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Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Søren sxren
Software and data engineer in Tokyo, Japan.


Stefan Freitag stefanfreitag
Father of Two, Loving Cloud and OpenSource.

RWE Supply & Trading GmbH Dortmund, Germany

Martin Morset martimors
I design and run software


Pete Bachant petebachant
Python, open source, wind energy, data, CFD.

Fairfax, CA

Davi Vieira davieir4
Computer Science - UFAL
John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA

Rudolf J rudolfjs
🥼Data Laboratory Lead 🔬Research Fellow 📚 HDR @ The University of Queensland
jQuery || React || React Native || Next JS|| Vue JS || Frontend Web App Developer || Express JS Pakistan

Benjamin Vial benvial
I am a Research Associate interested in wave physics, metamaterials and numerical methods.

@imperial London

Robin Linacre RobinL
Data scientist/engineer for UK Government. Lead developer of Splink

@moj-analytical-services London

Jenny Wong jnywong
Open Source Applications Engineer @2i2c-org ✨ she/her

@2i2c-org United Kingdom

Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]


Bri BriannaLind
Stoked about Open Science, Global Change Ecology, Remote Sensing, Savannas, Termite Mounds
Omoleye Julius geek0ps
Software Engineer💥 | Cloud Enthusiast | Devops Engineer ❤️ | Self Driven | Christian 💫

@TramangoDevteam @Opspoint-dev Lagos, Nigeria

José Wellington Albuquerque j200093
Sobre Mim 🚀 Olá! Eu sou Wellington Albuquerque, um profissional multidisciplinar graduando em Engenharia Ambiental, especializando em Ciência de Dados e SIG


Alice✿ itsalicelee

Berkeley, CA

Lucy Jiménez LucyJimenez

Women in Bioinformatics and Data Science LA Germany

Manisha Sinha mannazsci

past work: @manisha-sinha-appasamy

Ariel Silvio Norberto RAMOS asnramos
Programmer, Developer, Teach Technology, Organizer, Logistic.-

JupyterLATAM, PythonNorte, SciPyLatam/Argentina, Python_Cientifico.- Ciudad de Salta, Argentina

Raphael Hagen norlandrhagen
Data Engineer

@carbonplan Seattle

Negin Sobhani negin513
Scientific Software Developer👩🏻‍💻 and Geospatial Data Scientist 🌎. HPC, Cloud, Geospatial ML Workflows. Background in weather and air quality modeling

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Boulder, CO

Max Jones maxrjones
Cloud engineer | Background in oceanography and volcanology | Building tools for working with Earth data

@developmentseed Durham, NC