Anyone can open a pull request to help expand/enhance the functionality are essential to mech's growth.
This guide should help get you started contributing to mech.
# Clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:mkinney/mech.git
# or
git clone
# Change into that cloned directory
cd mech
# If virtualenv is not installed:
sudo apt-get install virtualenv direnv python3.7
# Create a virtualenv
# Note: python should be 3.7+
virtualenv -p python3.7 venv
# Activate the python virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
# consider installing/using direnv (there is a .envrc in this repo)
# may need to run "direnv allow"
# install mech from this code
# python install
pip install -e .
# if doing development
pip install requests flake8 pytest pytest_mock mock pytest-cov pylint pytest-xdist pytest-timeout twine pyinfra setuptools wheel click colorama pypsrp
# also optional
pip install autopep8
# use like this: autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive
# Configure git to use pre-commit hook
flake8 --install-hook git
# for running unit tests:
# for code coverage
pytest --cov mech
# to see what lines are not covered
pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov mech
# or to get a nice html output
pytest --cov-report html:cov_html --cov=mech
# then open cov_html/index.html
# or if you want all coverage html report
pytest --cov-report html:cov_html --cov=mech -m"int or not int"
# if you want to do a quick-ish (takes 1.5 minutes) smoke test
# this runs thru most basic functionality of mech
# to see the slowest unit tests
pytest --durations=0
# if you have a unittest that is taking too long, but cannot find out which one
# add "timeout = 10" (for 10 seconds)
# for testing/validation, we have also some integration tests
# NOTE: Can take 5+ minutes.
# cd tests/int (see "all" file)
# You can run the int tests by themselves directly if you change
# into the tests/int directory.
# Or, you can run them from the main project directory like this:
pytest -m"int"
# To run all tests (with verbose output and show local variables):
pytest -m"int or not int" -vv -l
# or just run "./full_test"
# To run only vmware
pytest -m"vmware" -vv -l
# To run only virtualbox
pytest -m"virtualbox" -vv -l
# Or, just one run int test like this (with verbose and show local variables):
pytest -m"int" -k"provision" -v -l
Coding standards:
- use single quotes where possible
- flake8 should not emit any warnings
- all "help" should be sentences, complete with a period ('.') at the end