- List of Tables
- Revision
- Scope
- Definitions/Abbreviations
- Document/References
- Overview
- Requirements
- Architecture Design
- High-Level Design
- Configuration and management
- Restrictions/Limitations
- Testing Requirements/Design
Rev | Date | Author | Change Description |
0.1 | 07/31/2022 | Jiahua Wang | Initial version |
0.2 | 08/03/2022 | Jiahua Wang | Fix title and references |
0.3 | 08/12/2022 | Jiahua Wang | Overloading VendoSai class constructor |
0.4 | 09/12/2022 | Jiahua Wang | Add testing requirements/design section |
0.5 | 09/13/2022 | Jiahua Wang | Define PHY MDIO access function names |
0.6 | 09/27/2022 | Jiahua Wang | VendorPaiDll class inheriting VendorSai class |
0.7 | 09/28/2022 | Jiahua Wang | Change to VendorPai class, add paiInstance |
This document provides general information about gearbox MDIO functionality and implementation in utilizing the PAI library and gbsyncd for SONiC. This document also provides a design to build a single gbsyncd docker to work with various PAI library and different external PHY access method.
This document describes the high level design of the gbsyncd mdio access function with the focus on using the mdio bus from the switch NPU. This function primarily consists of two new syncd classes, one new mdio access library, addition of SAI switch api and changes in switch NPU configuration. The function helps the gbsyncd and PAI library to access the mdio devices (External PHYs). One of the new syncd class also helps to dynamically load PAI library and MDIO access library at runtime so that only a single gbsyncd docker can work for different switch platforms with external PHY.
Term | Meaning |
gbsyncd | The daemon and docker servicing external PHY configuration processing |
IPC | Inter-Process-Communication |
MDIO | Management Data Input/Output used to access the registers of external PHY |
MDIO Clause 22 | Defined in Clause 22 of IEEE RFC802.3 to access 32 registers on 32 ports |
MDIO Clause 45 | Defined in Clause 45 of the 802.3ae to access 65,536 registers in 32 devices on 32 ports |
PAI | Switch Abstraction Interface used for external PHY programming |
PHY | Physical Layer chip devices (commonly found on Ethernet devices) |
SAI | Switch Abstraction Interface |
Document | Location |
SONiC Gearbox Manager High Level Design Document | https://github.com/sonic-net/SONiC/blob/master/doc/gearbox/gearbox_mgr_design.md |
The Ethernet switches of today often have PHY, re-timer and mux. Some PHY is internal to the switch NPU, but most PHY is external to the switch NPU. From software point of view, PHY is considered as internal when the PHY is supported by the SAI or SDK of the switch NPU. External PHY does not have support by the switch NPU SAI/SDK. External PHY requires PAI support. In SONiC gearbox framework, there is a gbsyncd docker and daemon servicing the externl PHY configuration processing.
The syncd docker and daemon use the SAI library to service the NPU programming. The SAI library uses PCIe to access the NPU hardware. The gbsyncd docker and daemon use the PAI library to service the external PHY configuration processing. The PAI library usualy uses MDIO to access the PHY hardware.
It depends on the switch hardware design that the external PHY could be connected to a FPGA or CPLD based MDIO controller or a switch NPU MDIO bus. The FPGA or CPLD based MDIO controller often has linux kernel driver and provides linux sysfs programming interface. The switch NPU MDIO bus uses SAI library hence an Inter-Process-Communication (IPC) mechanism is required between the syncd daemon and gbsyncd daemon.
There are 2 mdio access modes: clause 45 and clause 22. Some external PHY uses clause 45 mdio while other external PHY uses clause 22 mdio. The switch NPU sai switch api should distinguish the 2 modes.
When a configured platform target is built, there is only one syncd docker as the SAI library for the configured platform will cover all the device with switch NPU in the same configured platform class. Although the gbsyncd docker is very much similar to the syncd docker, there could be many gbsyncd docker required as there are different PAI library for different PHY and MDIO access method. Our goal is to build a single gbsyncd docker to cover all PHY and MDIO access method.
