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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Melanie Boleng melanieboleng
UT Austin | Information Studies
Jose Velazquez, MA josev2046
Unlocking the inherent value in AV archives. #AudioVisualPreservation, #Time-based Media #CI/CD #ARCHITECT #APIs #MAM #DAM #OVP #OTT while not dead: code( )

London, UK

Amanda sinematech
Legacy media digitization & preservation


Amanda B. Dsky amandabrumyks
Archivist for Multimedia/Film/Art currently specialising in Digital Preservation.


Martin Belanger mbeware

Quebec city, Quebec, Canada

Dean Ayotte DeanAyotte

University of Glasgow Glasgow

Maryna Chernyavska marynacher
Digital Archivist

University of Alberta Archives Edmonton, AB

marie williams chant mwchant
digital archivist @museumofglass


Douglas Gustafsson douglasgustafsson
AudioVisual Preservation

Riksarkivet Stockholm

Luiz Antônio takusuman
C.E. student @ Universidade Norte do Paraná

Cine Kua Non Brazil

Aspen Mayer aspenmayer
a person on the internet


Tom Ackroyd tomackroyd
Primarily here to learn how to use and contribute to vrecord and dvrescue
Libby Hopfauf libbyhopfauf

Seattle Municipal Archives & Moving Image Preservation of Puget Sound Seattle, WA

Matthew Yang muthusalami
digital archivist && media preservationist

@thegetty Los Angeles

Torbjørn Pedersen torbjornbp
Digital preservation product lead at the National Library of Norway


Neos21 Neos21
どうも Neo です。

Neo's World

AV Archivist - NYU MIAP alum


Brian E. Davis tvc15brian

Oregon State University