- GuiLite是最轻量,最简单,最稳定的GUI库,它只有5千行C++代码
- GuiLiteWeb可以把GuiLite注入到网页中
- Inject HelloParticle & HelloWave into Cube
- Source code
- Run it by open "CubeEx/index.html" with Microsoft Edge
- Inject Guilite Sample(HelloParticle) into Web page
- Run it by open "HelloParticle/src/main.html" with Microsoft Edge
- Inject Guilite Sample(HelloWave) into Web page
- Run it by open "HelloWave/src/main.html" with Microsoft Edge
- 通过3D程序,解释GuiLite滑动,及多层叠加原理
- 视频
- Source code
- Run it by open "Graphic/index.html" with Microsoft Edge