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SONiC Network Time Protocol (NTP) client configuration

High Level Design document

Table of contents


Rev Date Author Description
0.1 01/02/2023 Yevhen Fastiuk 🇺🇦 Initial version

About this manual

This document provides general information about NTP implementation in SONiC and NTP CLI. It describes high-level behavior, internal definition, design of the commands, syntax, and output definition.


As part of the NTP feature, the next functionality is already available:

  1. Add new NTP server (IP addr only)
  2. Delete configured servers
  3. Configure source interface (no CLI)
  4. Configure VRF (no CLI)

This document describes the high level design of NTP client feature in SONiC. The scope that document is to cover definition, design, and implementation of SONiC NTP, and NTP CLI. That functionality is standard for ntpd so we can support it in SONiC. The document covers the next CLI:

  1. Show NTP state and configuration
  2. Configure NTP client by adding NTP servers and pools
  3. Enable NTP server
  4. Configure NTP authentication

In scope:

  • NTP client configuration (connect to NTP servers and/or pools).

Out of scope:

  • NTP server role configuration (run a NTP server, be a peer).


Term Meaning
SONiC Software for Open Networking in the Cloud
NTP Network Time Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
DB Database
VRF Virtual Routing and Forwarding
CLI Сommand-line Interface
YANG Yet Another Next Generation

List of figures

List of tables

1 Introduction

1.1 Feature overview

NTP is a feature which allows user to synchronize system clock between computer systems over packet-switched. NTP is intended to synchronize all participating computers to within a few milliseconds of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). That HLD presents the ability to configure NTP on SONiC systems.

As part of this feature, we would like to be able to configure NTP client using remote NTP servers, so we will be able to synchronize the time. Also, we will be able to retrieve all information related to the NTP global configuration and it’s servers, such as ip address, state, authentication key, etc.

Here is the representation of SONiC platform using NTP feature:

NTP system chart diagram

Figure 1: NTP system chart diagram

1.2 Requirements

1.2.1 Functionality

This feature will support the following functionality:

  1. Show NTP configuration
  2. Enable/disable NTP functionality
  3. Enable/disable NTP authentication
  4. Enable/disable NTP DHCP client
  5. Configure NTP VRF
  6. Configure NTP servers
  7. Configure per-server configuration
  8. Manage NTP authentication keys

1.2.2 Command interface

This feature will support the following commands:

  1. config: global NTP configuration
    1. Enable/disable NTP functionality
    2. Enable/disable NTP authentication
    3. Enable/disable NTP DHCP client
    4. Set NTP VRF
  2. config: add/delete NTP server configuration
    1. Enable/disable server
    2. Configure server association type
    3. Modify server's NTP communication protocol version
    4. Assign authentication key
    5. Turn on/off aggressive mode (iburst)
  3. config: NTP authentication keys management
    1. Change key type
    2. Trustiness enable/disable
  4. show: display NTP status
  5. show: display NTP configuration
  6. show: display NTP authentication keys inventory

1.2.3 Error handling

This feature will provide error handling for the next situations:

  1. Invalid object reference
  2. Invalid options/parameters

1.2.4 Event logging

This feature will provide event logging for the next situations:

  1. NTP state change
  2. NTP authentication change
  3. NTP DHCP client change
  4. NTP server add/change config
  5. Authentication keys management
  6. Show NTP status
Table 1: Event logging
Event Severity
NTP state change: success NOTICE
NTP state change: failed ERROR
NTP authentication change: success NOTICE
NTP authentication change: failed ERROR
NTP DHCP change: success NOTICE
NTP DHCP change: failed ERROR
NTP add/change server: success NOTICE
NTP add/change server: failed ERROR
Authentication keys management: success NOTICE
Authentication keys management: failed ERROR
Show NTP status: failed ERROR

2 Design

2.1 Overview

As you can see on the system chart, we can configure feature by setting data through the SONiC database. hostcfgd will listen for the configuration changes in corresponding table and will restart ntp-config service, which reads config from the database and configures the NTP by generating ntp.conf and ntp.keys file (if necessary).

