| 1 | +# Getting Started with v1.0 Hyperledger Fabric - App Developers |
| 2 | +This document demonstrates an example using the Hyperledger Fabric V1.0 architecture. |
| 3 | +The scenario will include the creation and joining of channels, client side authentication, |
| 4 | +and the deployment and invocation of chaincode. CLI will be used for the creation and |
| 5 | +joining of the channel and the node SDK will be used for the client authentication, |
| 6 | +and chaincode functions utilizing the channel. |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | +Docker-compose will be used to create a consortium of three organizations, each |
| 9 | +running an endorsing/committing peer, as well as a "solo" orderer and a Certificate Authority (CA). |
| 10 | +The cryptographic material, based on standard PKI implementation, has been pre-generated |
| 11 | +and is included in the sfhackfest.tar.gz in order to expedite the flow. The CA, responsible for |
| 12 | +issuing, revoking and maintaining the crypto material represents one of the organizations and |
| 13 | +is needed by the client (node SDK) for authentication. In an enterprise scenario, each |
| 14 | +organization might have their own CA, with more complex security measures implemented - e.g. |
| 15 | +cross-signing certificates, etc. |
| 16 | + |
| 17 | +The network will be generated automatically upon execution of `docker-compose up`, |
| 18 | +and the APIs for create channel and join channel will be explained and demonstrated; |
| 19 | +as such, a user can go through the steps to manually generate their own network |
| 20 | +and channel, or quickly jump to the application development phase. |
| 21 | + |
| 22 | +## Prerequisites and setup |
| 23 | + |
| 24 | +* [Docker](https://www.docker.com/products/overview) - v1.12 or higher |
| 25 | +* [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/overview/) - v1.8 or higher |
| 26 | +* [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) - comes with the node package manager (npm). |
| 27 | +If you already have npm on your machine, issue the following command to retrieve the latest package: |
| 28 | +```bash |
| 29 | +npm install npm@latest |
| 30 | +``` |
| 31 | +then execute the following to see your version: |
| 32 | +```bash |
| 33 | +npm -v |
| 34 | +``` |
| 35 | +You're looking for a version higher than 2.1.8. |
| 36 | + |
| 37 | +## Curl the source code to create network entities |
| 38 | + |
| 39 | +* Download the [cURL](https://curl.haxx.se/download.html) tool if not already installed. |
| 40 | +* Determine a location on your local machine where you want to place the Fabric and application source. |
| 41 | +```bash |
| 42 | +mkdir -p <my_dev_workspace>/hackfest |
| 43 | +cd <my_dev_workspace>/hackfest |
| 44 | +``` |
| 45 | +Next, execute the following command: |
| 46 | +```bash |
| 47 | +curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/fabric/master/examples/sfhackfest/sfhackfest.tar.gz -o sfhackfest.tar.gz 2> /dev/null; tar -xvf sfhackfest.tar.gz |
| 48 | +``` |
| 49 | +This command pulls and extracts all of the necessary artifacts to set up your network - docker compose script, |
| 50 | +channel generate/join script, crypto material for identity attestation, etc. In the /src/github.com/example_cc directory you |
| 51 | +will find the chaincode that will be deployed. |
| 52 | + |
| 53 | +Your directory should contain the following: |
| 54 | +```bash |
| 55 | +JDoe-mbp: JohnDoe$ pwd |
| 56 | +/Users/JohnDoe |
| 57 | +JDoe-mbp: JohnDoe$ ls |
| 58 | +sfhackfest.tar.gz channel_test.sh src |
| 59 | +ccenv docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml tmp |
| 60 | +``` |
| 61 | + |
| 62 | +## Using Docker |
| 63 | + |
| 64 | +You do not need to manually pull any images. The images for - `fabric-peer`, |
| 65 | +`fabric-orderer`, `fabric-ca`, and `cli` are specified in the .yml file and will |
| 66 | +automatically download, extract, and run when you execute the `docker-compose` commands. |
| 67 | + |
| 68 | +## Commands |
| 69 | + |
| 70 | +The channel commands are: |
| 71 | +* `create` - create and name a channel in the `orderer` and get back a genesis |
| 72 | +block for the channel. The genesis block is named in accordance with the channel name. |
