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Nelson Benevides benevides

Førge Sistemas São Paulo

Nida Nur Efe nidanurefe
Computer Engineering Student at ITU


Trev Allen pondhopper
After Fortran and punched cards, nothing ever seemed the same...


Mojo Craft mojocraft

China Hebei Qinhuangdao

Ferhat OZ Karakoyunlu
Richard Ashton DrRJAshton
C++ Excel

Beddington North

Dale Ianni daleianni

Coventry, CT, USA

NotMooseRider NotMooseRider
Python, C & C++ dev


jonms jonmorrissmith
Abstract artist, concrete realist and a ruthless bookie.

United Kingdom

DamianPosada damianp91
Ask me about backend development in Java, Python, or C, database optimization, or Linux system administration. I'm also happy to share experience with process
Wangjianhao wangjianhao222

麻省理工学院 美国

Franciszek Chycki Kanashimo
making code with ❤️

@blogee @cubecopia Poland

Osman ProfCoderCs
I am an embedded software engineer. I regularly upload some codes about stm32 projects in c language. You can find python and c++ codes here.
Calvin Ronksley hexzhen3x7
I'm Calvo, 28 years old and interested in codeing! (ReactJS, NodeJS, NextJS, React-Native) (Bash/Shebang) SettingUp Servers, Playing with DeveloperBoards(RPI)

org-blackzspace-de Germany

Short-Term Action, Long-Term Impact.
Minsoo Choo fel1x-developer

Nepean High School Ontario, Canada

sAlvo s-campanella
A thug dev and sim racer, an indie guitar player, but also a cute and grooving science person. Tesla was a Physician and DD motors are used for playing vinyls.

Driver seat || wandern || skating; where else?!


Kiel, Germany