2.2 NTP daemon configuration

The various modes are determined by the command keyword and the type of the required IP address. Addresses are classed by type as (s) a remote server or peer (IPv4 class A, B and C), (b) the broadcast address of a local interface, (m) a multicast address (IPv4 class D), or (r) a reference clock address (127.127.x.x).

Table 2: NTP daemon configuration
Parameter Default Description
server none For type s and r addresses, this command mobilizes a persistent client mode association with the specified remote server or local radio clock. In this mode the local clock can synchronized to the remote server, but the remote server can never be synchronized to the local clock. This command should not be used for type b or m addresses.
pool none For type s addresses, this command mobilizes a persistent client mode association with a number of remote servers. In this mode the local clock can synchronized to the remote server, but the remote server can never be synchronized to the local clock.
key (ntpd) none All packets sent to and received from the server or peer are to include authentication fields encrypted using the specified key identifier with values from 1 to 65535, inclusive. The default is to include no encryption field.
version 4 Specifies the version number to be used for outgoing NTP packets. Versions 1-4 are the choices, with version 4 the default.
iburst none When the server is unreachable, send a burst of eight packets instead of the usual one. The packet spacing is normally 2 s; however, the spacing between the first two packets can be changed with the calldelay command to allow additional time for a modem or ISDN call to complete. This is designed to speed the initial synchronization acquisition with the server command and s addresses and when ntpd is started with the -q option.
keys none Specifies the complete path and location of the key file containing the keys and key identifiers used by ntpd, ntpq and ntpdc when operating with symmetric key cryptography. This is the same operation as the -k command line option.
trustedkey none Specifies the key identifiers which are trusted for the purposes of authenticating peers with symmetric key cryptography, as well as keys used by the ntpq and ntpdc programs. The authentication procedures require that both the local and remote servers share the same key and key identifier for this purpose, although different keys can be used with different servers. The key arguments are 32-bit unsigned integers with values from 1 to 65535.
keyno none Positive integer (between 1 and 65535).
type none Message digest or cipher algorithm. Supported types are md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, and sha512
key (keys) none The key itself. The key may be printable ASCII excluding "#" or hex encoded. Keys longer than 20 characters are assumed to be hex. The max length of a (de-hexified) key is 32 bytes. If you want to use an ASCII key longer than 20 bytes, you must hexify it. Note that the keys used by the ntpq(1) programs are checked against passwords entered by hand, so it is generally appropriate to specify these keys in ASCII format.

MAN page: ntp.conf ntp_auth

2.3 Configuration agent

2.3.1 Overview

Configuration management of ntpd is done by ntp-config service. The service is triggered by CLI once data is validated and pushed to Config DB.

The ntp-config service performs the next actions:

  1. Renders ntp.conf.j2 and ntp.keys.j2 templates with sonic-cfggen to generate a new ntpd config file
  2. Restarts ntp service which triggers ntpd to load a new config file

2.3.2 NTP parameters

NTP will have the next parameter mapping:

Table 3: NTP parameters
SONiC ntp.conf,
Config DB Schema
state (global) N/A NTP|global|admin_state:<val>
authentication trustedkey, keys NTP|global|authentication:<val>
vrf N/A NTP|global|vrf:<val>
server server, pool NTP_SERVER|<key>
state (server) N/A NTP_SERVER|<key>|admin_state:<val>
type server, pool NTP_SERVER|<key>|association_type:<val>
version version NTP_SERVER|<key>|version:<val>
aggressive iburst NTP_SERVER|<key>|iburst:<val>
key (server) key NTP_SERVER|<key>|key:<val>
key (auth) keyno NTP_KEY|<key>|value:<val>
type (auth) type NTP_KEY|<key>|type:<val>
trusted trustedkey NTP_KEY|<key>|trusted:<val>

2.3.3 NTP configuration

NTP global configuration offers state, authentication, vrf parameters for flexible configuration of NTP client. For the server the next configuration options are supported: state, type, version, key. And finally NTP key management supports the next options: value, type, trusted.


