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Commit f14cd84

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[FAB-1141] Added join channel to bootstrap.feature
Join channel invocation is created and sent to endorser. Now join works!! Local MSP config is now read from core.yaml variable peer.mspConfigPath protos/utils/blockutils.go now use correct Configuratio Item type of MSP. Chaned peer.mspConfigPath to "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/msp/sampleconfig". Changed msp function to NOT use JSON encoding/decoding. Changed msp to check for type of configuration item vs name. Added preferredMaxBytes to Batchsize orderer config. Regenerated orderer configuration.proto. Copied the cacerts to the admincerts for local MSP setup per @aso recommendation for now. Signing is now performed at entity level and uses sha256 digest with ASN1 encoding for signature. Generated proto files for peer protos. Changed cert in SerializedIdentity from ASN1 encoding to PEM. Set the chainId to empty string for join request. Regenerated orderer configuration proto. Generated MSP config protos. Now add MSP Config items to channel create transaction. Now add Anchor peers config items to channel create transaction. Fixed msp tests to use the blockutils msp config path lookup mechanism, and now uses the proper Type setting in the MSPConfig proto structure. Change-Id: I507c490df41ff003306f5210905418cec9108b8c Signed-off-by: jeffgarratt <[email protected]>
1 parent 5c171cc commit f14cd84