeletonLoader, SkipNavigation, Slider, StatusBadge, StructuredContent, Table, Tabs, Template, TemplateAppContainer, Text, VideoPlayer.
  • Updates padding-left and padding-right style properties to padding-start and padding-end, respectively. Updates margin-left and margin-right style properties to margin-start and margin-end, respectively. These changes apply to inline CSS, shorthand Chakra style prop syntax, and Chakra theme file syntax. Note that margin-start/end and padding-start/end get converted to margin-inline-start/end and padding-inline-start/end respectively by Chakra UI.
  • Updates the Icon component to include variants for legacy versions of Account (filled and unfilled), Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
  • Updates the Icon component to include variants for Warning (filled and oultine).


  • Removes the packages @mdx-js/react and babel-loader since they are not needed by Storybook.

1.0.5 (July 7, 2022)


  • Exports ColorCard.


  • Updates the Icon component to include variants for actionCheckCircleFilled, actionRegistration, decorativeEnvelope, decorativeLibraryCard and decorativeShoppingBag.
  • Updates the docs for the Colors Style Guide to include additional data related to contrast and WCAG compliance.
  • Updates the Checkbox and Radio components to use ui.gray.dark for the default border color.
  • Updates Storybook packages.


  • Fixes useNYPLBreakpoints hook so it internally controls its own state. This eliminates server/client rendering issues on its initial load.

1.0.4 (June 23, 2022)


  • Adds the useNYPLBreakpoints hook. This hook internally uses Chakra's useMediaQuery hook to get the current responsive media query breakpoint.
  • Adds ui.gray.xx-dark to the color palette.
  • Adds npm packages useful for lazy loading images in the Image component.
  • Adds text case styles for Text component.
  • Exports ColorModeScript, cookieStorageManager, localStorageManager, useColorMode, and useColorModeValue from Chakra UI for consuming application usage.
  • Adds a "Color Mode" documentation page in Storybook.
  • Adds ui.white as default background color to Checkbox and Radio components.
  • Adds text case styles for Heading component


  • Updates the Logo component to include a variant for MLN Color.
  • Updates the Icon component to include variants for Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and YouTube.
  • Updates the Icon component to include variants for Building, Exit, Locator, Power and Settings.
  • Updates to Storybook version 6.5.
  • Explicitly sets the default color mode value to "light".
  • Updates how the styles.scss and resources.scss files are organized and compiled so that they can be imported in any tech stack.
  • Updates the docs for the Table commponent to remove the example that does not include column headers.
  • Updates the Button, Select and TextInput components to use NYPL standard minimum height in mobile viewport.
  • Updates the SearchBar component to change how the width of the internal Select component is handled.


  • Fixes the styles for the sub-labels in the DatePicker component.

1.0.3 (June 9, 2022)


  • Adds prop validation for the TextInput "number" type for the min and max props.
  • Adds min and max prop value validation for the Slider component, including in the "range" mode.


  • Updates the TemplateAppContainer's responsive styles for its sidebar component.
  • Updates how the Radio's label is hidden when the showLabel prop is set to "false" to fix the "no label" accessibility issue.
  • Updates the Logo component to include new variants for NYPL Text Only.
  • Updates the Card's full-click functionality styling for its wrapper element.
  • Updates how the Card's Image component is displayed in the mobile view; sizes and aspect ratios are maintained instead of always displaying as 100% width.
  • Updates hover style to add right border color on hover for Select element.
  • Updates the Table component to be responsive for a mobile viewport.
  • Updates the Table component to make the columnHeaders prop required.


  • Fixes the border color for the Accordion button.
  • Fixes a false warning message logged from the Table component.
  • Fixes the background color for the Toggle button.

1.0.2 (June 1, 2022)


  • Adds noSpace prop to the Heading component.
  • Adds validation for equal headers and data column to the Table component.
  • Adds className, helperTextStyles, and showHelperInvalidText props to the ComponentWrapper component.


  • Updates the fontSize and padding attributes in the single variant of the Accordion component.
  • Updates all QA urls from Tugboat QA to Vercel.
  • Updates the Logo component to include new variants for Apple App Store, Clever Badge and Google Play.
  • Pins the Chakra UI "react" and "system" packages to a certain range since Chakra v2 uses React 18 and creates backwards compatibility issues.
  • Updates buttons setup as icon only to get the same hover styles as secondary button in the Button component.
  • Updates and refactors the Checkbox, Radio, Select, Slider, TextInput and Toggle components to use the ComponentWrapper component for similar DOM structure.
  • Updates how CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup handle Checkbox and Radio components when isFullWidth is true and there is JSX as labels.


  • Fixes how Images are rendered with a non-default aspectRatio value and with a caption value or a credit value or both.
  • Fixes the extra margin added by the SkipNavigation component.
  • Updates various component implementations in Storybook documentation pages to remove inadvertent console errors and warnings.
  • Fixes sizing in the Card component for the "body" and "right" sections when the isAlignedRightActions prop is set to true.
  • Allows Buttons in the ButtonGroup to manage their own isDisabled state.
  • Fixes how the onChange prop is set in Checkbox so it only gets called once per rendering.

1.0.1 (May 31, 2022)

NOTE: This version number was previously released in 2019 and is marked as deprecated in npm. The next version bump from 1.0.0 is 1.0.2.

1.0.0 (May 12, 2022)

This is the first stable release of the NYPL Reservoir Design System! We've been looking forward to this moment for over two years.


  • Updates all links throughout the documentation to point to the new production URLs.

0.28.0 (May 9, 2022)


  • Adds max, maxLength, min, and onClick props to the TextInput component.
  • Adds the SkipNavigation component and adds this component inside the TemplateAppContainer component. The SkipNavigation component renders accessible links to the main content of a page and accessibility information on
  • Adds the ButtonGroup component for Button layout.


  • Updates how styles are passed down to internal components in Card, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, ComponentWrapper, DatePicker, Hero, Notification, Pagination, Radio, RadioGroup, SearchBar, and Slider. This is based on removing the additionalStyles prop and passing down styles to the __css prop.
  • Updates how the id is passed in the DatePicker's custom TextInput component.
  • Updates how some prop values are passed. Instead of using a Typescript enum object, a Typescript type with the string literal values is used. This still restricts the accepted values for certain props. The enum to string literal type conversion includes the following variables: AccordionType, BreadcrumbsTypes, ButtonTypes, DatePickerTypes, FormGaps (deleted), GridGaps, HeadingSizes, HeadingLevels, HeroTypes, IconAlign, IconTypes, IconRotationTypes, IconColors, IconSizes, IconNames, LinkTypes, ListTypes, LogoColors, LogoSizes, LogoNames, NotificationTypes, SelectTypes, LabelPositions, SkeletonLoaderImageRatios, StatusBadgeTypes, StructuredContentImagePosition, TextSizes, TextInputTypes, TextInputFormats, TextInputVariants, ToggleSizes, VideoPlayerTypes, VideoPlayerAspectRatios, and LayoutTypes.
  • Updates the spacing for caption and credit text from margin-bottom to margin-top in Image component
  • Updates how the DatePicker and Slider components internally use TextInput.
  • Updates how the Pagination component internally uses Link.
  • Updates how the Tabs component internally uses Button.
  • Updates how images are passed to the Hero component. Instead of imageAlt and imageSrc props, now an object must be passed to the imageProps prop.
  • Updates the values for the name prop for the Icon and Logo components.
  • Updates the Table component to allow JSX elements to be rendered in the data cells.