  1. The destination might be not reachable over the specified vrf/host: no way to check - user's responsibility
  2. Feature should handle automatically OOB VRF changes. Server configurations: add/del/change

Here is a part of ntp.conf.j2 template that can be used to generate configured NTP servers:


{# Getting NTP global configuration -#}
{/% set global = (NTP | d({})).get('global', {}) -/%}

{# Adding NTP servers. We need to know if we have some pools, to set proper
config -#}
{/% set is_pools = False /%}
{/% for server in NTP_SERVER if NTP_SERVER[server].admin_state != 'disabled' and
                               NTP_SERVER[server].resolve_as and
                               NTP_SERVER[server].association_type -/%}
    {/% set config = NTP_SERVER[server] -/%}
    {# Server options -#}
    {/% set soptions = '' -/%}
    {# Server access control options -#}
    {/% set aoptions = '' -/%}

    {# Authentication key -#}
    {/% if config.key -/%}
        {/% set soptions = soptions ~ ' key ' ~ config.key -/%}
    {/% endif -/%}

    {# Aggressive polling -#}
    {/% if config.iburst -/%}
        {/% set soptions = soptions ~ ' iburst' -/%}
    {/% endif -/%}

    {# Protocol version -#}
    {/% if config.version -/%}
        {/% set soptions = soptions ~ ' version ' ~ config.version -/%}
    {/% endif -/%}

    {# Check if there are any pool configured. BTW it doesn't matter what was
    configured as "resolve_as" for pools. If they were configured with FQDN they
    must remain like that -#}
    {/% set config_as = config.resolve_as -/%}
    {/% if config.association_type == 'pool' -/%}
        {/% set is_pools = True -/%}
        {/% set config_as = server -/%}
    {/% else -/%}
        {/% set aoptions = aoptions ~ ' nopeer' -/%}
    {/% endif -/%}

{{ config.association_type }} {{ config_as }}{{ soptions }}
    {/%- if global.server_role == 'disabled' +/%}
restrict {{ config_as }} kod limited nomodify notrap noquery{{ aoptions }}
    {/%- endif +/%}

{/% endfor -/%} Global config: change

The next part of ntp.conf.j2 template can be used to manage ntp authentication:


{/% set trusted_keys_arr = [] -/%}
{/% for key in NTP_KEY -/%}
    {/% set keydata = NTP_KEY[key] -/%}
    {/% if keydata.trusted == 'yes' -/%}
        {/% set trusted_keys_arr = trusted_keys_arr.append(key) -/%}
    {/% endif -/%}
{/% endfor /%}

{/% if global.authentication == 'enabled' /%}
keys /etc/ntp.keys
{/% if trusted_keys_arr != [] /%}
trustedkey {{ trusted_keys_arr|join(' ') }}
{/% endif /%}
{/% endif /%}

And for handling VRF, DHCP, and NTP feature state we need to modify ntp-sytemd-wrapper:

if [ -r /etc/default/ntp ]; then
        . /etc/default/ntp

dhcp=$(/usr/local/bin/sonic-cfggen -d -v 'NTP["global"]["dhcp"]' 2> /dev/null)
if [ -e /run/ntp.conf.dhcp ] && [ "$dhcp" = "enabled" ]; then
        NTPD_OPTS="$NTPD_OPTS -c /run/ntp.conf.dhcp"

ntpEnabled=$(/usr/local/bin/sonic-cfggen -d -v 'NTP["global"]["admin_state"]' 2> /dev/null)
if [ "$ntpEnabled" = "disabled" ]
        logger -p INFO -t "ntpd" "Stopping NTP daemon"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $PIDFILE
        exit 0

