This article mainly introduces the tRPC protocol.
First of all, tRPC is a multi-language RPC framework that requires a unified transmission protocol for communication and some functional alignment during communication.
Secondly, why tRPC does not choose the HTTP/HTTP2 protocol? The main reason here is performance problem.
Finally, in addition to forward compatibility, tRPC also has strong scalability requirements in the communication protocol, and can expand the ability to support various business requirements.
The following table shows the capabilities and requirements of tRPC for communication protocols.
Capabilities | Demands |
RPC | remote interface call like local interface call |
Streaming | the protocol should be able to solve the problem of transmitting large data packets and meet the scenario of streaming data transmission. |
High Performance | the protocol design and implementation need to consider performance issues |
Compatibility & Scalability | the protocol design and implementation should have forward compatibility and scalability |
Support Multiple Serialization | the protocol design should support multiple serialization methods, such as Protobuf, JSON, etc. |
Support multiple Decompression | the protocol design should support multiple decompression methods. |
Request Timeout Control | The protocol should provide the ability to control request timeout |
Passing Tracing Information | The protocol should provide the ability to pass tracing information |
Passing Auth Information | The protocol should provide the ability to pass auth information |
Passing Dyeing Information | The protocol should provide the ability to pass dyeing information |
Passing Custom Business Information | The protocol should provide the ability to pass custom business information |
In order to support these capabilities and requirements, the overall design of the tRPC protocol is as follows:
Protocol header (custom design) + Protocol body (use Protobuf by default, extensible)
The figure below is the specific design of the tRPC protocol.
The tRPC protocol supports two transmission methods: unary and streaming.
for unary RPC(one-request-one-response), the entire data packet = Fix Header(16 bytes)+ Unary Header + Unary Body.
for streaming RPC, the entire data packet = Fix Header(16 bytes)+ Streaming Frame(Init/Data/Feeback/CLose)
the complete protocol definition, please see trpc.proto
The first 2 bytes: The first two bytes of the protocol are magic numbers, indicating the start of the trpc frame, which is 0x930.
The 3rd byte: the data frame type of the packet
// Two types are currently supported:
// 1. The data frame type for unary(one-response-one-response)
// 2. The data frame type for streaming
enum TrpcDataFrameType {
- The 4th byte: streaming frame type, only valid when the data frame type is
// Four types are currently supported:
// `INIT` frame: FIXHEADER + TrpcStreamInitMeta
// `DATA` frame: FIXHEADER + body (business serialized data)
// `FEEDBACK` frame: FIXHEADER + TrpcStreamFeedBackMeta (triggered strategy: high/low water level and timer)
// `CLOSE` frame: FIXHEADER + TrpcStreamCloseMeta
enum TrpcStreamFrameType {
TRPC_UNARY = 0x00;
- The 5-8 bytes, the total size of the packet
For unary(one response one response), total data size = fixed header size + header size + body size
For streaming, total data size = fixed header size + streaming frame size
- The 9-10 bytes
For unary(one response one response), header size
For streaming, set 0
- The 11-14 bytes
For unary(one response one response), unique-id
For streaming, stream-id
stream-id needs to be unique in a single connection
The 15 byte, the version of tRPC protocol
The 16 byte, reserved field
After 16 bytes, for unary(one-response-one-response), it corresponds to the header of the protocol, which is divided into request header and response header.
// The request header for unary
message RequestProtocol {
// The version of protocol
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcProtoVersion`
uint32 version = 1;
// Call type
// eg: unary, one-way
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcCallType`
uint32 call_type = 2;
// The unique id of the request(on the conneciton)
uint32 request_id = 3;
// The timeout of the request(ms)
uint32 timeout = 4;
// Caller name
// The specification format: trpc.application_name.server_name.proto_service_name, 4 segments
bytes caller = 5;
// Callee name
// The specification format: trpc.application_name.server_name.proto_service_name[.interface_name]
bytes callee = 6;
// Interface name of callee
// The specification format: /package.service_name/interface_name
bytes func = 7;
// The message type of the transparent transmission information
// such as tracing, dyeing key, gray, authentication, multi-environment, set name, etc.
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcMessageType`
uint32 message_type = 8;
// The information key-value pair transparently transmitted by the framework
// Currently divided into two parts:
// 1 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the framework layer,
// and the name of the key must be started with `trpc-``
// 2 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the business layer,
// and the business can set it by itself, it is recommended to start with `app-``, not `trpc-`
// Note: The key-value pair in trans_info will be transparently transmitted through the whole link, please use it carefully for business.
map<string, bytes> trans_info = 9;
// The serialization type of the request data
// eg: proto/json/.., default proto
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcContentEncodeType`
uint32 content_type = 10;
// The compression type of the requested data
// eg: gzip/snappy/..., not used by default
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcCompressType`
uint32 content_encoding = 11;
// The size of attachment data
uint32 attachment_size = 12;
// The response header for unary
message ResponseProtocol {
// The version of protocol
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcProtoVersion`
uint32 version = 1;
// Call type
// eg: unary, one-way
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcCallType`
uint32 call_type = 2;
// The unique id of the request(on the conneciton)
uint32 request_id = 3;
// Error code
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcRetCode`
int32 ret = 4;
// The error code of the interface
// 0 means success, other means failure
int32 func_ret = 5;
// The result information when the call fails
bytes error_msg = 6;
// The message type of the transparent transmission information
// such as tracing, dyeing key, gray, authentication, multi-environment, set name, etc.
