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Type Narrowing

Python programs often contain symbols that take on multiple types within a single given scope and that are distinguished by a conditional check at runtime. For example, here the variable name can be either a str or None, and the if name is not None narrows it down to just str:

def maybe_greet(name: str | None) -> None:
    if name is not None:
        print("Hello, " + name)

This technique is called type narrowing. To avoid false positives on such code, type checkers understand various kinds of conditional checks that are used to narrow types in Python code. The exact set of type narrowing constructs that a type checker understands is not specified and varies across type checkers. Commonly understood patterns include:

  • if x is not None
  • if x
  • if isinstance(x, SomeType)
  • if callable(x)

In addition to narrowing local variables, type checkers usually also support narrowing instance attributes and sequence members, such as if x.some_attribute is not None or if x[0] is not None, though the exact conditions for this behavior differ between type checkers.

Consult your type checker's documentation for more information on the type narrowing constructs it supports.

The type system also includes two ways to create user-defined type narrowing functions: :py:data:`typing.TypeIs` and :py:data:`typing.TypeGuard`. These are useful if you want to reuse a more complicated check in multiple places, or you use a check that the type checker doesn't understand. In these cases, you can define a TypeIs or TypeGuard function to perform the check and allow type checkers to use it to narrow the type of a variable. Between the two, TypeIs usually has the more intuitive behavior, so we'll talk about it more; see :ref:`below <guide-type-narrowing-typeis-typeguard>` for a comparison.

How to use TypeIs and TypeGuard

A TypeIs function takes a single argument and is annotated as returning TypeIs[T], where T is the type that you want to narrow to. The function must return True if the argument is of type T, and False otherwise. The function can then be used in if checks, just like you would use isinstance(). For example:

from typing import Literal, TypeIs

type Direction = Literal["N", "E", "S", "W"]

def is_direction(x: str) -> TypeIs[Direction]:
    return x in {"N", "E", "S", "W"}

def maybe_direction(x: str) -> None:
    if is_direction(x):
        print(f"{x} is a cardinal direction")
        print(f"{x} is not a cardinal direction")

A TypeGuard function looks similar and is used in the same way, but the type narrowing behavior is different, as dicussed in :ref:`the section below <guide-type-narrowing-typeis-typeguard>`.

Depending on the version of Python you are running, you will be able to import TypeIs and TypeGuard either from the standard library :py:mod:`typing` module or from the third-party typing_extensions module:

  • TypeIs is in typing starting from Python 3.13 and in typing_extensions starting from version 4.10.0.
  • TypeGuard is in typing starting from Python 3.10 and in typing_extensions starting from version

Writing a correct TypeIs function

A TypeIs function allows you to override your type checker's type narrowing behavior. This is a powerful tool, but it can be dangerous because an incorrectly written TypeIs function can lead to unsound type checking, and type checkers cannot detect such errors.

For a function returning TypeIs[T] to be correct, it must return True if and only if the argument is of type T, and False otherwise. If this condition is not met, the type checker may infer incorrect types.

Below are some examples of correct and incorrect TypeIs functions:

from typing import TypeIs

# Correct
def is_int(x: object) -> TypeIs[int]:
    return isinstance(x, int)

# Incorrect: does not return True for all ints
def is_positive_int(x: object) -> TypeIs[int]:
    return isinstance(x, int) and x > 0

# Incorrect: returns True for some non-ints
def is_real_number(x: object) -> TypeIs[int]:
    return isinstance(x, (int, float))

This function demonstrates some errors that can occur when using a poorly written TypeIs function. These errors are not detected by type checkers:

def caller(x: int | str, y: int | float) -> None:
    if is_positive_int(x):  # narrowed to int
        print(x + 1)
    else:  # narrowed to str (incorrectly)
        print("Hello " + x)  # runtime error if x is a negative int

    if is_real_number(y):  # narrowed to int
        # Because of the incorrect TypeIs, this branch is taken at runtime if
        # y is a float.
        print(y.bit_count())  # runtime error: this method exists only on int, not float
    else:  # narrowed to float (though never executed at runtime)

Here is an example of a correct TypeIs function for a more complicated type:

from typing import TypedDict, TypeIs

class Point(TypedDict):
    x: int
    y: int

def is_point(obj: object) -> TypeIs[Point]:
    return (
        isinstance(obj, dict)
        and all(isinstance(key, str) for key in obj)
        and isinstance(obj.get("x"), int)
        and isinstance(obj.get("y"), int)

TypeIs and TypeGuard

:py:data:`typing.TypeIs` and :py:data:`typing.TypeGuard` are both tools for narrowing the type of a variable based on a user-defined function. Both can be used to annotate functions that take an argument and return a boolean depending on whether the input argument is compatible with the narrowed type. These function can then be used in if checks to narrow the type of a variable.

TypeIs usually has the more intuitive behavior, but it introduces more restrictions. TypeGuard is the right tool to use if:

  • You want to narrow to a type that is not :term:`assignable` to the input type, for example from list[object] to list[int]. TypeIs only allows narrowing between compatible types.
  • Your function does not return True for all input values that are members of the narrowed type. For example, you could have a TypeGuard[int] that returns True only for positive integers.

