Releases: mantil-io/mantil
987f5c4 Merge branch 'master' of
3a0f222 Merge branch 'master' of
5280d02 Merge branch 'master' of
3d4c038 Merge branch 'master' of
f496aeb Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
fd9609e Revert "add runtime method name to access token claims"
91990eb add all all unit tests to workflow
ca4a6df add an example environment config
c037e04 add coverage helper
d6d226d add custom template for cobra commands
44236d3 add name validation for new functions and refactor validation errors
72a4cd3 add new version of docs
779fdb1 add option to change function configuration
6cf6e28 add option to invoke lambda with sdk and get logs
cb8939a add resource tags and default env
54f7317 add routes and integrations to redeployment triggers
5abf774 add script for adding layer version in all regions
0855fb9 add script for release buckets
df5aee7 add stricter validation for function configuration
5d6503f add support for changing environment variables
6d7855f add support for getting response of long running backend functions
58fa155 add targets to goreleaser for #24
1153953 add tests for stage diffing
af21295 add upload size to deploy metrics
9d3fc99 add validation for user created names closes #39
6b9343b add workspace uid to mantil s3 bucket
260cc2c allow using underscore in names
e26f87c change prefix on stage lambda functions
17db1e3 change releases bucket
a40578b change uid encoding to base32
3ae423e change upload bucket for goreleaser
93af0b3 change workspace uid to lowercase
c858da4 enable setting user message without additonal Sprintf
8727090 extract utility method
84479c3 fail and show build error in deploy
8115eb8 finish script for release buckets
33e641b fix adding replication rules
b31241b fix bucket name
62eeca4 fix bug detecting is log line terraform like
2ed94ed fix cli build
7651035 fix env variable use
ec82966 fix folder name
22b8234 fix function name
e0ae0dc fix method call
077ae6e fix multiple main definitions
bdabf6d fix setup tests
317513e fix test
b704247 fix test
bf2f8ec fix test
6a16f84 fix validation for nullable fields
23d78ae group package constants at one place
95fb015 implement schema validation for environment config
5360556 make example how to test domain model
fe265b0 make test output type
e2f92ea make test verbose
d21e98d modify command usage template
0de67ce move UID from workspace to account level, closes #26
3c3ebc6 move creation of resource names from security lambda to cli
5e9e828 move domain logic into workspace package
79fbca6 move function defauts closer to usage
742f842 move name validation to model where possible
2c39a8e move stage diffing logic to workspace
65eecfc prevent watch to stop on build error
f825eae properly construct resource name in ws lambda
2234c60 pull logic of file store init to single place
cdd9c38 re-enable authorization without caching
a49d0b6 reduce worspace interface
88d2a79 refactor for easier reading
1df2cd4 refactor terraform modules and add suffix to stage resources
a88e1f7 refactor workspace file store
4199352 reformat iam role terraform module
6e0fca9 remove api/log package
41b1867 remove data api
aefb574 remove dto package dependency on workspace
6cc09cd remove duplicate
6cd19b8 remove duplicate docs
2ab365b remove empty line
d3e697a remove env variable for tags and rename few
06dd93d remove package functions in workspace
3c7cdb7 remove project.Context
576de26 remove stage state stored on the backend
53fc8cd remove static function from workspace
e2c8900 remove unmaintaned test
eb85b95 remove unneeded array
4503b44 remove unsupported parameter
9cddf0f remove unused env variables
e5c0e78 remove unused global_env
9e54233 remove unused method
72bb4a1 remove unused tag
cc1b0e9 remove unused terraform module
4073df6 remove useless test
b592c87 rename file
83e0e8b rename project state file to config/state.yml
b6e37b8 rethink errors and user messages
cf99a9b rethinking workspace store
5649e97 send tags for resource cleanup in destroy request
db7d390 show command usage only if the error is of type ArgumentError
f0060bb skip creating default environment config if it already exists
232c010 start moving controllers to therir own package
e8dc14e support nil top level struct
2f78b17 switch mantil lambdas to ARM, closes #54
e5dd3e7 tidy up configuration apply
e779379 tidy up tests
f3e20bd trivial logic fix
4b6d160 try to make test workflow
b5d19bd update Go module to latest mantil.go
b574ece update jsonschema
a2de9d0 use base64 encoded json for credentials request
e19b974 use default instead of nullable
fa3ca33 use one bucket per stage for all public sites
01a74a4 wrap empty check into workspace
74ac713 Refactor cmd/aws and build flags
b40dc66 Revert "rewrite cloudwatch log fetching"
ec1b6bf adapt error message to endpointcreds specification
ba0d009 add aws sdk credentials renewal, closes #9
