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usage: upsscu [options] -c <aet>@<host>:<port> [--] [<xml-file>]

The upsscu application implements a Service Class User (SCU) for the
Unified Procedure Step Service (UPS) SOP Class. Attributes to be sent in
dataset for N-CREATE and N-SET requests can be specified in XML File --
    --accept-timeout <ms>                 timeout in ms for receiving
                                          A-ASSOCIATE-AC, no timeout by
 -b,--bind <aet[@ip][:port]>              specify AE Title, local address
                                          of the Application Entity
                                          provided by this application;
                                          use UPSSCU and pick up any valid
                                          local address to bind the socket
                                          by default. If also a port is
                                          specified, the Application
                                          Entity will listening for
                                          incoming association requests on
    --big-endian                          propose all uncompressed TS,
                                          explicit VR big endian first
                                          (default: implicit VR little
                                          endian first)
 -c,--connect <aet@host:port>             specify AE Title, remote address
                                          and port of the remote
                                          Application Entity.
 -C,--complete <transaction-uid>          Change Workitem State to
                                          COMPLETED with given
    --connect-timeout <ms>                timeout in ms for TCP connect,
                                          no timeout by default
    --contact <name>                      Specify Contact Display Name of
                                          Request Cancellation of UPS.
    --contact-uri <uri>                   Specify Contact URI of Request
                                          Cancellation of UPS.
 -D,--cancel <transaction-uid>            Change Workitem State to
                                          CANCELED with given
    --explicit-vr                         propose all uncompressed TS,
                                          explicit VR little endian first
                                          (default: implicit VR little
                                          endian first)
    --filtered-global                     Subscribe to Filtered Global
 -h,--help                                display this help and exit
    --idle-timeout <ms>                   timeout in ms for aborting idle
                                          Associations, no timeout by
    --implicit-vr                         propose only implicit VR little
                                          endian (default: all
                                          uncompressed TS)
    --key-pass <password>                 password for accessing the key
                                          in the key store, key store
                                          password by default
    --key-store <file|url>                file path or URL of key store
                                          containing the private key,
                                          resource:key.p12 by default
    --key-store-pass <password>           password for key store
                                          containing the private key,
                                          'secret' by default
    --key-store-type <storetype>          type of key store containing the
                                          private key, PKCS12 by default
 -l,--lock                                Subscribe
                                          ion/SpecificUPSInstance with
                                          deletion lock.
 -m <[seq.]attr=value>                    Specify matching key for
                                          subscribing to Filtered Global
                                          Subscription. Attributes can be
                                          specified by keyword or tag
                                          value (in hex), e.g. PatientName
                                          or 00100010. Attributes in
                                          nested Datasets can be specified
                                          by including the keyword/tag
                                          value of the sequence attribute,
                                          e.g. 00404018.00080100 for Code
                                          Value in Scheduled Workitem Code
    --max-ops-invoked <no>                maximum number of operations
                                          this AE may invoke
                                          asynchronously, unlimited by
    --max-ops-performed <no>              maximum number of operations
                                          this AE may perform
                                          asynchronously, unlimited by
    --max-pdulen-rcv <length>             specifies maximal length of
                                          received P-DATA TF PDUs
                                          communicated during association
                                          establishment. 0 indicates that
                                          no maximum length is specified.
                                          16378 by default
    --max-pdulen-snd <length>             specifies maximal length of sent
                                          P-DATA-TF PDUs by this AE. The
                                          actual maximum length of sent
                                          P-DATA-TF PDUs is also limited
                                          by the maximal length of
                                          received P-DATA-TF PDUs of the
                                          peer AE communicated during
                                          association establishment. 16378
                                          by default
    --not-async                           do not use asynchronous mode;
                                          equivalent to
                                          --max-ops-invoked=1 and
    --not-pack-pdv                        send only one PDV in one
                                          P-Data-TF PDU; pack command and
                                          data PDV in one P-DATA-TF PDU by
 -O,--operation <name>                    Specifies Operation type.
                                          Supported names: create, update,
                                          get, changeState, requestCancel,
                                          subscribe, unsubscribe,
                                          suspendGlobal, receive. If no
                                          operation is specified, create
                                          will be used. By default, for
                                          get/requestCancel operations,
                                          UPS Push SOP Class SCU shall be
                                          used. If no --upsiuid is
                                          specified, by default
                                          lock)/unsubscribe operations
                                          will be done Globally. For
                                          suspendGlobal operation, do not
                                          specify option --upsiuid.
 -P,--process <transaction-uid>           Change Workitem State to IN
                                          PROGRESS with given
 -p,--pull                                Use UPS Pull SOP Class SCU for