TypeIs and TypeGuard differ in the following ways:

  • TypeIs requires the narrowed type to be :term:`assignable` to the input type, while TypeGuard does not.
  • When a TypeGuard function returns True, type checkers narrow the type of the variable to exactly the TypeGuard type. When a TypeIs function returns True, type checkers can infer a more precise type combining the previously known type of the variable with the TypeIs type. (This is known as an "intersection type".)
  • When a TypeGuard function returns False, type checkers cannot narrow the type of the variable at all. When a TypeIs function returns False, type checkers can narrow the type of the variable to exclude the TypeIs type.

This behavior can be seen in the following example:

from typing import TypeGuard, TypeIs, reveal_type, final

class Base: ...
class Child(Base): ...
class Unrelated: ...

def is_base_typeguard(x: object) -> TypeGuard[Base]:
    return isinstance(x, Base)

def is_base_typeis(x: object) -> TypeIs[Base]:
    return isinstance(x, Base)

def use_typeguard(x: Child | Unrelated) -> None:
    if is_base_typeguard(x):
        reveal_type(x)  # Base
        reveal_type(x)  # Child | Unrelated

def use_typeis(x: Child | Unrelated) -> None:
    if is_base_typeis(x):
        reveal_type(x)  # Child
        reveal_type(x)  # Unrelated

Safety and soundness

While type narrowing is important for typing real-world Python code, many forms of type narrowing are unsafe in the presence of mutability. Type checkers attempt to limit type narrowing in a way that minimizes unsafety while remaining useful, but not all safety violations can be detected.

isinstance() and issubclass()

While the exact behavior is not standardized, type checkers usually support narrowing terms based on calls to isinstance() and issubclass(). However, these functions have complex runtime behavior that type checkers cannot fully capture: they call the :py:meth:`__instancecheck__` and :py:meth:`__subclasscheck__` special methods, which may include arbitrarily complex logic.

This affects some parts of the standard library that rely on these methods. :py:class:`abc.ABC` allows registration of subclasses using the .register() method, but type checkers usually will not recognize this method. :ref:`Runtime-checkable protocols <runtime-checkable>` support runtime isinstance() checks, but their behavior does not exactly match the type system (for example, the types of method parameters are not checked).

Incorrect TypeIs and TypeGuard functions

Both TypeIs and TypeGuard rely on the user writing a function that returns whether an object is of a particular type. However, the type checker does not validate whether the function actually behaves as expected. If it does not, the type checker's narrowing behavior will not match what happens at runtime.:

from typing import TypeIs

def is_str(x: object) -> TypeIs[str]:
    return True

def takes_str_or_int(x: str | int) -> None:
    if is_str(x):
        print(x + " is a string")  # runtime error

To avoid this problem, every TypeIs and TypeGuard function should be carefully reviewed and tested.

Unsound TypeGuard narrowing

Unlike TypeIs, TypeGuard can narrow to a type that is not a subtype of the original type. This allows for unsafe behavior with invariant data structures:

from typing import Any, TypeGuard

def is_int_list(x: list[Any]) -> TypeGuard[list[int]]:
    return all(isinstance(i, int) for i in x)

def maybe_mutate_list(x: list[Any]) -> None:
    if is_int_list(x):
        x.append(0)  # OK, x is narrowed to list[int]

def takes_bool_list(x: list[bool]) -> None:
    reveal_type(x)  # list[bool]
    assert all(isinstance(i, bool) for i in x)  # fails at runtime

takes_bool_list([True, False])

To avoid this problem, use TypeIs instead of TypeGuard where possible. If you must use TypeGuard, avoid narrowing across incompatible types. Prefer using covariant, immutable types in parameter annotations (e.g., Sequence or Iterable instead of list). If you do this, it is more likely that you'll be able to use TypeIs to implement your type narrowing functions.

Invalidated assumptions

One category of safety issues relates to the fact that type narrowing relies on a condition that was established at one point in the code and is then relied on later: we first check if x is not None, then rely on x not being None. However, in the meantime other code may have run (for example, in another thread, another coroutine, or simply some code that was invoked by a function call) and invalidated the earlier condition.

Such problems are most likely when narrowing is performed on elements of mutable objects, but it is possible to construct unsafe examples even using only narrowing of local variables:

def maybe_greet(name: str | None) -> None:
    def set_it_to_none():
        nonlocal name
        name = None

    if name is not None:
        # fails at runtime, no error in current type checkers
        print("Hello " + name)


A more realistic example might involve multiple coroutines mutating a list:

import asyncio
from typing import Sequence, TypeIs

def is_int_sequence(x: Sequence[object]) -> TypeIs[Sequence[int]]:
    return all(isinstance(i, int) for i in x)

async def takes_seq(x: Sequence[int | None]):
    if is_int_sequence(x):
        await asyncio.sleep(2)
        print("The total is", sum(x))  # fails at runtime

async def takes_list(x: list[int | None]):
    t = asyncio.create_task(takes_seq(x))
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    await t

if __name__ == "__main__":
    lst: list[int | None] = [1, 2, 3]

These issues unfortunately cannot be fully detected by the current Python type system. (An example of a different programming language that does solve this problem is Rust, which uses a system called ownership.) To avoid such issues, avoid using type narrowing on objects that are mutated from other parts of the code.

See also

  • Type checker documentation on type narrowing
  • PEPs related to type narrowing. These contain additional discussion and motivation for current type checker behaviors.
    • PEP 647 (introduced TypeGuard)
    • (withdrawn) PEP 724 (proposed change to TypeGuard behavior)
    • PEP 742 (introduced TypeIs)