Repeating earthquakes search and analysis.
Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Claudio Satriano [email protected]
Requake is a command line tool to search and analyse repeating earthquakes.
It can either scan an existing earthquake catalog to search for similar events, or perform template matching on a continuous waveform stream.
Catalogs and waveforms can be read from local files or downloaded using standard FDSN web services.
Requake is written in Python and uses ObsPy as backend.
The following command will automatically create an Anaconda environment
named requake
, install the required packages and install the latest
version of SourceSpec via pip
conda env create --file
If you want a different name for your environment, use:
conda env create -n YOUR_ENV_NAME --file
Activate the environment with:
conda activate requake
(or conda activate YOUR_ENV_NAME
To keep Requake updated run the following command from within the environment:
pip install --upgrade requake
Or, to switch to a development snapshot, run:
pip install git+
The latest release of Requake is available on the Python Package Index.
You can install it easily through pip
pip install requake
If you need a recent feature that is not in the latest release (see the
section in CHANGELOG), you want to use the more
recent development snapshot from the Requake GitHub repository.
The easiest way to install the most recent development snapshot is to download
and install it through pip
, using its builtin git
pip install git+
Run this command again, from times to times, to keep Requake updated with the development version.
If you want to take a look at the source code (and possibly modify it 😉),
clone the project using git
git clone
or, using SSH:
git clone [email protected]:SeismicSource/requake.git
(avoid using the "Download ZIP" option from the green "Code" button, since version number is lost).
Then, go into the requake
main directory and install the code in "editable
mode" by running:
pip install -e .
You can keep your local Requake repository updated by running git pull
from times to times. Thanks to pip
's "editable mode", you don't need to
reinstall Requake after each update.
Requake is based on a single executable, aptly named requake
To get help, use:
requake -h
Different commands are available:
sample_config write sample config file to current directory and exit
update_config update an existing config file to the latest version
read_catalog read an event catalog from web services or from a file
print_catalog print the event catalog to screen
scan_catalog scan an existing catalog for earthquake pairs
print_pairs print pairs to screen
plot_pair plot traces for a given event pair
build_families build families of repeating earthquakes from a catalog
of pairs
print_families print families to screen
plot_families plot traces for one ore more event families
plot_timespans plot family timespans
plot_cumulative cumulative plot for one or more families
map_families plot families on a map
flag_family flag a family of repeating earthquakes as valid or not
build_templates build waveform templates for one or more event
scan_templates scan a continuous waveform stream using one or more
Certain commands (e.g., plot_pair
) require further arguments (use, e.g.,
requake plot_pair -h
to get help).
Requake supports command line tab completion for commands and arguments, thanks to argcomplete. To enable command line tab completion run:
(This is a one-time command that needs to be run only once).
Or, alternatively, add the following line to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete requake)"
The first thing you will want to do is to generate a sample config file:
requake sample_config
Edit the config file according to your needs, then read or download the event catalog:
requake read_catalog
requake read_catalog CATALOG_FILE
Now, build the catalog of event pairs with:
requake scan_catalog
Once done (it will take time!), you are ready to build repeating earthquake families:
requake build_families
requake scan_catalog
took 53 minutes on my 2.7 GHz i7 MacBook Pro to process 14,100,705 earthquake pairs. Dowloaded traces are cached in memory to speed up execution. Processing is not yet parallel: some improvements might come in future versions, when parallelization will be implemented. -
requake build_families
is fast™.
If you used Requake for a scientific paper, please cite it as:
Satriano, C. (2025). Requake: Repeating earthquakes search and analysis (X.Y). doi: 10.5281/ZENODO.10832204
Please replace X.Y
with the Requake version number you used.
You can also cite the following abstract presented at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting:
Satriano, C., Doucet, A. & Bouin, M.-P. (2021). Probing the creep rate along the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone through repeating earthquakes. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2021, pp. T25A-0167), bibcode: 2021AGUFM.T25A0167S