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Advanced Meatloaf Operations

datarunners edited this page Jan 16, 2024 · 2 revisions

That's right, Meatloaf supports JSON interactions. You can easily build programs to parse JSON responses. Checkout this sample in Commodore BASIC:

10 rem *** open comms
11 open 15,16,15, ""
12 open 2,16,2,""

20 rem *** receive and parse data
21 print#15, "jsonparse,2"
22 print#15, "jq,2,/addr"
23 input#2,ip$

30 rem *** close and print data
31 close 2: close 15
32 print "my ip:",ip$

By utilizng device 16, you can make requests to external APIs and process the returning data. The above opens a connection the api hosted at and returns the 'addr' field to the program. It's then printed to the screen in line 32. It's just that simple!

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