There are many choices for the IPC mechanism between the syncd daemon and gbsyncd daemon. One performance requirement is that it should finsh firmware download within a reasonable time. Our design choice is to use the Unix socket as the IPC mechanism. Our design has the MDIO IPC server in the syncd daemon with its own thread. A new syncd class MdioIpcServer is added to start a new thread, to create an unix socket, to listen on the socket, to accept connection and to read/reply IPC messages.
There is a corresponding MDIO access IPC client code in the form of dynamic link library which provides the flexiblity to load the library at runtime. Assuming the MDIO access library for sysfs is also in the form of dynamic library, gbsyncd can select the MDIO access library at runtime based on some configuration in the gearbox_config.json file.
The same gearbox_config.json file already has the information of the PAI library name. The information can be used to dynamically load the PAI library at runtime.
The informationn of PHY device using clause 22 mdio can also be added to the gearbox_config.json file. It will help to decide the mdio access mode at runtime.
A new syncd class VendorPai is used by gbsyncd instance to handle PAI. The VendorPai class has inheritance from the VendorSai class. The syncd class VendorSai currently only links SAI/PAI library with the SAI/PAI library path determined at syncd build time. The new VendorPai class can have the PAI library path as one of the arguments for its constructor. The MDIO access library path can be another arguments for the constructor of the VendorPai class. Both the PAI library and the MDIO access library can be dynamically linked by syncd in gbsyncd docker at run time.
The high level design of the gbsyncd mdio access function using the mdio bus from the switch NPU and using single gbsyncd docker in SONiC image can be covered in the following points:
- It is an enhancement to the sonic gearbox framework.
- Syncd, SAI and some sonic device files are modified.
- There are 2 repositories that would be changed, sonic-sairedis and SAI.
- gbsyncd will have dependencies on syncd to create the Unix IPC socket.
- Syncd will have new classes for the MDIO IPC server and for the parser of gearbox configuration.
- There is a new MDIO IPC client library is added.
- The new MDIO IPC client library code can be under syncd, but is not linked to syncd at build time.
- External PHY firmware download time always has performance requirements/impact.
- For debugging, beside the syslog logging, the Unix socket IPC mechanism can be simulated by socat.
- The current change is only tested on the Broadcom switch, but should work for other switch.
- SAI switch api has added the mido clause 22 access functions.
- The SaiInterface class has added the mdio clause 45/22 read/write virtual functions.
- The VendoSai class overrides the mdio clause 45/22 read/write virtual functions.
- New keys are added to the gearbox configuration file "gearbox\_config.json".
- During the warmboot, the creation of the Unix IPC socket and connection is the same as of coldboot.
- The platform module software should not reset the external PHY during warmboot.
The VendorPai class will inherit most member functions from the VendorSai class. The VendorSai class needs some changes to accomdate the inheritance.
When a syncd instance runs inside the gbsyncd docker, a new command line option --paiInstance or -i with an integer argument is required. A CommandLineOptions class variable m_paiInstance stores the argument value. The syncd instance in gbsyncd docker already uses another command line option -x to point the configuration file "gearbox_config.json". The CommandLineOptions class variable m_contextConfig stores the configuration file name.
The variable m_paiInstance can used as an index into the array of the "phys" section in the configuration file "gearbox_config.json". There are JSON key/value of "phy_id", "lib_name", "phy_access_lib_name" and "mdio_cl22_only" in the "phys" section.
int syncd_main(int argc, char **argv)
if (commandLineOptions->m_paiInstance >= 0) {
auto vendorSai = std::make_shared<VendorPai>(commandLineOptions->m_paiInstance, commandLineOptions->m_contextConfig);
} else {
auto vendorSai = std::make_shared<VendorSai>();
For the case that multiple PHY ids aggregate in a single syncd context, it is a new separate topic. We don't discuss the topic in this HLD.