c775463 add better terraform logs parsing
f178fee add better user messages for aws install/uninstall
837cc7b add example of how to collect cli arguments
cff304c add integration method to project terraform module
cbba5f1 add long descriptions for all commands
96a722f add long descriptions for stage commands
2e24511 add output to the terraform
3221e7f add runtime method name to access token claims closes #38
4d2b094 add some spacing to user message
4a74045 add stage command
dda6357 add suffix to backend resources
c714cce add tags to resources created through cli, part of #43
a16a605 add terraform flags for non-interactive usage
742078a change link to latest version
c8ee0b0 code review cmd/env.go
51b0b98 code review cmd/invoke.go
4c4920b fix build this file should be deleted
99d445e fix deploy script
21db915 fix description
52390d7 fix integration test
817dd2b fix messages in integration test
f08ff8b fix struct usage
14644a3 fix terraform tests
db59ea9 fix terraform tests and formatting
56c0e56 fix test
1b0260b fix test command
f29e353 fix typo
62b8839 generate on each deploy
d008ed1 leave only diff output in security test
2d8818d make AccountID in aws property instead of method
309d884 make workspace.Bucket property function
114626f move example commands to examples
bf562d5 move help to global commands
c99a5f2 move setup flags to setup package
4a24a38 refactor deploy - remove diffing logic from the backend, the CLI decides what needs to be done - the state is still stored to s3 because of the api gateway timeout workaround, can be removed once this is fixed
d6518c3 refactor errors in new command
85ef285 refactor generate
810da03 reformat cli
6d20729 reformat deploy
cd51dde remove RuntimeConfig move data to Account
f07f25e remove git layer from setup lambda
d698b18 remove the --delete-repo flag
99ec944 remove unused function
5afe5ea remove unused lambda layer
196dee1 rename deployment to stage
a9a388a rename flags to args
ab3cc2b rename public bucket
faf7607 rename public_sites to public
beb48a6 replace parameters with the ones from request
5d7cf04 reuse request and response structs
222716f rewrite cloudwatch log fetching
64e0e45 send notification to slack on new release
e374207 separate request method from integration method in api
46823b2 separate workspace and workspaces storage
ff99982 show all user errors not just last
2ffcfff simplify cloudformationreason function
efccf0f simplify current logs
e38fdfb simplify env command
3a673ce tidy up generate command
bdc0589 update commands description
a5d5610 update
3e474ab update docs
771c473 use bucket name from account config instead of recreating it every time
074c14a use cobra to generate markdown documentation
1c6b813 Merge branch 'master' of
3ee58fb add "default" field to stage
6c4bb5b add aws command with install and uninstall subcommands
232c727 add better specification of env tags
2cef619 add check for prefix in listing s3 objects
1c5c92b add cloudwatch log group creation through terraform
fa9a816 add description of all available commands
17cde6d add explanation for matching error message strings
7d4af8e add few comments to the log package
ef73786 add force flag to destroy command
706a227 add global env to all project lambdas
b76b2d8 add log during deploy
630bcad add log.Error method
2cd1c3c add omitempty tags
814ede1 add option to destroy all stages
d96f8c6 add override flag to the aws install command
258a63d add prototype of using cloudformation for setup
462c3d6 add rendering of cf template
85a63e8 add resource cleanup on stage destroy
20551bf add script for running tests
7008c50 add stack for error messages and UserErrors
0d8debb add stage check to test
058dea5 add stage name to tf template data
ee7560f add support for resource deletion by tags
a1eeb70 add ui messages to the log
71b7039 change authorization token header name
490afd6 check if AWS account is accessible
bd02eca clanup terraform calls
5418482 clarify stage flags
eadaca5 cleanup project resources on destroy
fb2c7aa create integration tests for setup
645625e disable color should disable printing color codes
616d324 disable development example command
b729a59 don't propagate dependencies
efd2138 enable deployment to multiple aws accounts
7841913 enable nil output from lambda invoke
27bc339 enable setting env for shell.Output
d3c047c enable setting function versions for setup
f77617c ensure that a default stage always exists
0834372 example of integration testing
3a1e306 export current aws profile used in tests
50355a0 fix auth header name
32e6282 fix cli paths
f541379 fix deploy of new stage
76de882 fix destroy command initialization
91c7c7e fix detecthing in what bucket are functions
5313c5c fix duplicate name in aws package
f619a4c fix failing test
ad9067d fix goreleaser ldflags
1ff4123 fix import
66084d4 fix logic
7065e46 fix new line in log