| 73 | +* `join` - use the genesis block from the `create` command to issue a join request to a Peer. |
| 74 | + |
| 75 | +## Use Docker to spawn network entities & create/join a channel |
| 76 | + |
| 77 | +Ensure the hyperledger/fabric-ccenv image is tagged as latest: |
| 78 | +```bash |
| 79 | +docker-compose -f docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml build |
| 80 | +``` |
| 81 | +Create network entities, create channel, join peers to channel: |
| 82 | +```bash |
| 83 | +docker-compose -f docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml up -d |
| 84 | +``` |
| 85 | +Behind the scenes this started six containers (3 peers, "solo" orderer, CLI and CA) |
| 86 | +in detached mode. A script - channel_test.sh - embedded within the |
| 87 | +docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml issued the create channel and join channel commands within the |
| 88 | +CLI container. In the end, you are left with a network and a channel containing three |
| 89 | +peers - peer0, peer1, peer2. |
| 90 | + |
| 91 | +View your containers: |
| 92 | +```bash |
| 93 | +# if you have no other containers running, you will see nine |
| 94 | +docker ps |
| 95 | +``` |
| 96 | + |
| 97 | +Ensure the channel has been created and peers have successfully joined: |
| 98 | +```bash |
| 99 | +docker exec -it cli sh |
| 100 | +``` |
| 101 | +You should see the following in your terminal: |
| 102 | +```bash |
| 103 | +/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer # |
| 104 | +``` |
| 105 | +To view results for channel creation/join: |
| 106 | +```bash |
| 107 | +vi results.txt |
| 108 | +``` |
| 109 | +To view logs: |
| 110 | +```bash |
| 111 | +vi log.txt |
| 112 | +``` |
| 113 | +To view genesis block details: |
| 114 | +```bash |
| 115 | +vi myc1.block |
| 116 | +``` |
| 117 | + |
| 118 | +## Curl the application source code and SDK modules |
| 119 | + |
| 120 | +* Prior to issuing the command, make sure you are in the same working directory where you curled the network code. |
| 121 | +* Execute the following command: |
| 122 | +```bash |
| 123 | +curl -OOOOOO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-node/master/examples/balance-transfer/{config.json,deploy.js,helper.js,invoke.js,query.js,package.json} |
| 124 | +``` |
| 125 | + |
| 126 | +This command pulls the javascript code for issuing your deploy, invoke and query calls. It also |
| 127 | +retrieves dependencies for the node SDK modules. |
| 128 | + |
| 129 | +* Install the node modules: |
| 130 | +```bash |
| 131 | +npm install |
| 132 | +``` |
| 133 | +You may be prompted for your root password at one or more times during the `npm install`. |
| 134 | +At this point you have installed all of the prerequisites and source code. |
| 135 | + |
| 136 | +## Use node SDK to register/enroll user and deploy/invoke/query |
| 137 | + |
| 138 | +The individual javascript programs will exercise the SDK APIs to register and enroll the client with |
| 139 | +the provisioned Certificate Authority. Once the client is properly authenticated, |
| 140 | +the programs will demonstrate basic chaincode functionalities - deploy, invoke, and query. Make |
| 141 | +sure you are in the working directory where you pulled the source code. You can explore the individual |
| 142 | +javascript programs to better understand the various APIs. |
| 143 | + |
| 144 | +Register and enroll the user & deploy chaincode: |
| 145 | +```bash |
| 146 | +GOPATH=$PWD node deploy.js |
| 147 | +``` |
| 148 | +_if running on Windows_: |
| 149 | +```bash |
| 150 | +SET GOPATH=%cd% |
| 151 | +node deploy.js |
| 152 | +``` |
| 153 | +Issue an invoke. Move units from "a" to "b": |
| 154 | +```bash |
| 155 | +node invoke.js |
| 156 | +``` |
| 157 | +Query against key value "a": |
| 158 | +```bash |
| 159 | +node query.js |
| 160 | +``` |
| 161 | +You will receive a "200 response" in your terminal if each command is successful. |
| 162 | + |
| 163 | +## Manually create and join channel (optional) |
| 164 | + |
| 165 | +To manually exercise the createChannel and joinChannel APIs through the CLI container, you will |
| 166 | +need to edit the Docker Compose file. Use an editor to open docker-compose-gettingstarted.yml and |
| 167 | +comment out the `channel_test.sh` command in your cli image. Simply place a `#` to the left |