The VendorSai class needs to add all SAI API functions as function pointers, e.g.
class VendorSai:
public sairedis::SaiInterface
+ sai_status_t (*m_sai_api_initialize)(uint64_t flags, const sai_service_method_table_t *services);
+ sai_status_t (*m_sai_api_uninitialize)(void);
+ sai_status_t (*m_sai_api_query) (sai_api_t api, void **api_method_table);
The VendorSai class constructor needs to assign all SAI API function names to the function pointers, e.g.
+ m_sai_api_initialize = sai_api_initialize;
+ m_sai_api_uninitialize = sai_api_uninitialize;
+ m_sai_api_query = sai_api_query;
In VendorSai class member functions where the SAI API function is called, the function name is replaced with the function pointer, e.g.
sai_status_t VendorPaiDLL::initialize(
_In_ uint64_t flags,
_In_ const sai_service_method_table_t *service_method_table)
- auto status = sai_api_initialize(flags, service_method_table);
+ auto status = m_sai_api_initialize(flags, service_method_table);
The information for PHY id, PAI library name, MDIO library name and MDIO mode can parsed from the JSON key of "phy_id", "lib_name", "phy_access_lib_name" and "mdio_cl22_only" from the "phy" section of the configuration file "gearbox_config.json". The VendorPai class constructor can use the information to initialize all the function pointers using dlopen()/dlsym(), e.g.
#define MDIO_READ "mdio_read"
#define MDIO_WRITE "mdio_write"
#define MDIO_READ_CLAUSE22 "mdio_read_cl22"
#define MDIO_WRITE_CLAUSE22 "mdio_write_cl22"
VendorPai::VendorPai(int pai_instance, string gearbox_config)
int phy_id;
string pai_lib_name, string mdio_lib_name;
bool cl22_only;
phy_id = parse_gearbox_config(pai_instance, gearbox_config).phy_id;
pai_lib_name = parse_gearbox_config(pai_instance, gearbox_config).pai_lib_name;
mdio_lib_name = parse_gearbox_config(pai_instance, gearbox_config).mdio_lib_name;
cl22_only = parse_gearbox_config(pai_instance, gearbox_config).cl22_only;
m_sai_dll_handle = dlopen (pai_lib_name.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY);
*(void**)(&m_sai_api_initialize) = dlsym(m_sai_dll_handle, "sai_api_initialize");
*(void**)(&m_sai_api_uninitialize) = dlsym(m_sai_dll_handle, "sai_api_uninitialize");
*(void**)(&m_sai_api_query) = dlsym(m_sai_dll_handle, "sai_api_query");
m_access_lib_handle = dlopen (mdio_lib_name.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY);
m_mdio_cl22_only = cl22_only;
if (m_mdio_cl22_only)
*(void**)(&m_mdio_read) = dlsym(m_access_lib_handle, MDIO_READ_CLAUSE22);
} else {
*(void**)(&m_mdio_read) = dlsym(m_access_lib_handle, MDIO_READ);
if (m_mdio_cl22_only)
*(void**)(&m_mdio_write) = dlsym(m_access_lib_handle, MDIO_WRITE_CLAUSE22);
} else {
*(void**)(&m_mdio_write) = dlsym(m_access_lib_handle, MDIO_WRITE);
Because only the PHY access library name can be changed in the configuration file, we define the PHY access function names always being "mdio_read", "mdio_write", "mdio_read_cl22" and "mdio_write_cl22" for MDIO read and write of clause 45 and clause 22, respectively. The access function prototypes are already defined in the PAI library.
The VendorPai::create() function can set the correct MDIO access functions for PAI in gbsyncd.