  • Removes the additionalStyles attributes from the Breadcrumbs, Button, Heading, HelperErrorText, Icon, Link, List, Logo, Select, TextInput, and Toggle components.
  • Removes getVariant and getStorybookEnumValues helper functions.
  • Removes all Typescript enum objects in favor of string literal types.
  • Remove the bottom margin attribute that is applied to the parent element for the Select component.
  • Removes the attributes prop from: Button, Link, and TextInput components.

0.27.0 (April 27, 2022)


  • Adds two patterns for rendering the updated Modal component. This is still an ongoing work-in-progress as the Modal gets finalized but it is now using Chakra under-the-hood.
  • Adds @chakra-ui/storybook-addon so stories automatically pick up the Chakra-based NYPL theme.


  • Updates React and React DOM to version 17.
  • Updates Chakra packages @chakra-ui/react and @chakra-ui/system.
  • Updates the HelperErrorText styling to correctly display when used with a Select element with a labelPosition of inline.


  • Removes the following packages: @storybook/addon-queryparams and react-router-dom.

0.26.1 (April 22, 2022)


  • Updates storybook URL from /reservoir/v0_26 to /reservoir/v0.]
  • Updates the Header's bottom navigation links to be underlined and red when hovered.


  • Adds updated package-lock file to fix bad installations.

0.26.0 (April 22, 2022)


  • Exports the useCarouselStyles and useWindowSize hooks and adds documentation for all hooks in Storybook.
  • Adds additional semantic design tokens from fontWeights and fontSizes to the useNYPLTheme hook.
  • Adds a warning if a required id prop is not passed to one of the "Form Elements": Button, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, DatePicker, Fieldset, Form, Label, ProgressIndicator, Radio, RadioGroup, SearchBar, Select, Slider, TextInput, Toggle.
  • Adds the isRequired prop to the Label component.
  • Adds the labelPosition prop to the Select component, so that the label can be styled inline with the select input.
  • Adds Chakra's "Style Props" functionality to every Reservoir component. For composed components, such as the SearchBar component, these style props are passed to wrapper element. This update also updates the snapshot tests for every component.
  • Adds the functionality to pass all valid HTML attributes to a Reservoir component, such as data-* props.
  • Adds semantic design tokens for spacing theme object.
  • Adds the isAlignedRightActions prop to the Card component to render CardActions components to the right of the main content area. This only works for the Card's row layout.
  • Adds styles to target native HTML basic elements inside the StructuredContent component.
  • Adds Reservoir branding to Storybook.


  • Updates the hex color value for ui.gray.light-cool, ui.disabled.primary and section.blogs.primary.
  • Updates the default background color used in the Accordion component.
  • Updates the default background color used in the Hero component.
  • Updates the background color used in the SkeletonLoader component.
  • Updates the background color used in the VideoPlayer component.
  • Updates the background colors used in the Tabs component.
  • Updates the colors for "secondary" and "pill" variants of the Button component.
  • Updates the color values used in the disabled state for the Checkbox, Radio, Select, Slider, TextInput and Toggle components.
  • Updates the Checkbox component to use "3px" for the border radius.
  • Makes the id prop required for all "Form Elements".
  • Updates how the Required text in the Label and Fieldset components is displayed. Instead of floating to the right of the label and legend elements, it is now displayed inlined as (Required).
  • Renames the optReqFlag prop to showRequiredLabel in the CheckboxGroup, Fieldset, RadioGroup, and Slider components.
  • Renames the showOptReqLabel prop to showRequiredLabel in the DatePicker, Select, and TextInput components.
  • Uses the design token "text.caption" variable for the Notification's font size.
  • Updates the styling for the HelperErrorText to be consistent for all components that use it
  • Refactors the Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, ComponentWrapper, DatePicker, Fieldset, Label, Radio, RadioGroup, Select, Slider, TextInput, and Toggle to better use the updated HelperErrorText styling.
  • Renames the Card's center prop to isCentered and border prop to isBordered.
  • Renames the SkeletonLoader component's border prop to isBordered.
  • Refactors the DS RadioGroup component so it internally implements Chakra's RadioGroup component rather than the useRadioGroup hook. The "uncontrolled" version of Chakra's RadioGroup is not working and will be investigated in the future. It is recommended to use the controlled component pattern.
  • Updates the Fieldset component to render the "Optional"/"Required" text in the legend element as pseudo CSS in the ::after rule.
  • Passes the isRequired prop in the RadioGroup and CheckboxGroup to the Fieldset wrapper component.
  • Updates the focus styles for the Radio, Select and TextInput components.
  • Updates the references of the <dl> element from "Definition" to "Description", as that's the official name in HTML5. This affects the List element and its ListTypes.Description enum value.
  • Updates styles for React Datepicker's calendar popup in the DatePicker component.
  • Updates storybook URL from /storybook-static/ to /reservoir/v0_26.
  • Updates all references to "design system" in the Storybook documentation to include "Reservoir" in the name of the design system.
  • Updates language on the Welcome page.


  • Removes the default Optional text displayed in the Label and Fieldset components.
  • Removes the optReqFlag prop in the Label component.
  • Removes the default autogenerated id for all components, as well as the uuid package.
  • Removes the HorizontalRule's height and width props from its prop interface in favor of Chakra's style props; the default values are still set for height and width.


  • Fixes how the Button component gets rendered inside the Form and FormField component layout.
  • Fixes how the Select component is controlled in the SearchBar component.

0.25.13 (April 1, 2022)


  • Adds a contentId prop to the TemplateAppContainer component and adds an id prop to the TemplateContent component. The default value of these ids are both set to "mainContent" and it will render as an attribute on the main HTML element. This is used as the target for the skip navigation link in consuming applications.
  • Adds an Accessibility Guide section to Storybook with a "Skip Navigation" page.
  • Adds the isFullWidth prop to the CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup components. This sets the wrapper element to be full width for labels that need to span its container.
  • Adds an optional key – accordionType to the Accordion's contentData prop, which allows users to switch the background color of the Accordion's button.
  • Created new LayoutTypes enum for row and column layouts.
  • Adds the value "Default" to the IconSizes enum.


