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102 lines (92 loc) · 4.17 KB

File metadata and controls

102 lines (92 loc) · 4.17 KB

Passing arguments to dotnet build is as simple as adding -- before the parameters.

dotnet run -- -f DemoCreateProcess.dll -c TestClass -m RunProcess -p notepad.exe,calc.exe

will output:

root@ronin:/opt/donutCS# dotnet run -- -f DemoCreateProcess.dll -c TestClass -m RunProcess -p notepad.exe,calc.exe
[DEBUG] Starting Donut
[DEBUG] Parsing Arguements:
[DEBUG] 	File:	 DemoCreateProcess.dll
[DEBUG] 	Outfile: payload.bin
[DEBUG] 	Arch:	 3
[DEBUG] 	Bypass:	 3
[DEBUG] 	Class:	 TestClass
[DEBUG] 	Method:	 RunProcess
[DEBUG] 	Args:	 notepad.exe,calc.exe
[DEBUG] Entering Donut_Create()
[DEBUG] Entering ParseConfig()
[DEBUG] Checking for Arch Mismatch
[DEBUG] Validating Bypass Option
[DEBUG] Entering ParseInputFile()
[DEBUG] File extension is: .dll
[DEBUG] Parsing PE file
[DEBUG] COM Descriptor found, .NET selected
[DEBUG] Runtime found in Metadata Header: v4.0.30319
[DEBUG] Entering CreateModule()
	[+] Domain:	XTHXYW9M
	[+] Class:	TestClass
	[+] Method:	RunProcess
	[+] Runtime:	v4.0.30319
[DEBUG] Total Module Size: 10016
[DEBUG] Entering CreateInstance()
[DEBUG] Adding module size 10016 to instance size
[DEBUG] Instance CTR:	885C5D14BE3AFB2A96A83B3E716FC458
[DEBUG] Instance MK :	D9CA2098898B0D3D26A93ABAC7559BA8
[DEBUG] Module CTR:	EE055BE8E5313787AD41C69172F66416
[DEBUG] Module MK :	45DEBE92880CC279975AB9FF5F668D0C
[DEBUG] Decryption Verfier String: 7RXC7RCH
[DEBUG] IV for Maru Hash:	EE055BE8E5313787AD41C69172F6641645DEBE92880CC279975AB9FF5F668D0C
[DEBUG] Generating API Hashes
[DEBUG] kernel32.dll	LoadLibraryA	BE6B0F4C6E90041
[DEBUG] kernel32.dll	GetProcAddress	D2775FB3795B6E99
[DEBUG] kernel32.dll	GetModuleHandleA	CFB133733371945
[DEBUG] kernel32.dll	VirtualAlloc	175BE0138048F366
[DEBUG] kernel32.dll	VirtualFree	112370AF401B9002
[DEBUG] kernel32.dll	VirtualQuery	E615AA1DF528913D
[DEBUG] kernel32.dll	VirtualProtect	4FACA074826AE3E2
[DEBUG] kernel32.dll	Sleep	F29E5437BEE67E02
[DEBUG] kernel32.dll	MultiByteToWideChar	692289BAD205B11
[DEBUG] kernel32.dll	GetUserDefaultLCID	192E5FAA8EA61F10
[DEBUG] oleaut32.dll	SafeArrayCreate	4464C62DE15E4E39
[DEBUG] oleaut32.dll	SafeArrayCreateVector	2C50A8844E9DE165
[DEBUG] oleaut32.dll	SafeArrayPutElement	7A171A4C65762C27
[DEBUG] oleaut32.dll	SafeArrayDestroy	4F87BBADC931FD68
[DEBUG] oleaut32.dll	SafeArrayGetLBound	B767EED9AAA297E7
[DEBUG] oleaut32.dll	SafeArrayGetUBound	F37F234E0CB20B8E
[DEBUG] oleaut32.dll	SysAllocString	683B41D349587B76
[DEBUG] oleaut32.dll	SysFreeString	FED67AF370E23D0E
[DEBUG] oleaut32.dll	LoadTypeLib	5591ECCE0C537E8
[DEBUG] wininet.dll	InternetCrackUrlA	A2772CA0F35E74D5
[DEBUG] wininet.dll	InternetOpenA	34E94F6ECD82F654
[DEBUG] wininet.dll	InternetConnectA	93A04855DAC0EE21
[DEBUG] wininet.dll	InternetSetOptionA	7196165EA4B21B38
[DEBUG] wininet.dll	InternetReadFile	13DDFACDAD0D2BF5
[DEBUG] wininet.dll	InternetCloseHandle	9E9A771689145B5E
[DEBUG] wininet.dll	HttpOpenRequestA	5FD9F730C799B598
[DEBUG] wininet.dll	HttpSendRequestA	18B72A4DD980A766
[DEBUG] wininet.dll	HttpQueryInfoA	C55D89A239214C22
[DEBUG] mscoree.dll	CorBindToRuntime	35B99E290C59D93D
[DEBUG] mscoree.dll	CLRCreateInstance	AB5992B840F45FAE
[DEBUG] ole32.dll	CoInitializeEx	967191D52A839261
[DEBUG] ole32.dll	CoCreateInstance	9631416AE79A8016
[DEBUG] ole32.dll	CoUninitialize	6287FDA6D15EFD30
[DEBUG] DLL Count: 4
[DEBUG] API Count: 33
[DEBUG] Copying PIC module data to instance
[DEBUG] Encrypting Instance
[DEBUG] Wrote raw instance to disk
[DEBUG] Entering Shellcode()
[DEBUG] PIC Size: 34954
[DEBUG] Copying 16554 bytes of x64/x86 shellcode
[DEBUG] Donut_Create() finished with: [*] Success
[DEBUG] Wrote raw payload to payload.bin
[DEBUG] Wrote Base64'd payload to payload.bin.b64

To test the results you can use Wover's DonutTest app.
Take your base64'ed output and replace the appropriate shellcode in Program.cs

Using Donut

Refer to the donut main project for uses.

Odzhan's blog post (about the generator):

TheWover's blog post (detailed walkthrough, and about how donut affects tradecraft):

v0.9.2 release blog post: