This document provides an overview of how to be a maintainer for this repository.
The goal for maintainers should be for contributors to have a good experience adding to the Awesome list.
New potential contributors should be able to look at the record of past experiences in closed pull requests and be encouraged by what they see to add their own contributions. If a contribution is lacking in some manner that leads to it falling short of being "AWESOME", clear feedback should be given with a pleasant and positive framing. Often this can lead to improvements in projects, additional documentation that helps users, etc. All good things. Rarely, a contribution will not be merged due to sustained shortcomings. This is okay too. Maintaining the minimum bar helps ensure the consumers of the list find value in it and some of them eventually add their own contributions.
Anyone who has any participation in the Software Underground Slack/Mattermost discussions or has made contribution(s) to this repository can become a maintainer if they want.
Anyone added to the awesome GitHub team will have effectively have permissions that let them do maintainer tasks like approve pull requests.
To join that list of maintainers, add an issue to this repository.
Select the issue template called "maintainer_application"
and ping all the members of the
awesome GitHub team
like @justinGOSSES , @leouieda, etc.
after you submit the issue in a secondary
comment to the issue.
One of them will reach our and/or add you to the
awesome GitHub team.
Historically, most of the maintainers who approve issues on this repository where involved in setting up the repository. We would like to broaden the participation.
Being a mainter on a repository like this is a great opportunity to learn maintainer skills and to do so in a low risk situation. Solving merge conflicts, managing community members, and lowering friction for developers are all important skills for working on open source code repositories. This repository is merely a list, so the stakes are low. There is no production service to break or be "down".
While the stakes are low, the impact is high. This repository is one of the most starred repositories on GitHub under the 'geoscience' topic, Being a maintainer on this resume is something that one can list on their resume as evidence of contributing to the open source geoscience community and evidence of their experience solving merge conflicts, working with external contributors, etc.
If you have questions as a new maintainer, there are experienced people you can reach out to for advice. For example, you can send a private message to JustinGOSSES in the Software Underground mattermost channel if you have a question.
The most common maintainer tasks is evaluating and approving pull requests.
The characteristics that are required to be an "awesome" open source geoscience resource is described in the and files. A checklist gets generated via the .github/
Most of the process of evaluating a contribution to the awesome list is just checking off that all these criteria are satisfied. Many pull request approvals are straight forward and takes 5-12 minutes.
In some cases, a maintainer may want to attempt to run a program mentioned in a pull request themselves. This takes more time. A maintainer might want to do this if there are signs in the the installation instructions or files that the application might only run on the originators computer or operating system. In the past, these sorts of problems have been identified and fixed.
Rarely there are multiple pull requests in the que that impact the same lines in some file causing a merge conflict. For instructions on how to "fix merge conflict" on the web interface for GitHub see GitHub's fixing merge conflict guidelines
Please read the "How to fix automation problems" for instructions on how to fix previously seen problems related to the TravisCI continuous improvement tooling that runs with each pull request.
The most common reason for a pull request to not be immediately
mergable is a failure in the Travis CI (continuous integration)
script related to links in the
Links that used to work can 404 or redirect from their original
URL to a new URL. In both cases, this will cause the CI to fail.
To fix these issues, use a search engine
to look for a new link address. If a new URL exists, then edit
the file directly in the pull request with the new link address.
If that resource being linked to has disappeared entirely, it
may mean it is time to delete the previous contribution that includes the link.
It is often easiest to do these types of fixes using the
"edit this file" button as described in
the file.
Rarely, the maintainers also discuss new feature requests. This has included new sections, like datasets, as well as a request for a DOI for the awesome list repository. These conversations mostly take place in issues. For longer conversations or for expanding the scope of who is included, it can also be useful to post a question on the "Open Geoscience" channel in the Software Underground mattermost channel.
Maintainers should make a good faith effort to respond to new issues and pull requests on this repository. Once you are a maintainer, it is recommended that you click the watch button right next to the fork button the main page of the repository This will put any new issues or pull requests you haven't already visited in your GitHub noticiations que. A direct link to new issues and pull requests limited to this repositories is If you don't visit the GitHub notifications page often in the normal course of your life, you might want to set a reminder to double check notifications page so nothing gets missed.
Faster is better as it makes people who submit an issue or pull requests feel more included when they get a fast response. In practice, this repository has been managed in a very asynchronous manner with pull requests often getting responses in 1-2 week range and sometimes unfortunately significantly longer. We should probably try to reduce this time to first response.