- Improve MusicBrainz query result handling and detect stub releases
- For unknown discs, add an ID to the album name
- Better error reporting when opening logfile
- Fix crash when MCN is missing
- Silence warning when writing cover art to a file
- Fix compilation with FFmpeg 6.0
- No need to rerip anything.
- Fix Musicbrainz album name setting.
- No need to rerip anything.
- ETA printout
- Minor bugfixes
- Big endian fixes
- Default bitrate for lossy files set to 256kbps
- Fix minor compilation warnings
- Fix compilation warnings with FFmpeg 5.0
- No need to rerip anything.
- Automated CD drive offset finding
- Verification of partially damaged tracks
- Tagging usability improvements
- Even faster ripping
- Arbitrary directory/file structure
- Automatic cover art image downloading
- ...and more
- No change in actual audio data ripped, rerip if you want to verify with accurip.
- Fill disc count and disc number from musicbrainz.
- Able to choose the MusicBrainz release to use for albums with multiple releases.
- Tag improvements (discname is set when available for multi-disc releases).
- Fix accurip v1 and v2 checksums (were calculated incorrectly). EAC CRC has always been correct.
- Fix some minor and one large memory leak.
- No need to rerip anything.
- Fix encoding while ripping from a real drive (broken by 0.5.0).
- No need to rerip anything.
- Reduce FFmpeg library version requirements
- No need to rerip anything.
- Rewritten audio muxing * Now properly sets the time base in all cases
- Rewritten encoding code
- Rewritten FIFO code * No longer deadlocks
- Rewritten build system
No history.