These are detailed instructions on how I was able to use the ppc-test
branch of
the osxcross project to build a
toolchain on an Ubuntu16 build host to target MacOS-10.5 PowerPC and PowerPC64
using the mainline GCC-5.5.0. This toolchain supports C (C89, C90, C11),
C++ (up to C++14), and GNU Fortran (F77 and F90).
From my testing so far, the toolchain is working flawlessly. I have provided some scripts to test the toolchain. See the toolchain test section below.
NOTE: MacOS-10.5 does not have native support for C++11 or any recent C++ standards. With OS X Cross, we can use the mainline GCC-5.5.0 and the GNU STDC++ runtime library provided by that toolchain to build C++11 and C++14 code that runs on MacOS-10.5 PowerPC targets.
NOTE: I made a slight modifications to the
script in order for
it to retrieve the mainline GCC-5.5.0 source and to download the build
NOTE: Further testing demonstrates that GCC-10.5.0 also works with these instructions.
My journey to creating this toolchain started here.
C and C++ compilers are able to build code that runs on my iBook G4. C++03, C++11, C++14 programs can be built and run well on the iBook G4.
Darwin ibook-g4.local 9.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15 16:57:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh
The GNU STDC++ is statically linked so that we do not have to hastle with it. I am able to build and run C99, C11, C++03, C++11, and C++14 code.
C, C++, and Fortran compilers are able to build code. I do not have a PowerPC64 Mac to test on at the moment.
The GNU STDC++ is statically linked so that we do not have to hastle with it. I am able to build Fortran77, Fortran90, C99, C11, C++03, C++11, and C++14 code.
The PPC32 Fortran compiler is not being staged (or built?). I dont know why this is happening.
NOTE: A work around that seems to work: use the powerpc64 gfortran compiler
and pass -m32
on the commandline.
The PPC64 compiler reports a warning that it cannot find apple gcc intrinsic headers. The toolchain seems to work regardless. I don't know how to resolve this issue or if it even matters. It doesn't seem to matter.
osxcross: warning: cannot find apple gcc intrinsic headers; please report this issue to the OSXCross project
I am using an Ubuntu16 VM:
lsb_release -a
LSB Version: core-9.20160110ubuntu0.2-amd64:..
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial
The following packages are installed:
sudo apt install -y ubuntu-standard
sudo apt install -y build-essential
sudo apt install -y clang
sudo apt install -y perl
sudo apt install -y python
sudo apt install -y wget
sudo apt install -y libxml2-dev
sudo apt install -y uuid-dev
The following package versions are installed:
BASH: v4.3.48
GLIBC: v2.23
GNU Make: v4.1
Binutils: v2.26.1
GCC: (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) 5.4.0 20160609
Clang: v3.8.0-2ubuntu4
Perl: v5.22.1
Python: v2.7.12
WGet: v1.17.1
libxml2-dev: v2.9.3
uuid-dev: v2.27.1
I have made a few minor changes to the
, I have added some scripts
that can be used to test the Toolchain, and I have added detailed instructions on
how I built this toolchain.
# Clone the ppc-test branch:
git clone \
-b ppc-test \ \
# Change directories:
cd osxcross-ppc-test
# Add target/bin to the beginning of PATH:
export PATH="$(pwd)/target/bin:${PATH}"
Obtain and repackage the MacOS-10.5 SDK.
I obtained the SDK from here. Other options are discussed here.
NOTE: We need to repackage the SDK as .tar.gz
so that the scripts can find
# Obtain the SDK:
# Extract it:
tar xf ./MacOSX10.5.sdk.tar.xz
# Repackage the SDK as .tar.gz so that the scripts can find it:
tar czf ./tarballs/MacOSX10.5.sdk.tar.gz MacOSX10.5.sdk
Build OS X Cross. They will be staged in $(pwd)/target/bin
which needs to be
at the beginning of PATH
# Build OS X Cross:
Ensure that xcrun
is working:
which xcrun
xcrun -f ar
xcrun -f otool
xcrun otool -arch all --version
xcrun --show-sdk-version
xcrun --show-sdk-path
Ensure that the tools run:
which powerpc-apple-darwin9-sw_vers
which powerpc64-apple-darwin9-sw_vers
NOTE: dsymutil
does not seem to support PowerPC targets. So not building
This builds the mainline GCC-5.5.0 to target MacOS-10.5 PowerPC and PowerPC64.