# when mgmt vrf is configured, ntp starts in mgmt vrf by default unless user configures otherwise
vrfEnabled=$(/usr/local/bin/sonic-cfggen -d -v 'MGMT_VRF_CONFIG["vrf_global"]["mgmtVrfEnabled"]' 2> /dev/null)
vrfConfigured=$(/usr/local/bin/sonic-cfggen -d -v 'NTP["global"]["vrf"]' 2> /dev/null)
if [ "$vrfEnabled" = "true" ]
        if [ "$vrfConfigured" = "default" ]
                    logger -p INFO -t "ntpd" "Starting NTP server in default-vrf for default set as NTP vrf" "ntpd"
                    start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $PIDFILE --startas $DAEMON -- -p $PIDFILE $NTPD_OPTS
                    logger -p INFO -t "ntpd" "Starting NTP server in mgmt-vrf"
                    ip vrf exec mgmt start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $PIDFILE --startas $DAEMON -- -p $PIDFILE $NTPD_OPTS
        logger -p INFO -t "ntpd" "Starting NTP server in default-vrf"
        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $PIDFILE --startas $DAEMON -- -p $PIDFILE $NTPD_OPTS
fi NTP authentication keys management: add/del

And finally authentication keys file ntp.keys.j2 template is here:

# Controlled by ntp-config.service

{# We can connect only to the servers we trust. Determine those servers -#}
{/% set trusted_arr = [] -/%}
{/% for server in NTP_SERVER if NTP_SERVER[server].trusted == 'yes' and 
                               NTP_SERVER[server].resolve_as -/%}
    {/% set _ = trusted_arr.append(NTP_SERVER[server].resolve_as) -/%}
{/% endfor -/%}

{# Define authentication keys inventory -#}
{/% set trusted_str = ' ' ~ trusted_arr|join(',') -/%}
{/% for keyid in NTP_KEY if NTP_KEY[keyid].type and NTP_KEY[keyid].value /%}
{/% set keyval = NTP_KEY[keyid].value | b64decode /%}
{{ keyid }} {{ NTP_KEY[keyid].type }} {{ keyval }}{{trusted_str}}
{/% endfor -/%}

2.4 DB schema

2.4.1 Config DB

To configure the feature we are going to use three Config DB tables:

  • NTP

NTP table is used to store NTP global configuration.

NTP_SERVER table contains configured remote NTP servers and theis approprite configuration.

NTP_KEY table holds NTP authentication keys inventory.

  • Keys values must be base64 encrypted before writing to DB.

2.4.2 Data sample

Config DB:

redis-cli -n 4 HGETALL 'NTP|global'
1) "admin_state"
2) "enabled"
3) "authentication"
4) "enabled"
5) "vrf"
6) "default"

redis-cli -n 4 HGETALL 'NTP_SERVER|'
1) "admin_state"
2) "disabled"
3) "version"
4) "4"
5) "key"
6) "42"
5) "iburst"
6) "on"
7) "association_type"
8) "server"

redis-cli -n 4 HGETALL 'NTP_SERVER|somehost'
1) "admin_state"
2) "enabled"
3) "version"
4) "3"
5) "iburst"
6) "on"
7) "association_type"
8) "pool"

redis-cli -n 4 HGETALL 'NTP_KEY|1'
1) "type"
2) "md5"
3) "value"
4) "bXlwYXNzd29yZA=="
5) "trusted"
6) "yes"

redis-cli -n 4 HGETALL 'NTP|42'
1) "type"
2) "sha1"
3) "value"
4) "dGhlYW5zd2Vy"
5) "trusted"
6) "no"

2.4.3 Configuration sample

NTP Config DB configuration:

    "NTP": {
        "global": {
            "admin_state": "enabled",
            "authentication": "enabled",
            "vrf": "mgmt"
    "NTP_SERVER": {
        "": {
            "admin_state": "disabled",
            "version": "4",
            "key": "42",
            "iburst": "on",
            "association_type": "server"
        "somehost": {
            "admin_state": "enabled",
            "version": "3",
            "iburst": "on",
            "association_type": "pool"
    "NTP_KEY": {
        "1": {
            "type": "md5",
            "value": "bXlwYXNzd29yZA==",
            "trusted": "yes"
        "42": {
            "type": "sha1",
            "value": "dGhlYW5zd2Vy",
            "trusted": "no"

