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All India Truck firoj0
Support me and tell me your hands that I can do my work India

Exagraph ExaGraphica
(Exagraph or Exa for short) Typescript / Javascript Dev who does a lot offline.
masuda.sota sota0121
Full Stack Software Engineer Mainly I use Go, TypeScript and Python.

Money Forward, Inc. / SOTA Lab Tokyo Japan

Umman Mammadov UMMAN2005
CNCF Kubestronaut ⎈ | Software & DevOps Engineer

Baku, Nizami, Azer Manafav 1

binbin XiaozaYa

Wuhan University



Nicolas Perrier Zarbuz
Software Engineer in France

Manzalab Paris

Ko Sooyoul kosooyoul
in a universe of imagination

Seongnam, Gyeonggi

Avestura avestura
🔴 Can't you see? This non-corporeal dimension is a result of a devil in a playpen. But I may have found a way out, for even the gods are bound to slip.

Sagittarius A*, Milky Way

Niklas nhh
databases, reverse proxies and programming languages. Forever curious


Luigi Teschio gigitux
Developer. Open source enthusiast. Rap music lover.

@Automattic Naples, Italy

Luca Cavallin lucavallin
Software Engineer at GitHub. GDE & CNCF Ambassador. Off-hours: photography, cycling, BBQ, cats.

GitHub, Inc. The Netherlands

Abdhilahi R. Wabwire AbdhilahiRWabwire
Software Developer

Hyaena Technologies

Neo Nolan 3nln

Felix IT Solutions Uzbekistan,Tashkent

Orzklv orzklv
An Open Source advocate, contributor, maintianer of a few local projects. Tech community maintainer and strong "Rust & NixOS ftw" believer.

@uzinfocom-org core, (@floss-uz, @xinux-org, @rust-lang-uz) maintainer Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Adi Rabinovich adir1
Self proclaimed Tech Guru, focused on making the World a better place for all!


Copa dev-copa
French dev passionate about hearthstone, card games and gaming in general. My goal is to make projects that are (hopefully) useful and/or fun for people like me
Cédric Hennequin niquenen
French Developer and Software Engineer. Working at @h2v-solutions 👨🏻‍💻

@h2v-solutions Bordeaux, France

Fahd Ashour fahdfady
A web dev who often loves to sit on the computer | building @BLEU-IO
Alena alenaliu
Deep Metaphysics
レエイン|RA1N RA1NO3O

Hangzhou Encryption Matrix Technology Co., Ltd. Hangzhou

Bonnia bonniabyte
Full Bunny Stack, 18 years old
NABIL nabilify

South Asia / Remote

Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai

The Yemeni King mohy7792

The Yemeni king personally Yemen kingdom 🌚

CharmaineC incubated-geek-cc
👩‍💻 Data Analyst. Web & Software Developer. | Technical Writer ✍️ | Trying to make the 🌐 better with baby steps👣 Linked🅸🅽─


oneofthezombies oneofthezombies
Software Engineer

Korea, Republic of

Ron Sheely RonSheely
Husband, father, grandfather, retired Cal Poly Electronic, Software, Embedded Systems Engineer, hp, Tektronix lifelong learner, really old photo ...

Retired Pacific Northwest

Marko Koljancic marko-koljancic
Manager, engineer, CGI enthusiast, highly passionate about servant leadership, technology, software engineering, and people empowerment.

Banja Luka, BIH