  • Updates Storybook's sidebar categories and documentation.
  • Updates the Image's caption font size to "12px" (text.tag).
  • Updates the Checkbox's and Radio's labelText prop to accept strings and JSX Elements.
  • Updates the Toggle's internal styling for the default and small sizes.
  • Updates the Accordion button's background color when expanded, adds a border color when hovered over, and adjusts the padding.
  • Updates the CardImage's margin bottom in the row and column layouts for mobile to be the same.
  • Updates the CardImage to have width 100% on mobile regardless of size.
  • Updates all the console warnings with consistent NYPL branding prefix label.
  • Renames the Accordion prop contentData to accordionData.
  • Renames the Breadcrumbs prop colorVariant to breadcrumbsType.
  • Renames the Card prop center to isCentered.
  • Updates the Card prop layout to use the LayoutTypes enum instead of CardLayouts.
  • Updates the CheckboxGroup prop layout to use the LayoutTypes enum instead of CheckboxGroupLayoutTypes.
  • Renames the Heading prop displaySize to `size.
  • Renames the HeadingDisplaySizes enum to `HeadingSizes.
  • Renames the Hero prop image to imageComponent.
  • Renames the Image prop imageSize to size.
  • Renames the Notification prop centered to isCentered.
  • Updates the RadioGroup prop layout to use the LayoutTypes enum instead of RadioGroupLayoutTypes.
  • Internal updates to the SearchBar component based on updates from the Select and TextInput components.
  • Renames the Select prop type to selectType.
  • Updates the SkeletonLoader prop layout to use the LayoutTypes enum instead of SkeletonLoaderLayouts.
  • Renames the StructuredContentImage prop imageSize to size (this component is based on the Image component).
  • Internal updates to the StructuredContent component based on updates from the Image and Heading components.
  • Renames the Tabs prop contentData to tabsData.
  • Renames the Text prop displaySize to size.
  • Renames the TextInput prop variant to textInputType.
  • Updates the Card image-related props into one main prop named imageProps. This new prop contains the following properties: alt, aspectRatio, caption, component, credit, isAtEnd, size, and src.
  • Updates the Hero prop image to imageAlt and imageSrc. Internally, an Image component is created.
  • Renames the Image component props imageAspectRatio to aspectRatio, imageCaption to caption, and imageCredit to credit.
  • Updates the StructuredContent image-related props into one main prop named imageProps. This new prop contains the following properties: alt, aspectRatio, caption, component, credit, position, size, and src.
  • Renames the ToggleSizes.tsx file to ToggleTypes.tsx. Updates the values from Large and Small to Default and Small.
  • Minor update to the logic for the ProgressIndicator sizing prop and styles.


  • Fixes bug where the Next button in Pagination would navigate to the previous page.
  • Fixes the alignment of the first link in the Pagination component.
  • Fixes the Breadcrumbs' SVG arrow icon fill color for the "Blogs" variant.
  • Fixes the margin right value for list items in the List component for the inline style.
  • Fixes bug in the Select component where the SVG arrow hides when the component is focused.
  • Fixes the extra bottom spacing in the HeroTypes.Campaign Hero variant for the mobile view.
  • Fixes the Slider component so it doesn't cause a stack overflow client-side issue when updating the slider thumbs through the keyboard arrows. The values are now returned through Chakra's onChange callback instead of the onChangeEnd callback.


  • Removes the CardLayouts, CheckboxGroupLayoutTypes, RadioGroupLayoutTypes, and SkeletonLoaderLayouts enums.
  • Removes the CardTypes.tsx, CheckboxGroupLayoutTypes.tsx, and RadioGroupLayoutTypes.tsx files.

0.25.12 (March 18, 2022)


  • Adds Education section colors to the color palette theme object.
  • Adds a currentPage prop to the Pagination component, a value that updates the selected page programmatically without the user explicitly requesting it.


  • Removes the margin from the global .nypl p CSS rule.
  • Updates the top and bottom margin of the List's Unordered and Ordered types.
  • Updates the Notification's icons to be decorative by default.
  • Updates the default placeholder value for the SearchBar's TextInput component.
  • Updates the SearchBar's textInputProps prop object to not require the placeholder property.
  • Updates the Logo component to include new variants for FirstBook and Open eBooks.
  • Updates the border and text styles for the Select component.
  • Updates the Breadcrumbs component to inlcude an Education color variant.
  • Updates the Icon component to include the Education color values.
  • Updates the default font stack to fix a typo that was disabling sans-serif in the stack.
  • Removes the .nypl-ds CSS class from the base SCSS file, from the TemplateAppContainer component, from the Storybook configuration, and from the entire repo.
  • Moves the base styles from the SCSS global file to the Chakra theme global JS object.
  • Updates the label font size for the Radio and Checkbox components to be "label.default".


  • Fixes the styles for the Slider to better accomodate the slider thumbs and the width of the container.
  • Updates the alignment of the Notifications's dismissible icon.
  • Fixes the border and padding from the fieldset HTML element by removing it.
  • Fixes alignment for long labels in the Checkbox and Radio components.
  • Fixes the line height for long labels in the Toggle component.

0.25.11 (March 3, 2022)


  • Updates the Logo component to include new variants for BPL, Clever, LPA, MLN, QPL, Schomburg, SimplyE and Treasures.
  • Updates font size to "12px" and top margin to "4px" for HelperErrorText component.
  • Updates font size to "14px" for TextInput component.
  • Adds an aria-label attribute to the Notification component to use with its aside HTML landmark element. Added an "Accessibility" section in the Notification Storybook page to note that this component should not be used within a header or footer HTML landmark element.
  • Updates the Notification component to handle link color inside the content area, better styling for centering and the dismissible variation, and updated background color for the "Announcement" and "Warning" types.
  • Updates a log message in the Icon component to be more descriptive.
  • Updates the mobile styles for the image in the StructuredContent component.
  • Updates the prop type for the "Definition" List type so DOM elements can be passed in the definition.


  • Updates the bottom margin of the Select in the SearchBar so that the helper text has standard gap between the main form components and itself.
  • Updates how TabList and TabPanels are returned in the Tabs component so no false log messages are consoled.
  • Updates List component styling for inline.

0.25.10 (February 22, 2022)


  • Exports Chakra's Flex and Spacer components.
  • Adds TemplateAboveHeader component in the set of "template" components.
  • Adds the aboveHeader prop to the TemplateAppContainer component to render a TemplateAboveHeader component immediately before the TemplateHeader component.
  • Adds the additionalStyles prop to the Select component.

Breaking Changes

  • Renames the Form component's "spacing" prop to "gap" to be consistent with the FormRow and FormField components.
  • Renames the FormSpacing enum to FormGaps.


  • Passes an onChange prop to the Select component inside the SearchBar through its selectProps prop.
  • Adds snapshot tests for the Tabs component and better checks to warn the user that the Tabs is missing data if data wasn't passed as props or children.
  • Updates the Form component to warn developers when a child component in the FormRow component is not a FormField.
  • Adds an onSubmit prop to the Form component.
  • Adds the renderHeaderElement prop to the TemplateAppContainer component. This prop is used to control whether the TemplateAppContainer component should render its own <header> HTML element through its header prop, or let the user pass in their own component that renders the <header> HTML element.
  • Updates the Fieldset and RadioGroup so the children prop is declared through React.PropsWithChildren rather than in their respective prop interfaces.
  • Adds snapshot tests for the Accordion component, as well as id props to the components within the Accordion so snapshot tests pass.
  • Passes an id to the Icon in the Select component.
  • Adds snapshot tests for the Select component.