2.4.4 Full config example ConfigDB file configuration


    "NTP": {
        "global": {
            "src_intf": "eth0",
            "dhcp": "disabled",
            "vrf": "default",
            "admin_state": "enabled",
            "authentication": "enabled",
            "server_role": "enabled"
    "NTP_SERVER": {
        "": {
            "resolve_as": "",
            "admin_state": "disabled",
            "key": "1",
            "trusted": "no",
            "version": "4",
            "association_type": "server",
            "iburst": "off"
        "": {
            "resolve_as": "",
            "admin_state": "enabled",
            "key": "42",
            "trusted": "yes",
            "version": "4",
            "association_type": "server",
            "iburst": "off"
        "": {
            "resolve_as": "",
            "admin_state": "enabled",
            "trusted": "yes",
            "version": "3",
            "association_type": "server",
            "iburst": "on"
        "": {
            "resolve_as": "",
            "admin_state": "enabled",
            "trusted": "no",
            "association_type": "pool",
            "iburst": "on"
        "": {
            "resolve_as": "",
            "admin_state": "enabled",
            "trusted": "no",
            "association_type": "pool",
            "iburst": "off"
    "NTP_KEY": {
        "1": {
            "type": "md5",
            "trusted": "yes",
            "value": "YmxhYmxh"
        "42": {
            "type": "sha1",
            "trusted": "no",
            "value": "dGhlYW5zd2Vy"
        "43": {
            "type": "md5",
            "trusted": "yes",
            "value": "c2Rma2RzW1sxMTE="
        "44": {
            "type": "sha1",
            "trusted": "yes",
            "value": "bXlwYXNzd29yZA=="
        "2": {
            "type": "md5",
            "trusted": "no",
            "value": "Ymxh"
        "3": {
            "type": "md5",
            "trusted": "no",
            "value": "YmJibGE="
} Rendered config files


# Controlled by ntp-config.service

# To avoid ntpd from panic and exit if the drift between new time and
# current system time is large.
tinker panic 0

driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift

statistics loopstats peerstats clockstats
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable

server key 42 iburst version 4


pool iburst

server iburst version 3

pool iburst

keys /etc/ntp.keys
trustedkey 1 43 44

interface ignore wildcard

interface listen eth0
interface listen

# Access control configuration
# By default, exchange time with everybody, but don't allow configuration.
restrict -4 default kod limited notrap nomodify noquery nopeer
restrict -6 default kod limited notrap nomodify noquery nopeer

# Local users may interrogate the ntp server more closely.
restrict ::1


# Controlled by ntp-config.service

1 md5 blabla,
2 md5 bla,
3 md5 bbbla,
42 sha1 theanswer,
43 md5 sdfkds[[111,
44 sha1 mypassword,

2.4.5 Configuration migration

No special handling is required

2.5 Flows

2.5.1 NTP config flow

NTP config flow

Figure 2: NTP config flow

2.5.2 NTP show status sequence

NTP show status sequence

Figure 3: NTP show status sequence

2.5.2 NTP show configuration

NTP show configuration

Figure 4: NTP show configuration

2.6 CLI

2.6.1 Command structure

User interface:

\-- ntp
    |-- state <state>
    |-- authentication <auth>
    |-- dhcp <state>
    |-- vrf <vrf>
    |-- server
    |   |-- add <host> SRV_OPTS
    |   |-- del <host>
    |    \- <host> state <state>
     \- key
        |-- add <key_id> <key_value> KEY_OPTS
         \- del <key_id>

\-- ntp
    |-- global
    |-- server
     \- key



  1. <state>, <auth> - state string: enum: enabled, disabled
  2. <vrf> - OOB VRF device: enum: default, mgmt
  3. <host> - NTP server: host: ipv4, ipv6, hostname
  4. <key_id> - Authentication key ID: integer: 1-65535