c6f3ffc fix references to removed util functions
c594063 fix terraform apply for errorsMap passing
ff13b11 fix terraform setup test
d837314 fix tests
3ad7741 fix tests
66be521 ignore mantil binary in cli folder
54a7f90 improve error handling for s3 object retrieval
fbb3219 improve string comparison in tests
eaef1ed join two identical functions into one
e5468e3 link project request method to context
697d820 localize use of package global variable
156b3b3 make const easier to read
7d4974b make function unexported
aaa4f1d make function used only in package non exported
d0b52be make opening log file explicit
df5b730 merge master
70b2069 move decision about account name to single place
7d63403 move deploy from commands to cmd
4060d78 move deploy to api
230e373 move function closer to the only place where it is used
bd46c5c move function generate templates
598c81f move init functions under commands
7e6380a move no-color handling to log package
8c810d9 move setup and generate from command to cmd
b83f04b move terraform building to separate scripts so it can be reused in tests script
8be9d9c prepare terraform project for embed render
5caefd6 refactor api setup
2d11361 refactor backend api
3756e58 refactor cli versioning
aaa9735 refactor command watch
10390e3 refactor deployment process - config.Stage represents the deployment state for the given stage and it is stored on s3 - Project state is kept locally to allow for multi-account deployments - mantil new now only creates the project locally without performing any backend requests
b8cf817 refactor destroy command
58695d4 refactor invoke command
1679564 refactor project context
374eaa8 refactor security and data functions
f49ad97 refactor test command
d105b98 refactor: move function closer to the usage place
942b785 refactor: remove unnecessary level in folder hierarchy
c2380fb refactor: remove util package
f5709e0 refactor: rewrite new command and add tests
3e61776 refactor: separate cobra from commands
4e49323 refine tests
faeb8e4 reformat few things and fix tests
c230f9e reformat logs command
5584f38 remove backend package
a0d0ee7 remove bindata and assets from scripts
fa91314 remove cli/commands package and reorganize code
fce14b8 remove duplicate log lines
38352f5 remove empty line
e53c378 remove global variables in cmd
3db12ec remove global verbose flag
0aee349 remove init function from setup script
6e7c64f remove init function from
732369b remove progress from s3 upload in deploy
319979e remove rootCmd package global variable
baf6fc7 remove shell format in
385b1e0 remove stage flag defaults
04e31e7 remove unused assets folder
0e39080 remove unused code
724fcc3 remove unused code
1e0f8d3 remove unused code
1cd365e remove unused code
e5ab1d5 remove unused code
7ac096d remove unused field
04aa233 remove unused file
d4cfb66 remove unused file
9e1f4de remove unused flag from
1404265 remove unused iam client
bbe7082 rename setup command to aws install/uninstall
dd0948c rename setup template field
22d42aa rename tests
e213af8 rename ui printing to log.UI.
85b7cd3 retry on conflict should include building new plan
0faf7e3 revert accidental push
a1f4f99 setup: test render terraform template
7897e43 shell: return output on non zero exit status
786f06d simplify logic
82227ac split log and ui into different files
f96407b split log package into log and ui
bd2dce7 start logging to file
6497092 switch deploy and destroy to embed terraform
a225760 terrafrom: switch project to embeded rendering
54d2a74 update expected terraform test file
3df23d1 use RunE instad of Run for cobra Commands
bfccc38 use different terraform directory for each project stage
516ef98 add error message if aws profiel is not provided on setup
9dfe924 add mantil general file
cc3367d add more options for providing AWS credentials for mantil setup
2b7979a add workspace config
e49ec0c fix setup function name
26e66da fix variable name
37bb374 refactor naming
9bea4d3 remove dependency to the local folder structure
d659199 remove double declaration
9afe3a7 replace init with new and remove github integration
bf5b549 save all projects to same bucket
89d8632 start building dev env setup automation
78a3902 update mantil.go
40d5f09 use lowercase for flag descriptions
02cdc38 use region from aws instead of default one in security
e1bd2b4 add ws to project tf template
41b0f91 change format of message when handling sqs responses
d508fee encapsulate project resource name
4f34790 encapsulate resource name
011cd57 implement websocket log streaming
fc21006 remove unused asset
a847c1d remove unused asset
4ead0c0 remove unused tf module
7ff57bb remove ws from setup script
af563f1 rename tf module in deploy script
f72146b skip initializing git repo with --no-repo flag
fb8a182 update mantil.go
a50f0c4 update mantil.go
b1d7b7e use project name for function invoke