  • Fixes id propagation issues in the SearchBar component and its children DS components.
  • Fixing Breadcrumbs related logging issue with a CSS pseudo-selector and setting the aria-label to "Breadcrumbs". Adding an accessibility test that should fail when more than one Breadcrumbs component is rendered on a page since that landmark should only be rendered once on a web page.
  • Exports the FullDateType interface related to the DatePicker component.
  • Fixes and removes bad console logs from the Pagination and List components.
  • Fixes auto-generated ids in the Tabs component.
  • Fixes the Figma link for the Hero component.
  • Fixes Card component bug for passing styles to the CardHeading correctly.
  • Fixes the Table component so that a custom header text color of white does not visually hide row headers on a white background.


  • Updates the following packages: multiple @storybook/... packages, autoprefixer, eslint-plugin-storybook, husky, lint-staged, semantic-release-slack-bot, storybook-addon-designs.
  • Removed the following packages: postcss, pretty-quick.
  • Added @chakra-ui/react, @chakra-ui/system, @emotion/react, @emotion/styled, and framer-motion as "peerDependencies".
  • Updates the node version in Github Action workflows from Node v12 to Node v14.
  • Updates how /dist/resources.scss is created through gulp.

0.25.9 (February 3, 2022)


  • Adds the Logo component.
  • Adds the noBrandButtonType boolean prop to the SearchBar component to render the NoBrand Button variant style.
  • Adds element-specific design tokens for fontSizes and fontWeights.
  • Adds the StructuredContent component.
  • Adds the additionalImageStyles and additionalFigureStyles props to the Image component to specifically target the img element's style and the figure HTML elements.
  • Adds the Table component.

Breaking Changes

  • Completely removes the CardEdition and Input components and related files and references.
  • Removes all references of the BEM CSS pattern.
  • Removes all references to logos from the Icon component.
  • Removes passing in text to the HelperErrorText component as children. Now, the text prop is used to render its text.
  • Renames the SearchBar's helperErrorText prop to helperText to be consistent with other components.


  • Updates the Form, HorizontalRule, Image component by removing the native HTML attributes as props. This sets the props allowed to the list of props declared in their own files.
  • Minor change to the Notification's heading component so it adds a proper id to NotificationHeading.
  • Updates the Heading component to use the DS Link component rather than Chakra's Link component.
  • Updates the style of links rendered in the Heading component so they are styled as standard links. The only exception is for links used in the Card component for the full-click functionality feature. Otherwise, links in Card headings are styled as standard links.
  • Updates the SearchBar component to now be implemented with the ComponentWrapper component.
  • Removes the ButtonTypes.SearchBar variant style for the Button component. The style object is now set and passed directly to the Button component in the SearchBar component through the additionalStyles prop.
  • Renames additionalStyles prop to additionalWrapperStyles in the Image Component.
  • Updates the label text style in the disabled state of the Toggle component.
  • Updates the Card component so it gives a bottom margin to the Image component when the imageAspectRatio prop is set to ImageRatios.Original.
  • Updates the TextInput component to use a white background for static, error and focus states.
  • Updates Select component to use a white background for static, error and focus states.
  • Updates the Template component to use s (16px) spacing on the left and right sides of the main content area.
  • Updates the HelperErrorText component to allow HTML to be passed in as a string or HTML.
  • Updates how the HelperErrorText component renders text in the following components: Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, ComponentWrapper, DatePicker, Radio, RadioGroup, SearchBar, Select, Slider, TextInput, Toggle, VideoPlayer.
  • Updates the HorizontalRule component to use "100%" as the default value for the width prop.


  • Fixes the styling of custom anchor elements when passed as a child in the Link component.
  • Allows the TemplateAppContainer and TemplateFooter components to use the renderFooterElement prop. This is true by default so it renders an HTML footer element. If a custom footer component that renders its own HTML <footer> must be used, then setting renderFooterElement to false will not render two nested footer elements.
  • Fixes the Storybook level prop value for the Heading component so it updates the component.
  • Removes wrapper divs around custom image elements used in the Card component. Also passes the aspect ratio as ImageRatios.Original when the custom image element is passed to the Card component.

0.25.8 (January 6, 2022)


  • Adds embedCode prop to VideoPlayer component.
  • Adds export statements for ProgressIndicatorSizes and ProgressIndicatorTypes enums to index.ts.
  • Adds ExtraSmall and ExtraExtraSmall size variants to the Image component.
  • Adds ExtraSmall and ExtraExtraSmall size variants for CardImage in the Card component.
  • Adds AlertNotificationImportant icon to Icon component.
  • Adds Toggle component.
  • Adds xxxs (2px) spacing option to DS design tokens.
  • Adds external variant to Link component.


  • Changes category for Table component from Basic Elements to Page Layout.
  • Updates the background color for the Locations variant in the Breadcrumbs component from section.locations.secondary to section.locations.primary.
  • Updates the Notification component to show the AlertNotificationImportant icon for the Standard variant.
  • Reduces the bottom margin on labels and legends for form components from "16px" to "8px", or "s" to "sx" in Chakra-theme variables.
  • Updates docs for Chakra Grid component to use theme object values rather than CSS variables.
  • Updates the spacing in the Notification component to improve the alignment of the icon and text elements.
  • Updates the Notification component to optionally display/hide the Icon in the heading or content area.
  • Updates the ComponentWrapper component to allow the internal HelperErrorText component to get set in the invalid state. Also added tests for this component.


  • Fixes two bugs in the Slider: (1) unable to call the onChange function when it is not passed, and (2) fixing the default array value for the range slider so it mounts properly.
  • Updates the Select component's controlled state so that an initial empty value prop is acceptable.

0.25.7 (December 20, 2021)


  • Removes <=12.22 from node engine in package.json to reduce installation issues.

0.25.6 (December 16, 2021)


  • Adds export statements for ProgressIndicator and Slider components to index.ts.
  • Adds Blogs variant to Breadcrumbs component.
  • Adds the placeholder prop to the Select component.


  • Adds "(Required)" text to the placeholder in the SearchBar component when isRequired is true.

0.25.5 (December 9, 2021)


  • Updates the Github Action for the Github Pages deployment to use node 12 instead of the default node 16. This caused issues since we now set the node engine to <=12.22.

0.25.4 (December 9, 2021)


  • Adds the ProgressIndicator component.
  • Adds documentation for using NYPL Design Tokens.
  • Adds the ActionHelpDefault, ActionHelpOutline and ActionLaunch icons to the Icon component.
  • Adds the DS Slider component based on the Chakra Slider and RangeSlider components.
  • Adds the ButtonTypes.NoBrand variant to the Button component.
  • Adds the additionalStyles prop to the Breadcrumbs component.


