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File metadata and controls

150 lines (104 loc) · 14.7 KB

Platform How-Tos

Install SingularityNET CLI

Requires: Python 3.6.5+

  1. Run pip3 install snet-cli

Create an Organization in the SingularityNET Registry

Requires: Install SingularityNET CLI

Organizations serve as the root level of organization for services and type repositories in the SingularityNET Registry. A combination of the organization name (globally unique), the path (optional per service or type repository), and the service or type repository name (organizationally unique) are intended to be interpreted as a hierarchical namespacing of the associated service or type repository, e.g. <OrganizationName>/<Path>/<ServiceName>. Note that because the path is optional, services and type repositories can be uniquely identified globally using a combination of organization name and service or type repository name.

  1. Run snet contract Registry createOrganization ExampleOrganization '["0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"]' --transact, replacing ExampleOrganization with your desired organization name and ["0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"] with the JSONified list of your desired initial members for the organization.

Initialize Service Metadata

Requires: Install SingularityNET CLI

Optional: Create an Organization in the SingularityNET Registry

Initializing the service metadata will create a service.json file in your current working directory containing this metadata. While not required, service developers may find it helpful to check this file into source control alongside their service implementation (e.g., along with the service's model directory.

  1. Run snet service init and follow the interactive prompts to enter:
    • service name
    • service's model directory (relative to $PWD)
    • organization name
    • path
    • per-call price in 10 ** -8 AGI
    • service endpoint (make sure to include http/https and port number)
    • list of tags for service (using shell splitting, e.g. tag1 "tag2 with spaces")
    • service description

Publish Service Metadata

Requires: Initialize Service Metadata

Publishing the service metadata will create an Agent contract if necessary (and record the resuting address in the service.json file), create a registration for the service in the Registry contract if necessary, and update all remote sources (e.g. Agent contract, Registry contract, data stored in IPFS) to be consistent against the service.json file

  1. Run snet service publish (append --no-register if you either haven't created an organization or don't yet want to publish the service to the Registry contract).

Create a Service Model

The SingularityNET platform is designed around using protobuf as its universal IDL for all services and types registered on the network. If the service is implemented using gRPC, then the model created for the service itself is sufficient for publishing on SingularityNET. For developers looking to publish JSON-RPC services or executables as services on SingularityNET, a new model will have to be created based on the input that the service expects.

SingularityNET's example service is a JSON-RPC service that expects requests to conform to the following JSONified schema: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "classify", "params": {"image_type": <image_type>, "image": <image>}, "id": 1}, where <image_type> is a string corresponding with the image type (e.g. jpg), and <image> is a string containing the base-64 encoded image. The responses it generates conform to the following JSONified schema: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": {"predictions": [<prediction>, ...], "confidences": [<confidence>, ...]}, "id": 0}, where <prediction>, ... is a list of strings describing the image and <confidence>, ... is a list of floats indicating the confidence rating for each prediction.

In order to publish the service to SingularityNET, this model was created to describe the service's API.

Note that the request message schema as defined in the protobuf model map to the params object schema in the JSON-RPC request and the response message schema maps to the result object schema in the JSON-RPC response.

The process for creating a model for an executable as a service is similar. Currently, the executable must expect the request object as serialized JSON on STDIN and return the response object as serialized JSON on STDOUT. Thus, for the example above echo '{"image_type": <image_type>, "image": <image>}' | /path/to/executable should print {"predictions": [<prediction>, ...], "confidences": [<confidence>, ...]} to STDOUT.

Configure SingularityNET Daemon

The SingularityNET daemon can be configured using a config file, environment variables, flags, or a combination. Below are the available configuration keys and their descriptions:

