Simplified machine-learning driven earthquake detection, location, and analysis in one easy-to-implement python package.
For more details, see the documentation:
On most systems you should be able to simply:
pip install easyQuake
To stay on the bleeding edge of updates:
pip install easyQuake --upgrade
Or if you need to tweak something, like the number of GPUs in gpd_predict, you could:
git clone
cd easyQuake
pip install .
If you find this useful, please cite:
Walter, J. I., P. Ogwari, A. Thiel, F. Ferrer, and I. Woelfel (2021), easyQuake: Putting machine
learning to work for your regional seismic network or local earthquake study, Seismological Research
Letters, 92(1): 555–563,
This code leverages machine-learning for earthquake detection with the choice of the GPD (, EQTransformer (, or PhaseNet ( pickers. You should have suitable hardware to run CUDA/Tensorflow, which usually means some sort of GPU. This has been tested on servers with nvidia compute cards and modest multi-core desktop with consumer gaming nvidia card (e.g. Geforce 1050 Ti). The event-mode can be run efficiently enough on a laptop.
- Most tested configuration includes nvidia-cuda-toolkit, obspy, keras, tensorflow-gpu==2.2, basemap
- I've found that the the easiest way to install cuda, tensorflow, and keras is through installing Anaconda python and running
conda install tensorflow-gpu==2.2
- Because tensorflow-gpu 2.2 requires python 3.7 (not the latest version), you might find an easier road creating a new environment:
conda create -n easyquake python=3.7 anaconda
conda activate easyquake
conda install tensorflow-gpu==2.2
conda install keras
conda install obspy -c conda-forge
pip install easyQuake
The first example is a simple one in "event mode" - try it:
from easyQuake import detection_association_event
detection_association_event(project_folder='/scratch', project_code='ok', maxdist = 300, maxkm=300, local=True, machine=True, latitude=36.7, longitude=-98.4, max_radius=3, approxorigintime='2021-01-27T14:03:46', downloadwaveforms=True)
This next example runs easyQuake for a recent M6.5 earthquake in Idaho for the 2 days around the earthquake (foreshocks and aftershocks). The catalog from running the example is in the examples folder:
If you don't have a suitable computer, try it in Google Colab
from easyQuake import download_mseed
from easyQuake import daterange
from datetime import date
from easyQuake import combine_associated
from easyQuake import detection_continuous
from easyQuake import association_continuous
from easyQuake import magnitude_quakeml
from easyQuake import simple_cat_df
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
maxkm = 300
lat_a = 42
lat_b = 47.5
lon_a = -118
lon_b = -111
start_date = date(2020, 3, 31)
end_date = date(2020, 4, 2)
project_code = 'idaho'
project_folder = '/data/id'
for single_date in daterange(start_date, end_date):
dirname = single_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
download_mseed(dirname=dirname, project_folder=project_folder, single_date=single_date, minlat=lat_a, maxlat=lat_b, minlon=lon_a, maxlon=lon_b)
detection_continuous(dirname=dirname, project_folder=project_folder, project_code=project_code, single_date=single_date, machine=True,local=True)
#run it with EQTransformer instead of GPD picker
#detection_continuous(dirname=dirname, project_folder=project_folder, project_code=project_code, machine=True, machine_picker='EQTransformer', local=True, single_date=single_date)
#detection_continuous(dirname=dirname, project_folder=project_folder, project_code=project_code, machine=True, machine_picker='PhaseNet', local=True, single_date=single_date)
association_continuous(dirname=dirname, project_folder=project_folder, project_code=project_code, maxdist=maxdist, maxkm=maxkm, single_date=single_date, local=True)
### IMPORTANT - must call the specific picker to create association and catalogs specific to that picker within each dayfolder!!
#association_continuous(dirname=dirname, project_folder=project_folder, project_code=project_code, maxdist=maxdist, maxkm=maxkm, single_date=single_date, local=True, machine_picker='EQTransformer')
#association_continuous(dirname=dirname, project_folder=project_folder, project_code=project_code, maxdist=maxdist, maxkm=maxkm, single_date=single_date, local=True, machine_picker='PhaseNet')
cat, dfs = combine_associated(project_folder=project_folder, project_code=project_code)
#cat, dfs = combine_associated(project_folder=project_folder, project_code=project_code, machine_picker='EQTransformer')
#cat, dfs = combine_associated(project_folder=project_folder, project_code=project_code, machine_picker='PhaseNet')
cat = magnitude_quakeml(cat=cat, project_folder=project_folder,plot_event=True)
catdf = simple_cat_df(cat)
Within your systems, consider running driver scripts as nohup background processes nohup python ~/work_dir/ &
. In this way, one could cat nohup.out | grep Traceback
to understand python errors or grep nohup.out | Killed
to understand when the system runs out of memory.
Most recent updates, recorded for the 2021 SSA Annual meeting:
Recorded for the fall 2020 Virtual SSA Eastern Section meeting:
Stay up to date on the latest description of EasyQuake contents:
If you have access to shared computing resources that utilize SLURM, you can drive easyQuake by making a bash script to run the example code or any code (thanks to Xiaowei Chen at OU). Save the following to a and then run it
#SBATCH --partition=gpu_cluster
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=1024
#SBATCH --output=easyquake_%J_stdout.txt
#SBATCH --error=easyquake_%J_stderr.txt
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name=easyquake
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --chdir=/drive/group/user/folder
conda init bash
conda activate easyquake
Version 1.4 (9/30/2024) = Long overdue version update, including modules for PyOcto association conversion to QuakeML file and seisbench picker integration.
Version 1.3 (11/22/2022) = PhaseNet now included, in addition to GPD and EQTransformer pickers. Numerous other bugs squashed.
Version 1.2 (8/1/2022) - Rewrote the non-ML picker to be easier to work with (recursive_sta_lta from obpsy) and include input of those parameters within detection_continuous function.
Version 0.9 (2/23/2022) - Modules to cut easyQuake event waveforms from continuous data (cut_event_waveforms) and module for converting easyQuake catalog (or any QuakeML-formatted catalog) to HDF5 (quakeML_to_hdf5) for training new ML models
Version 0.8 (7/30/2021) - Several major bug fixes and improved controls for Hypoinverse location
Verson 0.6 (2/24/2021) - Implemented choice of GPD or EQTransformer pickers for the picking stage
Version 0.5 (2/10/2021) - includes embedded hypoinverse location functionality, rather than the simple location with the associator.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- code was used or otherwise changed to suit our purposes from obspy (, GPD (, PhasePApy (, EQTransformer (, PhaseNet (, and others
- would not be possible without the robust documentation in the obspy project
- this work was developed at the Oklahoma Geological Survey