  • Updates the organization of SCSS files by deleting some files and combining others.
  • Updates @chakra-ui/react to version 1.7.1 and @chakra-ui/system to version 1.8.1.
  • Updates the TextInput component to now have defaultValue and step props.
  • Updates Latest Version number for Image, Notification and Pagination components.
  • Removes the Storybook "Knobs" addon.
  • Updates the margin for labels in the DatePicker component when it is in the "date range" state.
  • Updates the DatePicker component to have proper form spacing when in the "date range" state.
  • Updates the Tabs component to comply with linting rules -- no functional or visual changes were made.
  • Removes the alignText prop from the Notification component. Storybook was incorrectly displaying alignText as an available prop.


  • Exports components and variables that were initially missed when they were added: ColorVariants, Fieldset, IconAlign, StatusBadgeTypes,
  • Fixes SearchBar by passing necessary props down to its TextInput through the textInputProps prop.
  • Fixes DatePicker component unit tests.
  • Removes the showLabel prop from the SearchBar component to prevent confusion. Labels for the Select and TextInput components are never shown but are added through the aria-label attribute.

Breaking Changes

  • Updates the breakpoint CSS variable names by adding the --nypl prefix and the SCSS variables by adding the $nypl prefix. Updates references throughout the codebase.
  • Changes the Button's disabled prop to isDisabled.
  • Updates npm packages in package.json. Removes cpy-cli, react-uid, react-is, stylelint and related packages, and ts-loader (already added through TSDX). Updates other packages such as sass-loader, prettier, jest, jest-axe, and the majority of Storybook addon packages.


  • Deprecates the Input component. The Input component will be removed from the NYPL Design System React Library in the first release of January 2022.
  • Deprecates the CardEdition component. The CardEdition component will be removed from the NYPL Design System React Library in the first release of January 2022.

0.25.3 (November 18, 2021)


  • Adds the ImageRatios, ImageSizes, and ImageTypes enums.
  • Composes the DS Fieldset component with Chakra. This always renders a legend element as its first child but it can be optionally hidden from the screen.
  • Adds the ability to make an entire Card component clickable with Chakra's LinkBox and LinkOverlay components. Links in the CardActions component can still be accessed in this state by clicking with the mouse or tabbing and pressing "enter".
  • Adds new file type SVG files to use in the Icon component: Audio, Doc, GenericDoc, Image, PDF, Spreadsheet, Video.
  • Adds ActionCheckCircle SVG file to use in the Icon component.


  • Updates the Github Action for the changelog reminder.
  • Updates the Checkbox component with an "indeterminate" state through the isIndeterminate prop.
  • Updates the CheckboxGroup component story with an "indeterminate" state example.
  • Updates the CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup components to use the Fieldset component.
  • Updates the HelperErrorText and TextInput components with added additionalStyles prop.
  • Updates the Button Style Guide documentation.
  • Updates the Iconography Style Guide story documentation.
  • Updates the Button font weight to "regular".


  • Fixes nondeterministic unit test in the DatePicker component.
  • Version of latest List component release in its storybook page.
  • Adds validation to the height prop in the HorizontalRule so percentage values are not used. If a percentage value is used, the default "2px" value is set.
  • Fixes styling issues for the Notification dismissible button.
  • Fixes SearchBar mobile styling for the Select, TextInput, and Button components.
  • Fixes SearchBar focus flicker when the Select component is selected.

Breaking Changes

  • Updates the Notification component to fix the custom icon alignment.
  • Adds the title prop to the Icon component to render a title HTML element for accessible SVG icons.
  • Updates the default font size of the Button component to "-1" (14px) for all variants except the Link variant. Removes the bem function from internal use and makes it clearer that the ButtonGroup Chakra component is exported in the Design System.
  • Updates the errorText prop to invalidText for the Checkbox component.
  • Composes the DS Pagination component with Chakra. Removes the BEM-related props and updates the currentPage prop to initialPage. The current selected page is now kept in state inside the Pagination component and returned to the user through getPageHref or onPageChange. This also adds better aria attributes to the list inside the Pagination component.
  • Composes the DS Image component with Chakra styling and updates all Image references in other DS components. The attributes prop and the BEM related props blockname and modifiers have been removed. Adds the following new props: additionalStyles, component, imageAspectRatio, imageSize, imageType.
  • Composes the DS Card component with Chakra. BEM related props modifiers and blockname have been removed. Replaces the CardImageRatios with ImageRatios. Removes the CardImageSizes enum.
  • Composes the DS DatePicker component with Chakra. Adds more tests, documentation, and examples. This component now uses the Fieldset component for the date range type, and better Form components for layout. Prop name changes: dateRange is now isDateRange and required is now isRequired. BEM related props modifiers and blockname have been removed. The "Required"/"Optional" text in the date range legend can now be hidden with the showOptReqLabel prop.
  • Composes the DS SkeletonLoader with Chakra's Skeleton component. BEM related prop modifiers has been removed. Chakra's default Skeleton styles have been updated with NYPL's theme.
  • Removes deprecated CSS variables. Now the DS repo only uses the CSS variables exposed by Chakra that contain the --nypl prefix.

0.25.2 (October 28, 2021)


  • Adds custom useCarouselStyles hook for the Tabs mobile carousel functionality.
  • Adds custom NYPL-theme radii values to use within Chakra, mostly for border radius values.
  • Adds the showHelperInvalidText prop to form components to control displaying or hiding the content in the HelperErrorText component.
  • Adds useNYPLTheme hook for consuming applications to use NYPL DS values.
  • Adds the DS ComponentWrapper helper component for internal use.
  • Adds useWindowSize hook for responsive styles and functionality.
  • Adds Chakra Migration Guide for version 0.25.0 and greater.


  • Updates the CSS vars name prefix to use nypl.
  • Updates documentation in the README and updates the issue contribution template.
  • Updates the following components to use the showHelperInvalidText prop: Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, DatePicker, Radio, RadioGroup, SearchBar, Select, TextInput, VideoPlayer.

Breaking Changes

  • Composes the DS Notification component with Chakra components. Removes the NotificationHeading and NotificationContent components as exports and are only used internally in Notification. Instead of children component, Notification accepts the heading and content values through the notificationHeading and notificationContent props, respectively.
  • Composes the DS HelperErrorText component with Chakra. BEM related props modifiers and blockname have been removed. The isError prop has been renamed to isInvalid.
  • Composes the DS VideoPlayer component with Chakra. BEM related prop modifiers has been removed.
  • Composes the DS HorizontalRule component with Chakra. BEM related prop modifiers has been removed, as well as the attributes prop.
  • Composes the DS List component with Chakra. BEM related props modifiers and blockname have been removed. The noStyling prop is now used for the no list style variant style.