sai_status_t VendorPai::create(
_In_ sai_object_type_t objectType,
_Out_ sai_object_id_t* objectId,
_In_ sai_object_id_t switchId,
_In_ uint32_t attr_count,
_In_ const sai_attribute_t *attr_list)
if (objectType == SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_SWITCH)
std::vector<sai_attribute_t> attr_copy;
sai_attribute_t attr;
for (auto i = 0; i < attr_count; i++)
if (attr_list[i].id == SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_REGISTER_READ && m_context !=0)
attr.value.ptr = (void *) m_mdio_read;
else if (attr_list[i].id == SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_REGISTER_WRITE)
attr.value.ptr = (void *) m_mdio_write ;
sai_attribute_t *attr_array = attr_copy.data();
auto status = info->create(&mk, switchId, attr_count, attr_array);
auto status = info->create(&mk, switchId, attr_count, attr_list);
When a switch platform with external PHY is connected to the MDIO bus from the switch NPU, the external PHY is accessed through the SAI and syncd. The existing SAI switch api already has mdio access functions switch_mdio_read and switch_mdio_write defined, but it does not distinguish the Clause 45 mdio from the Clause 22 mdio. New mdio access functions switch_mdio_cl22_read and switch_mdio_cl22_write are added to the SAI switch api to handle the Clause 22 mdio only.
typedef struct _sai_switch_api_t
sai_create_switch_fn create_switch;
sai_remove_switch_fn remove_switch;
sai_switch_mdio_read_fn switch_mdio_read;
sai_switch_mdio_write_fn switch_mdio_write;
+ sai_switch_mdio_cl22_read_fn switch_mdio_cl22_read;
+ sai_switch_mdio_cl22_write_fn switch_mdio_cl22_write;
} sai_switch_api_t;
For backward compatibility of the SAI API before above change, the Clause 22 mdio device can still be accessed using the existing mdio access functions together with extra configuration in NPU SAI/SDK or experimental switch attribute. For example, new SAI soc property is added to the config.bcm file for a switch platform with external PHY using the Clause 22 mdio registers:
Each device with external PHY should have a configuration file gearbox_config.json. One JSON key "lib_name" has the value of the PAI library name. We add 2 more JSON keys. One new JSON key "phy_access_lib_name" has the value of the mdio access library name. The other new JSON key "mdio_cl22_only" indicates the PHY device using clause 22 mdio.
"phys": [
"phy_id": 1,
"lib_name": "/usr/lib/libpai_layer.so",
"phy_access": "mdio",
+ "phy_access_lib_name": "/usr/lib/libgbsyncdaccess.so",
+ "mdio_cl22_only": true,
When the external PHY is connected to the MDIO bus from the switch NPU, this design only applies to the device with Broadcom SAI/NPU. When external PHY is connected to the FPGA/CPLD based mdio controller, this design should work for all device.
When external PHY is using broadcast firmware download method, there might be requirements of other software components and helper depends on the PAI library implementation. It is outside the scope of this HLD.
The added MDIO IPC server class and the changed VendorSai class are in the syncd process. Some unit test cases can be added to the existing syncd unit test. Some system test cases can only be done on systems with the external PHY and NPU mdio bus.
The MDIO IPC server class only invokes some class methods when there are unix socket connection and valid MDIO IPC client messages on the unix socket. New gtest cases will be added to the syncd unit test simulating the MDIO IPC client.
The 4 new methods added to the VendorSai class and its parent class SaiInterface only works on the SAI with real hardware, i.e. a systems with the external PHY and NPU mdio bus.
virtual sai_status_t switchMdioRead(...);
virtual sai_status_t switchMdioWrite(...);
virtual sai_status_t switchMdioCl22Read(...);
virtual sai_status_t switchMdioCl22Write(...);
Hence the MockableSaiInterface class and its parent class DummySaiInterface will override the above 4 methods.
On a system with the external PHY connected to NPU mdio bus, we can use 'socat' simulating the IPC client as an interactive command line shell to access the PHY mdio registers, e.g.
docker exec -it syncd socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/sswsyncd/mdio-ipc.srv
Command in the shell to read MDIO clause 45 register at an address and an offset:
mdio <address> <reg offset>
Command in the shell to write MDIO clause 45 register at an address and an offset with a value:
mdio <address> <reg offset> <value>
Command in the shell to read MDIO clause 22 register at an address and an offset:
mdio-cl22 <address> <reg offset>
Command in the shell to write MDIO clause 22 register at an address and an offset with a value:
mdio-cl22 <address> <reg offset> <value>
Command to exit from the interactive command line shell: