This tutorial describes the process of building and deploying a fully functional local SingularityNET environment. In such environment one can publish services, call them and have full control over a local test blockchain network.
This document describes the process of environment setup in Ubuntu 18.04. Some commands can be different under other linux distributions.
- Go 1.10+
- Dep 0.4.1+
- Go Protobuf Compiler
- Golint
Part of the code is written in Go language so you need a set of tools to compile Go code and manage Go dependencies.
sudo apt-get install golang go-dep golang-goprotobuf-dev golint
- NodeJS 8+
Truffle and Ganache are used to develop and test Ethereum contracts so NodeJS development tools are required.
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
IPFS is used to keep RPC models of the services which are published via SingularityNET platform. Follow instructions at to download and install IPFS. Following steps expects that ipfs
is installed and can be run from the command line.
- Python 3.6.5
- Pip
Part of the code is written in Python so you need a Python interpreter and Pip as python package manager.
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
- libudev
- libusb 1.0
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
Go compiler expects that the path to the workspace is exported as GOPATH
is exported to simplify change directory commands below.
mkdir -p singnet/src/
cd singnet
mkdir log
export GOPATH=`pwd`
export PATH=${GOPATH}/bin:${PATH}
IPFS is used by SingularityNET to keep published services RPC models. For local test environment we will setup a private local IPFS instance.
Initialize IPFS data folder:
export IPFS_PATH=$GOPATH/ipfs
ipfs init
Remove all default IPFS bootstrap instances from default IPFS configuration (see IPFS private network).
ipfs bootstrap rm --all
Change IPFS API and Gateway ports because they intersect with default example-service
and snet-daemon ports.
ipfs config Addresses.API /ip4/
ipfs config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/
Clone platform-contracts repository:
git clone
cd platform-contracts
Install dependencies and Ganache using NPM:
npm install
npm install ganache-cli
Compile contracts using Truffle:
./node_modules/.bin/truffle compile
Clone snet-cli repository:
git clone
cd snet-cli
Install blockchain dependencies and snet-cli package in development mode.
# you need python 3.6 here, with python 3.5 you will get an error
./scripts/blockchain install
pip3 install -e .
Clone snet-daemon
git clone
cd snet-daemon
Build snet-daemon
./scripts/install # install dependencies
./scripts/build linux amd64 # build project
Start IPFS daemon:
ipfs daemon >$GOPATH/log/ipfs.log 2>&1 &
Start a local Ethereum network. Pass mnemonic to produce a deterministic blockchain environment: accounts, private keys and behavior.
cd $SINGNET_REPOS/platform-contracts
./node_modules/.bin/ganache-cli --mnemonic 'gauge enact biology destroy normal tunnel slight slide wide sauce ladder produce' >$GOPATH/log/ganache.log 2>&1 &
Accounts and private keys printed by Ganache will be used in next steps. Deploy contracts using Truffle.
./node_modules/.bin/truffle migrate --network local
npm run package-npm
Contract addresses printed after deployment will be used to setup snet.
Truffle deploys contracts using the first account of the test network. As SingularityNETToken contract is deployed using this account, this account's balance keeps all of SingularityNET tokens issued during deployment. Other contracts deployed are Registry and MultiPartyEscrow. Registry keeps the list of organization and published services, and MultiPartyEscrow is a part of our payment system.
# run snet command for the first time to create default config:
# add local Ethereum network to the `snet` configuration with the name "local".
snet network create local http://localhost:8545
# Create First identity (snet-user = first ganache identity)
snet identity create snet-user rpc --network local
# switch to snet-user (we will switch automatically to local network)
snet identity snet-user
# switch to local ipfs endpoint
snet set default_ipfs_endpoint http://localhost:5002
# Configure contract addresses for local network (for kovan addresess are already configured!)
snet set current_singularitynettoken_at 0x6e5f20669177f5bdf3703ec5ea9c4d4fe3aabd14
snet set current_registry_at 0x4e74fefa82e83e0964f0d9f53c68e03f7298a8b2
snet set current_multipartyescrow_at 0x5c7a4290f6f8ff64c69eeffdfafc8644a4ec3a4e