0.25.1 (October 14, 2021)


  • Updates the Accordion component to internally use Chakra components.
  • Adds DS SimpleGrid component composed from Chakra's Simplegrid component.
  • Adds DS Text component composed from Chakra's Text component.
  • Update the NYPL Colors with updated color names and values.
  • Composes the DS TextInput component from Chakra's Input and Textarea components.
  • Composes the DS Select component from Chakra's Select component.
  • Composes the DS Hero component from Chakra's component.
  • Composes the DS CheckboxGroup component from Chakra's CheckboxGroup component.
  • Composes the DS "Template" components (Template, TemplateHeader, TemplateBreakout, TemplateContent, TemplateContentPrimary, TemplateContentSidebar, TemplateFooter) from Chakra's Box component for page layouts through children components.
  • Composes the DS TemplateAppContainer component from Chakra's Box component for page layouts through props.
  • Composes the DS Link component with Chakra component and fixes the Button type.
  • Exports Chakra's Grid and GridItem components.
  • Composes the DS Label component with Chakra component and updates the font size.
  • Composes the DS StatusBadge component from Chakra's component.
  • Composes the DS Forms component using DS and Chakra components.
  • Composes the DS Icon component with Chakra's Icon component. Added new props for Icon sizing, alignment, name, and rotation.
  • Composes the DS SearchBar component from DS Select, TextInput, Button, and HelperErrorText components.
  • Composes the DS Breadcrumbs component from Chakra's Breadcumb, BreadcrumbItem and BreadcrumbLink components.


  • Updates spacing values to use NYPL spacing rather than "em"s.
  • Updates the SkeletonLoaderLayouts enum values from Horizontal and Vertical to Row and Column, respectively.
  • Updates the CardLayouts enum values from Horizontal and Vertical to Row and Column, respectively.
  • Updates font size of the legend element used in CheckboxGroup, DatePicker and RadioGroup.
  • Updates the radius values through Chakra's theme object.

0.25.0 (September 30, 2021)

Breaking Changes

  • Renames HeadingDisplaySizes.tsx to HeadingTypes.tsx.


  • Integrates Chakra-UI into the codebase.
  • Moved SCSS and CSS variable styles into a custom NYPL theme to extend Chakra's base theme.
  • Adds DSProvider component to use the NYPL theme in consuming applications.
  • Exports Chakra's Box, Center, Circle, Square, Stack, HStack, and VStack components.
  • Composes the DS Button component from Chakra's Button component.
  • Composes the DS Heading component from Chakra's Heading component.
  • Composes the DS Tabs component from Chakra's Tabs, TabList, Tab, TabPanels, and TabPanel components.
  • Composes the DS Radio component from Chakra's Radio component.
  • Composes the DS RadioGroup component from Chakra's RadioGroup component.
  • Composes the DS Checkbox component from Chakra's Checkbox component.
  • Updates the errorText prop name to invalidText.


  • Removes the color-classes SCSS mixin.


  • Updates the development preview URL from the Netlify link to the Tugboat QA link.



  • Adds FormSpacing enum to DS exports.
  • Adds utility_account_filled, utility_account_unfilled, utility_hamburger and utility_search icons to Icon component.


  • Updates General Guidelines for Buttons Style Guide.


  • Fixes left padding on Card when imageAtEnd and border are both true.


Breaking Changes

  • Renames original Card components to be CardEdition.


  • Adds the DatePicker component.
  • Adds new Card component.
  • Adds spacing prop to Form component to allow for spacing variations.
  • Adds Style Guide Forms


  • Exports VideoPlayerAspectRatios.
  • Adds additional props for the DatePicker component based on its TAD Addendum section.
  • Adds Tugboat QA configuration for PR preview deployments to replace Netlify.
  • Updates the DatePicker, TextInput, Select, and Label components to pass an optional showOptReqLabel prop to conditionally render "Required"/"Optional" in the label text.


  • Fixes Accordion FAQ Storybook example rendering bug.



  • Adds TSDX as the bootstrapping tool to add opinionated configurations.
  • Adds an /example/ directory through TSDX with an small playground app.
  • Snapshot testing through react-test-renderer and Jest.
  • Typescript documentation file to be use as a development guide.
  • Typescript documentation for enum variables in the TYPESCRIPT file.
  • Adds SkeletonLoaderLayouts and SkeletonLoaderImageRatios enums to DS exports.
  • Adds heading, description and helper text to VideoPlayer component.
  • Adds @storybook/addons-jest plugin to display Jest/React Testing Library unit tests in a Storybook tab.


  • Updates Style Guide Spacing.
  • Updates Hero component to include Campaign variant.
  • Updates Hero stories to use MDX format.
  • Updated warnings for too few or too many option children for the Select component.
  • Updates the README to include information on the production, development, and "preview" Storybook documentation instances.
  • Removes a custom SCSS breakpoint in _Breadcrumbs.scss in favor of mobile-first style rules.
  • Replaces Mocha, Chai, Sinon, and Enzyme for Jest and React Testing Library for unit testing.
  • Replaces webpack with rollup through TSDX.
  • Updates npm scripts to use TSDX for internal commands.
  • Replaces lodash with own functions.
  • Minor updates to Github Actions.
  • Adds PostCSS/autoprefixer to Rollup workflow instead of the default scss minifier.


  • Fixes the bem utility function so that it doesn't crash Storybook whenever the modifiers Controls prop option is empty.



  • Removes the storybook-static directory from .gitignore so that the Github Actions deploy job can work properly.



  • Adds Form component.
  • Adds Notification component.
  • Adds Style Guide Buttons.
  • Adds VideoPlayer component.
  • Adds the ability to render a textarea element from the TextInput component.


  • Updates stories for the List component to use MDX format.
  • Updates stories for the Pagination component to use MDX format.
  • Updates how children are rendered in the List component. Direct children li, dt, and dd elements can still be passed, but specific data structures can be passed to the listItems prop to render the appropriate children element.
  • Updates to the contributing documentation, pull request template, and the README.
  • Changes DisplaySizes to HeadingDisplaySizes.
  • Changes Skeleton Loader to be configurable via props.
  • Changes Button to use 16px for left/right padding for buttons with text; icon only buttons still use 8px left/right padding.
  • Changes TextInput label text to font-weight: 500.



  • Adds CSS vars for font-weight
  • Adds displaySize prop to Heading
  • Adds Style Guide Iconography
  • Adds new SVGs to be used with the Icon component. Among the new SVGs are: Error solid, Error outlined, Speaker Notes.
  • Adds ability to change the color of an SVG icon with classes such as: ui-black (default), ui-white, brand-primary (red), section-research-secondary (turquoise).
  • Adds helperText and errorText props to Checkbox
  • Adds helperText and errorText props to Radio
  • Adds errorText, helperText, labelText, required and showLabel props to Select


  • Updates content in Style Guide Typography
  • Updates content in Style Guide Breakpoints
  • Changes Link story from .tsx to .mdx.


  • Deprecates ariaLabel, helperTextId, isRequired and labelId props in Select


Breaking Changes

  • Removes breakout CSS from Breadcrumbs. To retain previous behavior, Breadcrumbs component should be a child of a .content-header element.
  • Removes breakout CSS from Hero Secondary. To retain previous behavior, Hero component should be a child of a .content-header element.


  • Adds HorizontalRule component
  • Adds new short class for Placeholder
  • Adds Style Guide category to Storybook sidebar


  • Changes Breadcrumbs story from .tsx to .mdx
  • Changes Heading story from .tsx to .mdx
  • Changes suggested DOM structure in Template Story



  • Adds documentation on layout bidirectionality
  • Changes Pagination to hide pagination UI when there are 0 or 1 pages.



