name |
Here set the accessory Name to be displayed in Homebridge/HomeKit . |
host |
Here set the envoy IP Address or Hostname or leave empty (will be used default path envoy.local ) |
enableDebugMode |
If enabled, deep log will be present in homebridge console. |
disableLogInfo |
If enabled, then disable log info, all values and state will not be displayed in Homebridge log console |
disableLogDeviceInfo |
If enabled, add ability to disable log device info by every connections device to the network. |
envoyFirmware7xx |
This enable support for Envoy firmware v7.x.x. If for some reason in the log You get validate JWT token error , login with stored in /homebridge/enphaseEnvoy/envoyToken_xxxxx token to Envoy from web browser first. |
enlightenUser |
Here set the enlihten user name. |
enlightenPasswd |
Here set the enlihten password. |
envoySerialNumber |
Here set the envoy serial number. |
envoyPasswd |
Here set the envoy password (only if U already changed the default password) |
powerProductionSummary |
Here set the Power Summary in W of all microinverters, based on this value HomeKit app will display power level 0-100 % . |
powerProductionOnOff |
This enable Power State monitoring for production and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app. |
powerProductionMax |
This enable Power Peak monitoring for production and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app. |
powerProductionMaxAutoReset |
Here select at which period of time the Power Peak will auto reset. |
powerProductionMaxDetected |
Here set the production Power Peak in (W), if the Power Production >= powerProductionMaxDetected the contact sensor fired. |
energyProductionStateSensor |
This enable Energy State monitoring for production and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app.. |
energyProductionLevelSensor |
This enable Energy Level monitoring for production and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app. |
energyProductionLevelDetected |
Here set Energy Level in (Wh), if the Energ Level Today >= energyProductionLevelDetected the contact sensor fired. |
energyProductionLifetimeOffset |
Here set the Offset of lifetime energy production if nedded in (Wh),(+/-) |
powerConsumptionTotalMax |
This enable Power Peak monitoring for consumption (Total) and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app. |
powerConsumptionTotalMaxAutoReset |
Here select at which period of time the Power Peak will auto reset. |
powerConsumptionTotalMaxDetected |
Here set the consumption (Total) Power Peak , if the Power >= powerConsumptionTotalMaxDetected the contact sensor fired. |
energyConsumptionTotalLifetimeOffset |
Here set the offset of lifetime total energy consumption if nedded in (Wh),(+/-) |
powerConsumptionNetMax |
This enable Power Peak monitoring for consumption (Net) and expose contact sensor in HomeKit app. |
powerConsumptionNetMaxAutoReset |
Here select at which period of time the Power Peak will auto reset. |
powerConsumptionNetMaxDetected |
Here set the consumption (Net) Power Peak , if the Power >= powerConsumptionNetMaxDetected the contact sensor fired. |
energyConsumptionNetLifetimeOffset |
Here set the offset of lifetime net energy consumption if nedded in (Wh),(+/-) |
supportProductionPowerMode |
If enabled, check/control Production Power Mode will be possible in Envoy section (EVE or Controler app). |
supportPlcLevel |
If enabled, check PLC Level will be possible. |
supportEnsembleStatus |
If enabled, check Ensemble Status will be possible (only fw. 7.x.x), more info in About The Plugin section. |
supportLiveData |
If enabled, check Live Data will be possible (only fw. 7.x.x). |
liveDataRefreshTime |
Here set Live Data rfresh time in (ms). |
metersDataRefreshTime |
Here set Meters Data rfresh time in (ms). |
productionDataRefreshTime |
Here set Production Data rfresh time in (ms). |
enableRestFul |
If enabled, RESTful server will start automatically and respond to any path request. |
restFulPort |
Here set the listening Port for RESTful server. |
restFulDebug |
If enabled, deep log will be present in homebridge console for RESTFul server. |
enableMqtt |
If enabled, MQTT Broker will start automatically and publish all awailable PV installation data. |
mqttHost |
Here set the IP Address or Hostname for MQTT Broker. |
mqttPort |
Here set the Port for MQTT Broker, default 1883. |
mqttPrefix |
Here set the Prefix for Topic or leave empty. |
mqttAuth |
If enabled, MQTT Broker will use authorization credentials. |
mqttUser |
Here set the MQTT Broker user. |
mqttPasswd |
Here set the MQTT Broker password. |
mqttDebug |
If enabled, deep log will be present in homebridge console for MQTT. |