- Enable "cloud" on subcommand (winrm)
- Add more unit tests
- Add help text for 'mech -h'
- Show provisioning details during provisioning
- Windows provisioning using inline/powershell (args not yet supported)
- Enable "cloud" on subcommands (cloud, box, and snapshot)
- Add more unit tests
- Remove unused code
- Handle legacy box files better in "box list"
- Major internal changes by swapping out docopt library for click.
- Add "winrm config" and "winrm run" operations
- Add "winrm copy" and "winrm fetch" operations
- Add "support" operation.
- Add github issues and requests options.
- Minor update to README about which interfaces are used during "no-nat"
- Do not initialize a vm (hence prevent starting) when using a provider that is not installed.
- Change libraries (from "clint" to "click") because "clint" is deprecated
- Fix virtualbox int tests
- Fix bug in "up" operation for virtualbox
- Guess which network interface to use for bridge interface ("no-nat")
- Add "purge" option to "mech global-status"
- make python3.7+ requirement
- documenting cloud pre-reqs
- minor fixes; adding unittests
- bugfixes for 'mech cloud init' and 'mech cloud upgrade'
- This release provides initial functionality for mech cloud See "mech cloud -h" for more info.
- This release provides most functionality for virtualbox and vmware
- Added virtualbox "no-nat" capability (so vm can access internet)
- Added virtualbox provisioning
- Added virtualbox integration test
- Changed "mech ps" to use utils.ssh()
- Improved "mech list"
- Removed "mech status" command (see "mech list")
- Removed "mech reload" command (not really sure what it did)
- Removed "mech reset" command (did not see need)
- Added initial virtualbox provider; basic functionality ("up", "down", "add", "init", "list", "destroy", "ssh", "scp", "ip", "global-status") limited to "host only" networking (a "vboxnet0" and a dhcp server is created), no provisioning, no shared folders, cannot override cpu/memory; added "not implemented yet" messages so it is clear what is implemented; changed the output for operations like "start" and "list"
- Breaking change: boxes will now include the provider ('vmware' or 'virtualbox'). This will cause boxes to be re-downloaded.
- Add pyinfra provisioning
- Created new project board: Mech Cloud https://github.com/mkinney/mech/projects/2
- Created new project board: Mech and VirtualBox https://github.com/mkinney/mech/projects/3
- Created this CHANGELOG.md file
- First release under mikemech
- Added unit tests ("pytest")
- Added static code analysis tools ("flake8" and started fixing "pylint" warnings)
- Added integration tests
- Added github workflow
- Added code coverage visibility (see https://codecov.io/gh/mkinney/mech)
- Ensure unit and integration tests work from ubunutu and mac
- Created project board: Mech https://github.com/mkinney/mech/projects/1
- Added option to remove vagrant user "remove-vagrant"
- Added option to add current user "add-me"
- Added option to use current user for mech interactions "use-me"
- Added option to upgrade vm (bios and virtual hardware)
- Added option to have multiple shared folders
- Added option to be able to disable shared folders "disable-shared-folders"
- Added bash and zsh command completion
- Added bridged networking ("no-nat")
- Added ability to change cpus ("numvcpus")
- Added ability to change memory ("memsize")
- Added option to have multiple instances of same box
- Removed delays in code ("sleep()")
- Refactored code to different classes (ex: MechInstance)
- Got provisioning working; ensure runs during an instance start
- Added unit test and code coverage badges in README.md
- Added the ability to not run provising code during instance start ("no-provision")