Copyright Notice: The JGraphT project source code is a composite of contributions by multiple authors. The copyright for each contribution is owned by the corresponding author. For details, please see as well as the complete git history. All authors have agreed to license their contributions to the public as open source under the specific terms noted in
JGraphT wouldn't be the library it is today without the source contributions and suggestions made by the authors:
- Barak Naveh (project founder)
- John V Sichi (current project administrator)
- Joris Kinable (JGraphtT Project Reviewer/Committer and Release Manager)
- Dimitrios Michail (JGraphT Project Reviewer/Committer)
- Timofey Chudakov (JGraphT Project Reviewer/Committer)
- Liviu Rau
- Nathan Fiedler
- Michael Behrisch
- Linda Buisman
- Erik Postma
- Mikael Hansen
- Avner Linder
- Marden Neubert
- Christian Soltenborn
- Christian Hammer
- Ewgenij Proschak
- Hartmut Benz
- Charles Fry
- Guillaume Boulmier
- Carl Anderson
- Khanh Vu
- Aaron Harnly
- Welson Sun
- Trevor Harmon
- David Black-Schaffer
- Vinayak Borkar
- Andrew Berman
- Lucas Scharenbroich
- Hookahey
- Tim Shearouse
- Holger Brandl
- Ilya Razenshteyn
- Peter Giles
- Andrew Newell
- Tim Engler
- Tom Larkworthy
- Soren Davidsen
- Andrea Pagani
- Tom Conerly
- Michele Mancioppi
- Adrian Marte
- Assaf Mizrachi
- Harshal Vora
- Matt Sarjent
- Robby McKilliam
- Yuriy Nakonechnyy
- Andreas Schnaiter
- Owen Jacobson
- Alejandro R. Lopez del Huerto
- Vladimir Kostyukov
- Ernst de Ridder
- Michal Pasieka
- Alexey Kudinkin
- Adam Gouge
- Nikolay Ognyanov
- Graham Hill (AzrgExplorers)
- Leo Crawford
- Isaac Kleinman
- Sebastian Hubenschmid
- JeanYves Tinevez
- Oliver Kopp
- Javier Gutierrez (javierj)
- Nicolas Fortin
- Peter Goldstein
- Rodrigo López Dato
- Anders Wallgren
- Siarhei
- Jan Altenbernd
- Andrew Chen
- Florian Buenzli
- Thomas Tschager
- Tomas Hruz
- Philipp Hoppen
- Chris Wensel
- Wil Selwood
- Mihhail Verhovtsov
- Fabian Späh
- Rita Dobler
- Szabolcs Besenyei
- Luiz Kill
- Christophe Thiebaud
- Jon Robinson
- Thomas Breitbart
- Sarah Komla-Ebri
- Graeme Ahokas
- Christoph Zauner
- Andrew Gainer-Dewar
- Benedikt Waldvogel
- Victor Mikhaylov
- Nils Olberg
- Daniel Gomez-Sanchez
- Skuratovich Sergey
- Martin Sturm
- Patrick Sharp
- Piotr Turski
- Alexandru Văleanu
- Davide Cavestro
- Mark Raynsford
- Mariusz Smykuła
- Pratik Tibrewal
- Chen Kui
- Konstantinos Karatsenidis
- Kirill Vishnyakov
- Emilio Cruciani
- Vivek Talreja
- Gilles Gosuin
- Viktor Volkov
- Philipp Kaesgen
- Lukas Harzenetter
- Christoph Grüne
- Daniel Mock
- Oliver Feith
- Abdallah Atouani
- Peter Harman
- Nikhil Sharma
- Dennis Fischer
- PHaroZ
- simlu
- Karri Sai Satish Kumar Reddy
- Stephan Schroevers
- Ned Twigg
- Karri Sai Satish Kumar Reddy
- Semen Chudakov
- Lavish Kothari
- Andre Immig
- Charul Bhanawat
- Benjamin Krogh
- Reynaldo Gil Pons
- Sean Hudson
- Edwin Ouwehand
- Amr Alhossary
- Volkov Viktor
- Hannes Wellmann
- Shevek
- Ritik Goyal
(If we have missed your name on this list, please email us to get it fixed.)
Other people have also helped in different ways: reporting bugs, requesting features, commenting, and by merely asking very good questions.
Many thanks to all of you.