NOTE: The SDK C++ headers break the GCC build and the resulting C++ compiler.
To work around this issue, we move them to hide them from GCC. Since we will only
be using GCC with this toolchain from now on and not Clang, this seems fine. We
had to wait to move them, until after the OS X Cross tools are built with Clang.
After the OS X Cross tools are built and are usable, we no longer need Clang and
we can hide them. NOTE: We will no longer be able to use oppc32-clang++
or oppc64-clang++
unless we move the headers back.
# **NOTE:** the `SDK/include/c++/4.0.0` directory causes issues building GCC and
# breaks the resulting C++ compiler for PowerPC64. Moving the directory will
# hide them from GCC.
mv ./target/SDK/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.0.0 \
Build mainline GCC-5.5.0 to target MacOS-10.5 PowerPC:
# Build GCC for POWERPC targets
# Make sure it runs:
which powerpc-apple-darwin9-gcc
powerpc-apple-darwin9-gcc --version
which powerpc64-apple-darwin9-gcc
powerpc64-apple-darwin9-gcc --version
Some scripts to test the toolchain:
: Builds some perhaps trivial C, C++, and Fortran programs from
single source files.
: Builds a number of non-trivial Autotools Configured projects
from recent versions of their mainline source. This includes OpenSSL, WGet
CURL, ZSTD, and libsodium.
The script
generates single source file programs and compiles
them using this toolchain. Coverage includes: C (C89 and C11),
C++ (C++03, C++11, C++14, C++17), and Fortran (Fortran77 and Fortran90).
Requires the OS X Cross stage directory $(pwd)/target/bin
at the beginning of
and xcrun -f cc
must provide the C compiler program information.
NOTE: Environment variables that effect the test script operations:
# Set the test architecture to use:
The following programs are built:
- FFPROG01: Fortran77 Helloworld Program:
- FFPROG02: Fortran90 Helloworld Program:
- CCPROG01: C89 Helloworld Program:
- CCPROG02: C11 Program Using PThreads:
- CXPROG01: C++03 Helloworld Program:
- CXPROG02: C++11 Program Using
: - CXPROG03: C++11 Program Using Lamdas:
- CXPROG04: C++14 Program Using Generic Lamdas:
- CXPROG05: C++14 Program Using
: - CXPROG06: C++17 Program Using
: - CXPROG07: C++17 Program Using
NOTE:: ::std::shared_timed_mutex:
was introduced in MacOS-10.12. Since we
are using the GNU STDC++ library, we can now use these advanced C++14 features in
programs running on MacOS-10.5 and PowerPC targets.
Run the test:
# Target PowerPC:
# Results will be in ./test/powerpc/:
# Target PowerPC64:
# Results will be in ./test/powerpc64/:
The script
downloads the mainline source for recent versions
of OpenSSL, WGet, CURL, ZSTD, and libsodium and builds them using this toolchain.
Requires the OS X Cross stage directory $(pwd)/target/bin
at the beginning of
and xcrun -f cc
must provide the C compiler program information.
NOTE: Environment variables that effect the test script operations:
# Set the test architecture to use:
# Trigger a rebuild of everything:
# Project Versions:
Run the test:
# Target PowerPC:
# Results will be in ./test/powerpc/:
# Target PowerPC64:
# Results will be in ./test/powerpc64/:
Test the PowerPC64 builds. I do not have access to a PowerPC64 Mac at this time.
Automatically statically link the libgcc_s and libatomic. That way noone has to hastle with them. Maybe the wrapper can do it in a similar fashion as the GNU STDC++ library is handled by the toolchain.
Create a test for a non-trivial CMake project. Perhaps auto generate a CMake Toolchain file to use with the OS X Cross Toolchain.
Improve the test scripts to support testing the Clang Toolchains, and the libc++ and libstdc++ runtime for both the Clang and GCC Toolchains.
Improve the test scripts to use the 64bit GFortran compiler to target 32bit using the
commandline option.