                                          -O get operation.
    --proxy <[user:password@]host:port>   specify host and port of the
                                          HTTP Proxy to tunnel the DICOM
 -r <attr>                                Specify return key for
                                          --operation get. Key can be
                                          specified by keyword or tag
                                          value (in hex), e.g.
                                          WorklistLabel or 00741202.
    --reason <reason>                     Specify Reason of Request
                                          Cancellation of UPS.
    --reason-code <code>                  Specify Reason Code in format
                                          ator>,"<CodeMeaning>") of
                                          Request Cancellation of UPS.
    --receiving-ae <aet>                  Specify Receiving AE for
                                          subscription or unsubscription.
                                          If not specified, Calling AE
                                          Title of association will be
                                          used as ReceivingAE.
    --release-timeout <ms>                timeout in ms for receiving
                                          A-RELEASE-RP, no timeout by
    --response-timeout <ms>               timeout in ms for receiving
                                          other outstanding DIMSE RSPs
                                          than C-MOVE or C-GET RSPs, no
                                          timeout by default
 -s <[seq.]attr=value>                    Set element of dataset in format
    --send-timeout <ms>                   timeout in ms for sending other
                                          DIMSE RQs than C-STORE RQs, no
                                          timeout by default
    --soclose-delay <ms>                  delay in ms after sending
                                          A-ASSOCATE-RJ, A-RELEASE-RQ or
                                          A-ABORT before the socket is
                                          closed; 50ms by default
    --sorcv-buffer <length>               set SO_RCVBUF socket option to
                                          specified value
    --sosnd-buffer <length>               set SO_SNDBUF socket option to
                                          specified value
    --ssl2Hello                           send/accept SSLv3/TLS
                                          ClientHellos encapsulated in a
                                          SSLv2 ClientHello packet;
                                          equivalent to --tls-protocol
                                          SSLv2Hello --tls-protocol SSLv3
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1.1
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1.2
    --ssl3                                enable only TLS/SSL protocol
                                          SSLv3; equivalent to
                                          --tls-protocol SSLv3
    --status <code>                       Specifies status code in
                                          returned N-EVENT-REPORT RSPs for
                                          -O receive operation, 0000H by
    --tcp-delay                           set TCP_NODELAY socket option to
                                          false, true by default
    --tls                                 enable TLS connection without
                                          encryption or with AES or 3DES
                                          encryption; equivalent to
    --tls-3des                            enable TLS connection with 3DES
                                          encryption; equivalent to
    --tls-aes                             enable TLS connection with AES
                                          or 3DES encryption; equivalent
                                          to --tls-cipher
    --tls-cipher <cipher>                 enable TLS connection with
                                          specified Cipher Suite. Multiple
                                          Cipher Suites may be enabled by
                                          multiple --tls-cipher options
    --tls-eia-https                       enable server endpoint
                                          identification according RFC
                                          2818: HTTP Over TLS
    --tls-eia-ldaps                       enable server endpoint
                                          identification according RFC
                                          2830: LDAP Extension for TLS
    --tls-noauth                          disable client authentification
                                          for TLS
    --tls-null                            enable TLS connection without
                                          encryption; equivalent to
    --tls-protocol <protocol>             TLS/SSL protocol to use.
                                          Multiple TLS/SSL protocols may
                                          be enabled by multiple
                                          --tls-protocol options.
                                          Supported values by Java 11:
                                          TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2,
                                          TLSv1.3, SSLv3, SSLv2Hello. By
                                          default, only TLSv1.2 is
    --tls1                                enable only TLS/SSL protocol
                                          TLSv1; equivalent to
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1
    --tls11                               enable only TLS/SSL protocol
                                          TLSv1.1; equivalent to
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1.1
    --tls12                               enable only TLS/SSL protocol
                                          TLSv1.2; equivalent to
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1.2
    --tls13                               enable only TLS/SSL protocol
                                          TLSv1.3; equivalent to
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1.3
    --trust-store <file|url>              file path of key store
                                          containing trusted certificates,
                                          resource:cacerts.p12 by default
    --trust-store-pass <password>         password for key store with
                                          trusted certificates, 'secret'
                                          by default
    --trust-store-type <storetype>        type of key store with trusted
                                          certificates, PKCS12 by default
 -u,--upsiuid <uid>                       Specify the Unified Procedure
                                          Step Instance UID.
    --user <name>                         negotiate user identity with
                                          specified user name
    --user-jwt <token>                    negotiate user identity with
                                          specified JSON Web Token
    --user-pass <password>                negotiate user identity with
                                          specified password
    --user-rsp                            negotiate user identity with
                                          positive response requested
    --user-saml <assertion>               negotiate user identity with
                                          specified SAML Assertion
 -V,--version                             output version information and
 -w,--watch                               Use UPS Watch SOP Class SCU for
                                          -O <get|requestCancel>

