Blackbird was designed to automate and handle the heavy lifting of recon for large domains. It currently uses the following tools to do the following functionalities :
- Subdomain Scraping via Subfinder and Sublister
- Subdomain Bruteforcing via MassDNS
- Screenshotting via Eyewitness
- 'Passive portscanning' via shodan
- Active portscanning via nmap
- Directory bruteforcing via Dirsearch
- Config file discovery via Meg
Blackbird also uses a slack legacy token to alert you whenever a certain segment from the functionalities listed above has been started or is finsihed.
Finally you can also choose to run the BlackBird API, the API allows you to launch the scanner from slack or any other tool of choice!
To install blackbird simply clone the repo :
git clone
Then go to the BlackBird Directory and run the installer :
cd BlackBird
Set up you keys under the config.default
and finally run the tool :
./ -d <DOMAIN>