  • Removes color-classes and css-vars mixins from _03-mixins.scss
  • Adds color-classes and css-vars mixins to styles.scss
  • Changes order of CSS @import rules in styles.scss
  • Adds quotes around black and white in $colors object in _colors-utility.scss


Breaking Changes

  • Removes --ui-success CSS variable and adds --ui-success-primary and --ui-success-secondary
  • Removes checkboxId prop from Checkbox component and employs id in its place.
  • Removes defaultChecked prop from Checkbox component.
  • Removed labelOptions prop from Checkbox component and employs labelText in its place.


  • Added: Definition List component.
  • Changed: Separate Checkbox into its own component.
  • Changed: Separate Radio button into its own component.
  • Adds Tertiary state to Hero component
  • Changes Brand and Utility color values to match Figma main file
  • Changes Radio styles to use SASS vars in place of CSS vars
  • Adds TextInput component to handle email, hidden, number, password, text, textarea, tel and url input types
  • Adds default width and padding to StatusBadge component.
  • Hides pagination when there are 0 or 1 pages.


  • Fixed layout bug for layouts that include a right sidebar column and DOM structure.



  • Adds getPageHref to Pagination



  • Accordion: Adds fixed-height modifier and defaultOpen prop
  • List defaults to grey bullets instead of black
  • Adds margins inside the default columns of Card


  • Breadcrumbs now show up in light colours
  • Template reflow and breakpoints now happen at the same time
  • Fixes release github action


Breaking Changes

  • Removes statusBadgeText prop in StatusBadge to allow text to be inside component


  • Add method and action to SearchBar <form>


  • Add the attributes property to the SearchBar <form>
  • Adds focus outline to the Accordion component so it appears when it is tabbed.



  • Exports mixins in a resources.scss file that can be used by consumers.


  • Link with class button has white text color



  • Fixes Pagination when there are fewer than 4 pages
  • Adds StatusBadge component to design-system-react-components package



  • Select: selectedOption holds the selected value, instead of just the default.
  • Hero: Hero.Secondary now changes background color based on NYPL site section
  • Hero: All props are now optional
  • Input: added onChange prop to explicitly allow it to be used as a controlled component
  • Uses stricter linters and more Prettier configs.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed SectionTitle
  • Scopes all element selects to the .nypl-ds class


Breaking Changes

  • Accordion: Accordion input styling affects only direct children
  • Checkbox: Allows checkbox to be used as a controlled component or uncontrolled component.


Breaking Changes

  • Updates Pagination component to match new design.



  • Adds actual StatusBadge component with props for setting levels RENO-1882



  • Updates Hero's primary option to have a larger top/bottom padding on the inner content via Reno-1670



  • Converts the Accordion component to open and close through CSS rather than through Javascript.



  • Updates the Input component to conditionally render an id attribute if an id prop value is passed to it.



  • Add overflow: hidden to .no-scroll styling on <body> for modal to prevent scroll element for content behind modal being displayed



  • Updates Accordion sets so that first item in list doesn't have -1px top margin


Breaking Changes

  • For Input components that use the .input-group class, on mobile those input elements are now stacked on top of each other rather than side-to-side.


  • Updates the Input component to allow it to render a "hidden" input type.


Breaking Changes

  • Removes type, color, and line-height declarations from body tags and moves them to the .nypl-ds namespace



  • Moves footer outside of .nypl-ds namespace on Template story



  • SkeletonLoader component for loading screens



  • selectedOption to Pagination story



  • FiftyFifty Hero type styling


Breaking Changes

  • Sets up the default font-size value in the .nypl-ds namespace.



  • Styling for Accordion sets


  • classNames within Accordion for content
  • Hover stylings for Accordion


Breaking Changes

  • Removes the padding on the breakout mixin
  • Removes the padding on the wrapper mixin at the xl breakpoint



  • arrow_xsmall and search_small icons


Breaking Changes

  • Fixes a bug in which content was not centered within Button when button was made larger than the text content


  • Additional Button CSS that was no longer used after Button API refactor in 0.13.0
  • Deprecates SearchResultItem


Breaking Changes

  • Image now has an alt prop instead of an altText prop
  • Removes isDecorative property in favor of an empty alt


  • Adds HTML <img> props to the Image component


Breaking Changes

  • Removes all icon props from Button. Button now uses Icon as a child
  • Removes ButtonIconPositions


  • Makes Button's onClick property optional


Breaking Changes

  • Moves box-sizing declarations to a .nypl-ds namespace. All future "global" CSS settings will move to exist under this namespace.


  • Universal focus styling



  • Updates the margin on action-links from xxs to xs



  • Removes the description tag from the <span> element wrapping svg icons (#360)



  • Icon now accepts children for custom icons



  • Status Badge component as stories



  • DS bundle is now compiled for es5 instead of es6 to accommodate for IE11 and the arrow functions we're using in DS


Breaking Changes

  • Removes options from the Pagination component



  • Updates the Link component's linkType prop to type, implements React.forwardRef to use with other libraries, and updates the stories.



  • Updates the Icon component's name prop to allow for LogoNames enum types.


  • Adds a "negative" NYPL logo to be used on non-white backgrounds.



  • Updates the formatting of svg file names to use underscores



  • Updates the Input element to allow props and attributes to be able to render input elements of type "radio".



  • Deprecates SectionName in favor of the stories under Colors—Brand



  • SVGs for NYPL full logo lockup, Queens Public Library Logo, and Brooklyn Public Library Logo





  • Breadcrumbs's background color now reflects the app's globally applied section modifier, such as .nypl--locations. It recognizes these for --locations, --whats-on, --research, and --books-and-more.


Breaking Changes

  • Removes $color-spotlight, $color-your-interests, $color-support, and $color-help
  • Removes all $nypl- prefixed Sass variables
  • $color-success is now --ui-success.
  • Breakpoint variables are now prefixed with breakpoint.
  • Type sizing variables are now prefixed with font-size.
  • Typeface variables are now prefixed with typeface.
  • Removes --font-size-1p5, which was originally added as certain designs call out 20px for headings and others at 18px. Figma documentation refers to 18px only as of 0.1.1.


  • Exposes color and typography constants as CSS variables
  • Adds Section colors for --section-research-library-lpa, --section-research-library-schomburg, and --section-research-library-schwartzman


  • Letterspacing property on all body copy



  • width: 100% on svgs



  • Adds icons for accessibility_full, accessibility_partial, clock, check, and close


  • Updates the download icon to Google Material Design's icon.



  • Updated the Select component to take in a ref using ForwardRef and also a name prop.