  1. -t|--type - NTP server association type: enum: server, pool
  2. -k|--key - NTP authentication key ID: integer: 1-65535
  3. -v|--version - NTP protocol version integer: 3-4
  4. -a|--aggressive - NTP enable aggresive polling


  1. -t|--type - NTP key type: enum: md5, sha1
  2. -s|--trusted - NTP key trustiness: enum: yes, no

2.6.2 Usage examples Config command group

The following command enabled/disables NTP feature:

config ntp state enabled
config ntp state disabled

The following command enabled/disables NTP authentication:

config ntp authentication enabled
config ntp authentication disabled

The following command enabled/disables NTP DHCP client:

config ntp dhcp enabled
config ntp dhcp disabled

The following command configures NTP VRF:

config ntp vrf default
config ntp vrf mgmt

The following command adds/deletes NTP server:

config ntp server add \
  --type server \
  --key 42 \
  --version 4
config ntp server del

The following command enabled/disables specific NTP server:

config ntp server state enabled
config ntp server state disabled

The following command adds/removes NTP authentication key:

config ntp key add 42 theanswer \
  --type sha1 \
  --trusted yes
config ntp key del 42 Show command group

The following command shows NTP state:

root@sonic:/home/admin# show ntp
MGMT_VRF_CONFIG is not present.
synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 5
   time correct to within 287 ms
   polling server every 64 s
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+  4 u   53   64  377    0.134  +240.45  10.868
*  4 u   43   64  377    0.110  +231.47   5.604

The following command shows NTP global config:

root@sonic:/home/admin# show ntp global
State: enabled
Authentication: enabled
VRF: default

The following command shows NTP servers:

root@sonic:/home/admin# show ntp server
SERVER               STATE     TYPE    KEY  VERSION
-------------------  --------  ------  ---  -------  enabled   server       4
2001:4860:4806::     enabled   server       3         disabled  server  42   4         disabled  pool         4

The following command shows NTP keys:

root@sonic:/home/admin# show ntp key
------  ----  -------
1       md5   yes
2       sha1  no
42      md5   yes

2.7 YANG model

An existing YANG model sonic-ntp.yang will be extended in order to provide support for configuring global NTP and NTP servers.

Skeleton code: module sonic-ntp {

yang-version 1.1;

namespace "";
prefix ntp;

import ietf-inet-types {
    prefix inet;

import sonic-port {
    prefix port;

import sonic-mgmt_vrf {
    prefix mvrf;

import sonic-portchannel {
    prefix lag;
/* comment out sonic-vlan until related build issue is fixed
import sonic-vlan {
    prefix vlan;
import sonic-loopback-interface {
    prefix lo;

import sonic-mgmt_port {
    prefix mprt;

import sonic-types {
    prefix stypes;

    "NTP yang Module for SONiC OS";

revision 2021-04-07 {
        "First revision";

revision 2023-03-20 {
        "Add extended configuration options";

typedef association-type {
    description "NTP server association type";
    type enumeration {
        enum server;
        enum pool;

typedef key-type {
    description "NTP key encryption type";
    type enumeration {
        enum md5;
        enum sha1;
        enum sha256;
        enum sha384;
        enum sha512;

typedef key-id {
    description "NTP key ID";
    type uint16 {
        range 1..65535 {
            error-message "Failed NTP key ID";

container sonic-ntp {

    container NTP {

        container global {

            description "Global NTP part of config_db.json";

            leaf-list src_intf {
                type union {
                    type leafref {
                        path /port:sonic-port/port:PORT/port:PORT_LIST/port:name;
                    type leafref {
                        path /lag:sonic-portchannel/lag:PORTCHANNEL/lag:PORTCHANNEL_LIST/lag:name;
                    type leafref {
                        path /vlan:sonic-vlan/vlan:VLAN/vlan:VLAN_LIST/vlan:name;
                    type leafref {
                        path /lo:sonic-loopback-interface/lo:LOOPBACK_INTERFACE/lo:LOOPBACK_INTERFACE_LIST/lo:name;
                    type leafref {
                        path /mprt:sonic-mgmt_port/mprt:MGMT_PORT/mprt:MGMT_PORT_LIST/mprt:name;

