This project welcomes contributions and feedback. Open source feedback and participation of all kinds and from any interested party or institution is encouraged and can be made through opening an issue or pull request on GitHub.
The maintainers of this repository welcome feedback, questions, criticism and contributions. There are several ways to participate:
Anyone is welcome to start a new issue by selecting the Issues
tab in GitHub and clicking New Issue.
All existing issues, open and closed, may be reviewed or commented upon in the Issues section.
The recent work on this repository can be reviewed in the Commit Log. Clicking on an issue will show a summary of what was added, removed, or changed. Any commit may be commented upon to request further clarification, propose a suggestion, offer support, or suggest an alternate approach.
Pull requests are proposals to apply changes to the repository which could include adding or editing existing documentation, adding images, or providing or changing content. There are several guides that document how to contribute to GitHub repositories such as:
If you'd like to contribute to the repository but are unsure how to do this, please feel welcome to contact the project maintainers.