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Firmino Neto firminoneto11
Sofware Engineer

Levers PID 1

Alex Rigler alexrigler
Building ChooChoo 🚂 - The Customer Engine

@choochoohq San Francisco

Charleno Pires charlenopires
Polyglot Developer (Working: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go; Know: Rust, Ocaml, ReScript, Elixir, Erlang, Ruby, Dart, Kotlin; Understand: Java, C#, PHP, Lua

Amarante | PI | Brazil

David Berenstein davidberenstein1957
ML & DevRel at 🤗 @huggingface ||👨🏽‍🍳 Cooking, 👨🏽‍💻 Coding, 🏆 Committing

@huggingface Madrid

Guilherme Bernardo guilhermebernar
Full Stack, always learning and developing.

Wicomm Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Marco Falamarcao
Full Cycle Software Engineer, Data Engineer, Web Scraping - Implementing Data-Driven Ideas


Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
James A. Black Jr. jamesblackjr

Programmer Incorporated LLC

Uday techUdayMungalpara
Hobbyist developer


𝓒𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵 Crazycrystaldev

myVids Global

merkurio merkuriospam

Plopi Buenos Aires

Frαnçois fpaupier
Software Engineer

fpaupier engineering services Paris

Yi Liu yiliu30
Talk is cheap, pick one and do it.

AI Frameworks Engineer @Intel SH

seanivore seanivore
Career artist stalking new tech mediums hunting for innovation. Shout-out to Claude.

@August-House-LLC United States

ayahiro1729 ayahiro1729

Waseda University Tokyo, Japan

Mike Brummett GoDjMike
Started w/ tensorflow in 2015 | 2x SaaS founder | Bad news, I actually like TS/JS

Solopreneur (AI/ML, SaaS, B2B) Kansas City, MO

Tsuki TsukiZombina
Data Scientist, Computer Scientist and Chemist who loves knowledge and help along.

EY Mexico City

Hippolyte Asah hfasah
Sr Cloud Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Infrastructure Engineer ML/AI Engineer @bellcanada @uWaterloo @uontario

Bell GTA

Alejandro Mantilla AlejoJamC
Master’s student in Artificial Intelligence. Evolving from Software Developer to AI Engineer with a focus on BackEnd + AI-powered Solutions

The Netherlands


Sao Paulo, Brazil

Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