spriteplus is a golang library meant to be used along side the great Pixel library. It provides a generic SpriteSheet interface, and a few implementations.
go get github.com/cebarks/spriteplus
import "github.com/cebarks/spriteplus"
//Create your sheet
sheet := spriteplus.NewSpriteSheet(false)
//Add your sprites to the sheet
err := sheet.AddSprite(gopherSprite, "gopher")
if err != nil {
//Optimize the texture
//These can be directly drawn to a Window (or any pixel.Target)
sprite := sheet.GetSprite("gopher")
sprite.Draw(win, pixel.IM)
// or you can efficiently draw them using a batch with sheet.SourcePic()
pic := sheet.SourcePic()
batch := pixel.NewBatch(&pixel.TrianglesData{}, pic)
sprite.Draw(batch, pixel.IM)
batch.Draw(win, pixel.IM)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.