                    "This is the interface whose IP address is used as the source IP address for
                     generating NTP traffic. User is required to make sure that the NTP server 
                     is reachable via this IP address and the same IP address is reachable 
                     from the NTP server. The source interface should be in the same VRF as the 
                     VRF NTP is enabled in.";

            leaf vrf {
                must "(current() != 'mgmt') or (/mvrf:sonic-mgmt_vrf/mvrf:MGMT_VRF_CONFIG/mvrf:vrf_global/mvrf:mgmtVrfEnabled = 'true')" {
                    error-message "Must condition not satisfied. Try enable Management VRF.";

                type string {
                    pattern "mgmt|default";

                    "NTP can be enabled only in one VRF at a time. In this revision, it is either
                     default VRF or Management VRF."; 

            leaf authentication {
                type stypes:state;
                default disabled;
                description "NTP authentication state";

            leaf dhcp {
                type stypes:state;
                default enabled;
                description "Use NTP servers distributed by DHCP";

            leaf server_role {
                type stypes:state;
                default enabled;
                description "NTP server functionality state";

            leaf admin_state {
                type stypes:state;
                default enabled;
                description "NTP feature state";

        } /* end of container global */

    } /* end of container NTP */

    container NTP_SERVER {

        description "NTP SERVER part of config_db.json";

        list NTP_SERVER_LIST {
            max-elements 10;
                "Number of upstream NTP servers is discussed at
                 (5.3.4. Excessive Number of Upstream Time Servers).";

            key "server_address";

            leaf server_address {
                type inet:host;

            leaf association_type {
                type association-type;
                default server;
                description "NTP remote association type. Server, pool, or

            leaf iburst {
                type stypes:on-off;
                default on;
                description "NTP aggressive polling";

            leaf key {
                description "NTP server key ID";
                type leafref {
                    path /ntp:sonic-ntp/ntp:NTP_KEY/ntp:NTP_KEYS_LIST/ntp:id;

            leaf resolve_as {
                type inet:host;
                description "Server resolved IP address";

            leaf admin_state {
                type stypes:state;
                default enabled;
                description "NTP server state";

            leaf trusted {
                type stypes:yes-no;
                default no;
                description "Trust this server. It will force time
                             synchronization only to this server when
                             authentication is enabled";

            leaf version {
                type uint8 {
                    range "3..4" {
                        error-message "Failed NTP version";
                default 4;
                description "NTP proto version to communicate with NTP

        } /* end of list NTP_SERVER_LIST */

    } /* end of container NTP_SERVER */

    container NTP_KEY {

        description "NTP authentication keys inventory";

        list NTP_KEYS_LIST {
            description "NTP authentication keys inventory";
            key "id";

            leaf id {
                type key-id;
                description "NTP key ID";

            leaf trusted {
                type stypes:yes-no;
                default no;
                description "Trust this NTP key";

            leaf value {
                type string {
                    length 1..64;
                description "NTP encrypted authentication key";

            leaf type {
                type key-type;
                default md5;
                description "NTP authentication key type";
        } /* end of list NTP_KEYS_LIST */

    } /* end of container NTP_KEY */

} /* end of container  sonic-ntp */

} /* end of module sonic-ntp */

## 2.8 Warm/Fast boot
No special handling is required

# 3 Test plan

## 3.1 Unit tests via VS
NTP basic configuration test:
1. Verify ntp.conf after NTP server creation/removal or global configuration change.

NTP extended configuration test:
1. Disable NTP functionality
2. Change system time
3. Add new NTP server
4. Enable NTP functionality
5. Make sure system time was updated