| 168 | +of the command. For example: |
| 169 | +```bash |
| 170 | +cli: |
| 171 | + container_name: cli |
| 173 | + working_dir: /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer |
| 174 | +# command: sh -c './channel_test.sh; sleep 1000' |
| 175 | +# command: /bin/sh |
| 176 | +``` |
| 177 | +Exec into the cli container: |
| 178 | +```bash |
| 179 | +docker exec -it cli sh |
| 180 | +``` |
| 181 | +If successful, you should see the following in your terminal: |
| 182 | +```bash |
| 183 | +/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer # |
| 184 | +``` |
| 185 | +Send createChannel API to Ordering Service: |
| 186 | +``` |
| 187 | +CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 peer channel create -c myc1 |
| 188 | +``` |
| 189 | +This will return a genesis block - myc1.block - that you can issue join commands with. |
| 190 | +Next, send a joinChannel API to peer0 and pass in the genesis block as an argument. |
| 191 | +The channel is defined within the genesis block: |
| 192 | +``` |
| 193 | +CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0:7051 peer channel join -b myc1.block |
| 194 | +``` |
| 195 | +To join the other peers to the channel, simply reissue the above command with peer1 |
| 196 | +or peer2 specified. For example: |
| 197 | +``` |
| 198 | +CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer1:7051 peer channel join -b myc1.block |
| 199 | +``` |
| 200 | +Once the peers have all joined the channel, you are able to issues queries against |
| 201 | +any peer without having to deploy chaincode to each of them. |
| 202 | + |
| 203 | +## Use cli to deploy, invoke and query (optional) |
| 204 | + |
| 205 | +Run the deploy command. This command is deploying a chaincode named `mycc` to |
| 206 | +`peer0` on the Channel ID `myc1`. The constructor message is initializing `a` and |
| 207 | +`b` with values of 100 and 200 respectively. |
| 208 | +``` |
| 209 | +CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0:7051 CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 peer chaincode deploy -C myc1 -n mycc -p github.com/hyperledger/fabric/examples -c '{"Args":["init","a","100","b","200"]}' |
| 210 | +``` |
| 211 | +Run the invoke command. This invocation is moving 10 units from `a` to `b`. |
| 212 | +``` |
| 213 | +CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0:7051 CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 peer chaincode invoke -C myc1 -n mycc -c '{"function":"invoke","Args":["move","a","b","10"]}' |
| 214 | +``` |
| 215 | +Run the query command. The invocation transferred 10 units from `a` to `b`, therefore |
| 216 | +a query against `a` should return the value 90. |
| 217 | +``` |
| 218 | +CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0:7051 CORE_PEER_COMMITTER_LEDGER_ORDERER=orderer:7050 peer chaincode query -C myc1 -n mycc -c '{"function":"invoke","Args":["query","a"]}' |
| 219 | +``` |
| 220 | +You can issue an `exit` command at any time to exit the cli container. |
| 221 | + |
| 222 | +## Troubleshooting (optional) |
| 223 | + |
| 224 | +If you have existing containers running you may receive an error indicating that a port is |
| 225 | +already occupied. If this occurs, you will need to kill the container that is using said port. |
| 226 | + |
| 227 | +If a file cannot be located, make sure your curl commands executed successfully and make |
| 228 | +sure you are in the directory where you pulled the source code. |
| 229 | + |
| 230 | +Remove a specific docker container: |
| 231 | +```bash |
| 232 | +docker rm <containerID> |
| 233 | +``` |
| 234 | +Force removal: |
| 235 | +```bash |
| 236 | +docker rm -f <containerID> |
| 237 | +``` |
| 238 | +Remove all docker containers: |
| 239 | +```bash |
| 240 | +docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) |
| 241 | +``` |
| 242 | +This will merely kill docker containers (i.e. stop the process). You will not lose any images. |
| 243 | + |
| 244 | +Remove an image: |
| 245 | +```bash |
| 246 | +docker rmi <imageID> |
| 247 | +``` |
| 248 | +Forcibly remove: |
| 249 | +```bash |
| 250 | +docker rmi -f <imageID> |
| 251 | +``` |
| 252 | +Remove all images: |
| 253 | +```bash |
| 254 | +docker rmi -f $(docker images -q) |
| 255 | +``` |
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