SingularityNET Platform CI/CD Pipeline Repository
- Install Docker CE
- Add $USER to the docker group Post-installation steps
- Install CircleCI command-line tool
- checkout platform-pipeline build
- Go to the platform-pipeline directory
- Run CircleCI
circleci build
Integration tests use GoDog for test writing which is based on cucumber gherkin3 parser. export GO111MODULE=on, running go mod init, and then installing a specific version of godog with a command like go get[email protected] For example, test organization registering:
- Add a new scenario to the features/publish_service.feature file:
Scenario: Register an organization
When organization is registered
| organization name |
| TestOrganization |
Then organization is included into the list
| organization name |
| TestOrganization |
- Go to the platform-pipeline directory
- Run godog
It will print stub methods which needs to be implemented:
//You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:
func organizationIsRegistered(arg1 *godog.Table) error {
return godog.ErrPending
func organizationIsIncludedIntoTheList(arg1 *gherkin.DataTable) error {
return godog.ErrPending
func FeatureContext(s *godog.Suite) {
s.Step(`^organization is registered$`, organizationIsRegistered)
s.Step(`^organization is included into the list$`, organizationIsIncludedIntoTheList)
- Put the FeatureContext steps into the features_steps_test.go file:
func FeatureContext(s *godog.Suite) {
// background
// ...
// example-services sample
// ...
// Check organization
s.Step(`^organization is registered$`, organizationIsRegistered)
s.Step(`^organization is included into the list$`, organizationIsIncludedIntoTheList)
- Create a test file register_organization_test.go and add stub functions into it:
package main
import (
func organizationIsRegistered(table *godog.Table) error {
return godog.ErrPending
func organizationIsIncludedIntoTheList(table *godog.Table) error {
return godog.ErrPending
- Use Command DSL to run commands from the shell and check that the output contains necessary words:
func organizationIsRegistered(table *gherkin.DataTable) error {
organizationName := getTableValue(table, "organization name")
return NewCommand().
Run("snet organization create %s --registry-at %s -y", organizationName, registryAddress).
func organizationIsIncludedIntoTheList(table *gherkin.DataTable) error {
organizationName := getTableValue(table, "organization name")
output := "organizations.out"
return NewCommand().
Run("snet organization list").
: Background in publish_service.feature file is executed before each scenario. It means that in case of
more than one scenario the background tests should be updated to be executed only once.
The following steps can help to reproduce and find root cause of the failed platform pipeline build.
: platform-pipeline always builds all singnet projects from master branch.
- Find the step where platform-pipeline failed in CircleCI Web UI
- Open the .circleci/config.yaml file in the platform-pipeline project
- Insert bash command before the failed step.
For example, the bash command was inserted before running GoDog integration tests.
- checkout
- run:
name: Run integration tests
command: |
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
mkdir $GOPATH/log
go get
bash # <-- inserted command
Run CircleCI in the platform-pipeline project
cd platform-pipeline
circleci build
Wait until CircleCI build reaches the bash point
Copy the docker image
- List docker running containers
docker ps
- Select the container id for image "ubuntu:latest" from the output
- Copy the docker image
docker commit container-id circleci-platform-pipeline
- List docker running containers
Run the copied CircleCI image by docker
docker run -it circleci-platform-pipeline bash
cd /root/singnet/src/
Connect to the running docker image
- List docker running containers
docker ps
- Select the container id for required docker
- Run
docker exec -it container-id bash
- List docker running containers
: necessary test environment variables are not set in this bash session and should be set manually.
export GOPATH=/root/singnet
export SINGNET_REPOS=/root/singnet/src/
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
export IPFS_PATH=$GOPATH/ipfs