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O create
Send UPS N-CREATE RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112. Use
/etc/upsscu/create.xml to set attributes in the dataset.

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O create --
Send UPS N-CREATE RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112. Set
attributes in the dataset from /path-to-custom-create.xml.

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O update -u
Send UPS N-SET RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 with UPS
Instance UID as

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O get -u
Send UPS N-GET RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 with UPS
Instance UID and Negotiating SOP Class UID as Unified Procedure Step Push
Sop Class.

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O get -p -u
Send UPS N-GET RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 with UPS
Instance UID as and Negotiating SOP Class UID as Unified
Procedure Step Pull Sop Class.

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O changeState -P= -u
Send UPS N-ACTION RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 to change
the state of UPS with UPS Instance UID as from SCHEDULED

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O requestCancel -u
Send UPS N-ACTION RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 to request
cancellation of UPS with UPS Instance UID as from

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O requestCancel -w -u

Send UPS N-ACTION RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 to request
cancellation of UPS with UPS Instance UID as from
SCHEDULED to CANCELED using Negotiating SOP Class UID as Unified Procedure
Step Watch Sop Class.

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O subscribe -u
Send UPS N-ACTION RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 to subscribe
receiving UPS Event Reports for UPS with UPS Instance UID as

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O subscribe -u -l
Send UPS N-ACTION RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 to subscribe
receiving UPS Event Reports for UPS with UPS Instance UID as with deletion lock enabled.

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O subscribe
Send UPS N-ACTION RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 to subscribe
receiving UPS Event Reports for all UPS instances, i.e. subscribe globally

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O subscribe --filtered-global -m
ScheduledProcedureStepPriority=HIGH -m InputReadinessState=READY
Send UPS N-ACTION RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 to subscribe
receiving UPS Event Reports for all UPS instances which have HIGH
ScheduledProcedureStepPriority and InputReadinessState as READY

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O unsubscribe -u
Send UPS N-ACTION RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 to
unsubscribe receiving UPS Event Reports for UPS with UPS Instance UID as

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O unsubscribe
Send UPS N-ACTION RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 to
unsubscribe receiving UPS Event Reports for all UPS instances, i.e.
unsubscribe globally

=> upsscu -c UPSSCP@localhost:11112 -O suspendGlobal
Send UPS N-ACTION RQ to UPS SCP listening on local port 11112 to suspend
global subscription to stop receiving UPS Event Reports for NEW UPS
instances without removing specific subscriptions.

=> upsscu -b UPSSCU:11119 -c DCM4CHEE@localhost:11112 -O receive
Starts upsscu tool listening on port 11119, accepting association requests
with UPSSCU as called AE title, for receiving changes in UPS Status
Reports (N-EVENT-REPORT) requests from Event Report Information Service
Class Provider DCM4CHEE listening on local port 11112.