config file key environment variable key flag description
AGENT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS SNET_AGENT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS (Required) Ethereum address of the Agent contract instance associated with this service
AUTO_SSL_DOMAIN SNET_AUTO_SSL_DOMAIN --auto-ssl-domain (Optional; default: "") Domain name for which the daemon should automatically acquire SSL certs from Let's Encrypt
AUTO_SSL_CACHE_DIR SNET_AUTO_SSL_CACHE_DIR --auto-ssl-cache (Optional; only applies if AUTO_SSL_DOMAIN is set; default: ".certs") Directory in which to cache the SSL certs issued by Let's Encrypt
BLOCKCHAIN_ENABLED SNET_BLOCKCHAIN_ENABLED --blockchain, -b (Optional; default: true) Enables or disables blockchain features of daemon; false reserved mostly for testing purposes
CONFIG_PATH SNET_CONFIG_PATH --config, -c (Optional; default: "snetd.config.json") Path to JSON config file
DAEMON_LISTENING_PORT SNET_DAEMON_LISTENING_PORT --port, -p (Optional; default: 5000) Port on which daemon listens for connections
DAEMON_TYPE SNET_DAEMON_TYPE --type, -t (Optional; default: "grpc") Switches between SingularityNET Alpha-compatible daemon mode ("http") and new generation gRPC ("grpc") daemon
DB_PATH SNET_DB_PATH --db-path (Optional; default: "snetd.db") Path to database file daemon uses to persist relevant blockchain and call state
ETHEREUM_JSON_RPC_ENDPOINT SNET_ETHEREUM_JSON_RPC_ENDPOINT --ethereum-endpoint (Optional; default: "") Endpoint to which daemon sends ethereum JSON-RPC requests; recommend "" for kovan testnet
EXECUTABLE_PATH SNET_EXECUTABLE_PATH (Required iff SERVICE_TYPE == executable) Path to executable to expose as a service
HDWALLET_INDEX SNET_HDWALLET_INDEX --wallet-index (Optional; default: 0; only applies if HDWALLET_MNEMONIC is set) Derivation index for key to use within HDWallet specified by mnemonic
HDWALLET_MNEMONIC SNET_HDWALLET_MNEMONIC --mnemonic (Optional; default: ""; this or PRIVATE_KEY must be set) bip39 mnemonic corresponding to wallet with which daemon transacts on blockchain
LOG_LEVEL SNET_LOG_LEVEL (Required) Log level 0-5 increasing with verbosity
PASSTHROUGH_ENABLED SNET_PASSTHROUGH_ENABLED --passthrough (Optional; default: false) When passthrough is disabled, daemon echoes requests back as responses; false reserved mostly for testing purposes
PASSTHROUGH_ENDPOINT SNET_PASSTHROUGH_ENDPOINT (Required iff SERVICE_TYPE != executable) Endpoint to which requests should be proxied for handling by service
POLL_SLEEP SNET_POLL_SLEEP (Optional; default: "5s") Duration to sleep between polling blockchain for new state
PRIVATE_KEY SNET_PRIVATE_KEY (Optional; default: ""; this or HDWALLET_MNEMONIC must be set) Private key with which daemon transacts on blockchain
SERVICE_TYPE SNET_SERVICE_TYPE --service-type (Optional; default: "grpc") "grpc", "jsonrpc", or "executable" indicating which type of service daemon is exposing on network
SSL_CERT SNET_SSL_CERT --ssl-cert (Optional; default: "") Path to certificate to use for SSL
SSL_KEY SNET_SSL_KEY --ssl-key (Optional; only applies if SSL_CERT is set; default: "") Path to key to use for SSL
WIRE_ENCODING SNET_WIRE_ENCODING --wire-encoding (Optional; default: "proto") Determines the wire format of requests from the client; should be "grpc" iff SERVICE_TYPE == grpc

Download a Service Model

Requires: Install SingularityNET CLI

Downloading a service's model files will retrieve the .proto files from IPFS as referenced from the service's current metadata on the blockchain.

  1. Run snet client get-model --agent-at <agent_address> <destination_directory> where <agent_address> is the address for the service's Agent contract instance and <destination_directory> is the desired location at which to root the service's model.

Compile a Service Model

Requires: Download a Service Model

Requires: grpcio-tools

Protobuf and gRPC have support for many languages, but this example will focus on Python.

In order to call a SingularityNET service from another application, the service's model needs to be compiled so that the appropriate client stubs can be generated to communicate with the service's daemon.

  1. Run python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I<proto_parent_dir> --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. <proto_file_path>

For our example service, this should result in the files and in $PWD. contains the Python definitions of the message types defined in the protobuf files, whereas contains the Python client stubs and other RPC-related code.

Generate Call Credentials

Requires: Install SingularityNET CLI

Requires: PyYAML

Continuing with the example of integrating the example SingularityNET service into a Python application, the following code snippet exhibits one possible way of generating the auth parameters required to call the service.

import subprocess
import yaml


agent_address = "0xf2B35821409baEe26aFcC955D7a332031003D95D"  # Example service deployed to Kovan
result = subprocess.check_output(["snet", "agent", "--at", agent_address, "create-jobs", "--funded", "--signed", "--no-confirm", "--max-price", "100000000"])
job = yaml.load(result)["jobs"][0]
job_address = job["job_address"]
job_signature = job["job_signature"]


Call a Service

Requires: Compile a Service Model, Generate Call Credentials

Continuing with the example of integrating the example SingularityNET service into a Python application, the following code snippet exhibits how to complete the process of calling the service.

from ExampleService_pb2 import ClassifyRequest, ClassifyResponse
from ExampleService_pb2_grpc import ExampleServiceStub
import grpc
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson, Parse


image = "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"
endpoint = "" # Example service deployed to Kovan
channel = grpc.insecure_channel(endpoint)
stub = ExampleServiceStub(channel)

def serializer(*args, **kwargs):
	return bytes(MessageToJson(args[0], True, preserving_proto_field_name=True), "utf-8")

def deserializer(*args, **kwargs):
	return Parse(args[0], ClassifyResponse(), True)
stub.classify._request_serializer = serializer
stub.classify._response_deserializer = deserializer

response = stub.classify(ClassifyRequest(image=image, image_type="jpg"), metadata=[("snet-job-address", job_address), ("snet-job-signature", job_signature)])