Breaking Changes

  • FormDropDown and Dropdown are now Select
  • Textfield has been retired in favor of Input
  • Input type is now controlled via an enum defined in InputTypes instead of a string
  • Changes referenceId to htmlFor on Label
  • Deprecates DateRangeForm, BodyText, SearchPromo, Container, and RNHeaderWithSearch
  • Button now accepts an onClick instead of a callback
  • In the ButtonTypes enum, Filled and Outline have been changed to Primary and Secondary, respectively
  • Accordion now accepts accordionLabel and labelId instead of buttonOpts properties
  • Removes project-specific styles for now deprecated EditionCard
  • Removes project-specific styles of .search-results-list and .form-item--radios
  • UnorderedList is now List, with an enum to control whether is it ordered or unordered
  • Input id is no longer prepended with input-
  • Button id is no longer prepended with btn-
  • SearchBar no longer has props for selectChangeHandler, selectBlurHandler, or searchChangeHandler.
  • Input offers ariaLabel and ariaLabelledby props in favor of labelId and helperTextId
  • Removes headingAttributes?: {} from SectionTitle


  • Adds aria-live and aria-atomic to HelperErrorText in its errored state
  • Adds "Optional", "Required", or empty string inside Label for forms
  • Adds IconNames enum to make allSVGs array globally accessible
  • Adds width: 100% globally to SVGs
  • Card now constrains items in its image column to the column width
  • Adds the forwardRef implementation to the Input component
  • Adds disabled prop to Input and Button components
  • Adds disabled styling to Button.Primary
  • Adds className?: string; as additional props to all components
  • Adds attributes?: { [key: string]: string }; to Input, Button, Select, Link, and Image
  • Adds justify-content: center for Button with icon to adjust for mobile


  • Fixes bug in former FormDropdown (now Select) where the select value would not change if selectedOption were passed
  • Link's scss now references $ui-link-primary instead of $nypl-blue-regular
  • Changes Select's SCSS to use the updated styling from Filament Group
  • Image is wrapped in figure when imageCaption or imageCredit is passed to Image
  • Adds viewport properties to any SVG files that were missing it


  • Removes HelperErrorTextOptions


Breaking Changes

  • Removes RNSectionTitle


  • Updates $nypl-blue-regular from #0071ce to #0576d3
  • $nypl-blue-regular is now extended with $ui-link-primary


Breaking Changes

  • EditionCard is now Card
  • Buttons from black by default to blue


  • Icon for audiobook
  • Changes the line-height values on some of the heading mixins



  • Makes all IDs optional


Breaking Changes

  • Concatenates BasicLink, UnderlineLink, and IconLink into Link with LinkTypes enum
  • Moves styles into their corresponding component folders
  • Moves base styles into the react-components package
  • Deprecates @nypl/design-system-styles


  • Moves tests into their corresponding component folders
  • Flattens component structure to export as one package.
  • Exports Icon


  • Fixed dist script so it clears the folder
  • Added viewBox to arrow icon


  • added Template stories
  • fixed Accordion buttons
  • added viewBox to arrow-xsmall icon


  • Move Placeholder, Modal, SectionName and Container from /00-base into top-level /components
  • Fix Storybook errors for Headings with Bold and Headings with Link.
  • Move Headings/* from /02-molecules into top-level /components
  • Inlined icons inside react-components
  • No longer publishing @nypl/design-system-icons package


  • Exported searchValue and selectedField in RNHeaderWithSearch


  • Added blockName handling to DateRangeForm


  • Exports SectionName and Image


Breaking Changes

  • Edition Card no longer accepts strings for links and descriptions


  • Added iconName as an optional prop in IconLink

[0.2.1] - 2020-04-23


  • HeaderWithImageRight component and corresponding story

[0.2.0] - 2020-04-13


  • Reworks HeaderWithImageRight into Hero, which accepts values from an enum to display different kinds of heros based on this documentation page



  • Textfield id is no longer duplicated
  • Dropdown now applies bem blockName
  • Pagination now passes in blockName into Dropdown


Breaking Changes

  • Large classes now have Opts inteface that allows for the component to be built over multiple steps. This affects:
    • HelperErrorText
    • Label
    • TextField
    • Button
  • Deprecated SearchResultsList, IconLinkList and EditionsList in favor of UnorderedList
  • type in Button now corresponds to html button types. buttonType in button corresponds to the visual categories of buttons (eg: filled, outline)
  • subtitle in SearchResultsItem changed to subtitleContent to take a JSX
  • Label and Button only accept children when called directly


  • Checkbox
  • DateRangeForm
  • Input
  • Accordion
  • UnorderedList
  • Modal

[0.0.17] - 2020-03-17

  • Changelog update


  • HeaderImgRight accepts elements

[0.0.15] - 2020-03-3


  • Button component accepts content to render from its content prop or its children prop.

[0.0.14] - 2020-02-18


  • EditionCard EditionInfo fields accept elements
  • EditionCard ReadOnline and Download fields accept elements

[0.0.14] - 2020-02-18

  • added noLinkElement to EditionCard to receive an element

[0.0.11] — 2020-01-23


  • EditionsList

[0.0.10] - 2020-01-14


  • Dropdown which controls FormDropdown and its corresponding Label
  • Label
  • HelperErrorText
  • Pagination
  • EditionCard component
  • SearchResultItem component that uses EditionCard
  • RN Header With Search
  • a story for RN Section Title, which is just a collection of styles
  • SearchResultsList component


  • added iconModifiers to Button
  • buttonId in Button is now required
  • refactored FormDropdown to not include its own label
  • RN Header With Search
  • a story for RN Section Title, which is just a collection of styles
  • Link -> BasicLink for clarity
  • Bugfixes in UnderlineLink and IconLink
  • Added stories for BasicLink
  • Link missing URL error message
  • Consolidated Heading and PageTitle
  • Heading now only takes a single span
  • Added ResearchNow specific SearchBar error state
  • A11Y changes for SearchBar and HeaderWithSearch
  • Added stories for AT-79, AT-264 and AT-3
  • selectedOption added to FormDropdown stores selected state

[0.0.7] - 2020-01-03


  • A webpack file in order to build and distribute a compiled version of the react components. Does not replace the /lib folder usage, but the main file is now pointing to /dist/design-system-react-components.min.js.

[0.0.6] - 2019-12-31


  • Image for 2:1 ratio
  • PageTitle
  • Header with Image Right
  • FormDropdown
  • SearchPromo


  • Moved heading-related atoms from 01-atoms/Text into 01-atoms/Text/Heading
  • Updated Searchbar component to include Parameters
  • Changed Breadcrumb export from Breadcrumbs

[0.0.5] - 2019-12-06


  • Icon import

[0.0.4] - 2019-12-06


  • Body text component for plain-text elements
  • UnderlineLink and IconLink for links
  • Icon component that uses the design-system-icons package.
  • SectionTitle and Heading for heading components
  • IconLink-Listfor the list of subject links
  • Button and TextField for the searchbar
  • SearchBar component


  • Breadcrumb now shows icon in mobile view

[0.0.3] - 2019-11-15


  • Changed Breadcrumb to Breadcrumbs to match Twig
  • Changed the Breadcrumbs props to accept components

[0.0.2] - 2019-11-13


  • Started a change log
  • Added the Breadcrumb React Component


  • Changed folder structure to match Twig

[0.0.1] - 2019-11-13

  • Published as a test