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcMessageType`
uint32 message_type = 7;
// The information key-value pair transparently transmitted by the framework
// Currently divided into two parts:
// 1 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the framework layer,
// and the name of the key must be started with `trpc-``
// 2 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the business layer,
// and the business can set it by itself, it is recommended to start with `app-``, not `trpc-`
map<string, bytes> trans_info = 8;
// The serialization type of the request data
// eg: proto/json/.., default proto
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcContentEncodeType`
uint32 content_type = 9;
// The compression type of the requested data
// eg: gzip/snappy/..., not used by default
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcCompressType`
uint32 content_encoding = 10;
// The size of attachment data
uint32 attachment_size = 12;
After 16 bytes, for streaming, it is followed by the streaming frame
Divided into init, data, feedback, close frame.
Init Frame is used for streaming initialization
Data Frame is used to transmit streaming data
Feedback Frame is used to transmit flow control messages
Close Frame is used to close the stream
// The message definition of streaming `INIT` frame
message TrpcStreamInitMeta {
// request meta information
TrpcStreamInitRequestMeta request_meta = 1;
// response meta information
TrpcStreamInitResponseMeta response_meta = 2;
// The window size is notified by the receiver to the sender
uint32 init_window_size = 3;
// The serialization type of the request data
// eg: proto/json/.., default proto
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcContentEncodeType`
uint32 content_type = 4;
// The compression type of the requested data
// eg: gzip/snappy/..., not used by default
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcCompressType`
uint32 content_encoding = 5;
// The request meta information definition of streaming `INIT` frame
message TrpcStreamInitRequestMeta {
// Caller name
// The specification format: trpc.application_name.server_name.proto_service_name, 4 segments
bytes caller = 1;
// Callee name
// The specification format: trpc.application_name.server_name.proto_service_name[.interface_name]
bytes callee = 2;
// Interface name of callee
// The specification format: /package.service_name/interface_name
bytes func = 3;
// The message type of the transparent transmission information
// such as tracing, dyeing key, gray, authentication, multi-environment, set name, etc.
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcMessageType`
uint32 message_type = 4;
// The information key-value pair transparently transmitted by the framework
// Currently divided into two parts:
// 1 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the framework layer,
// and the name of the key must be started with `trpc-``
// 2 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the business layer,
// and the business can set it by itself, it is recommended to start with `app-``, not `trpc-`
// Note: The key-value pair in trans_info will be transparently transmitted through the whole link, please use it carefully for business.
map<string, bytes> trans_info = 5;
// The response meta information definition of streaming `INIT` frame
message TrpcStreamInitResponseMeta {
// Error code
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcRetCode`
int32 ret = 1;
// The result information when the call fails
bytes error_msg = 2;
The data frame corresponds to the message body of the actual request
// The meta information definition of streaming `FEEDBACK` frame
message TrpcStreamFeedBackMeta {
// increased window size
uint32 window_size_increment = 1;
Close frame is divided into normal Close and abnormal Close (Reset)
// The closed type of trpc streaming protocol
enum TrpcStreamCloseType {
// normal closes unidirectional flow
// Exception closes bidirectional stream
// The meta information definition of trpc streaming protocol for closing stream
message TrpcStreamCloseMeta {
// The type of stream closure, close one end, or close all
int32 close_type = 1;
// Error code
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcRetCode`
int32 ret = 2;
// The result information when the call fails
bytes msg = 3;
// The message type of the transparent transmission information
// such as tracing, dyeing key, gray, authentication, multi-environment, set name, etc.
// The specific value corresponds to `TrpcMessageType`
uint32 message_type = 4;
// The information key-value pair transparently transmitted by the framework
// Currently divided into two parts:
// 1 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the framework layer,
// and the name of the key must be started with `trpc-``
// 2 part is the information to be transparently transmitted by the business layer,
// and the business can set it by itself, it is recommended to start with `app-``, not `trpc-`
// Note: The key-value pair in trans_info will be transparently transmitted through the whole link, please use it carefully for business.
map<string, bytes> trans_info = 5;
// The error code of the interface
// 0 means success, other means failure
int32 func_ret = 6;
tRPC's IDL is based on Protobuf
Unary IDL
syntax = "proto3";
package proto;
service StreamService {
rpc List(Request) returns ( Response) {};
rpc Record( Request) returns (Response) {};
rpc Route( StreamRequest) returns ( Response) {};
message Point {
string name = 1;
int32 value = 2;
message Request {
Point pt = 1;
message Response {
Point pt = 1;
Streaming IDL
- Server-side streaming RPC
- Client Streaming RPC
- Bidirectional streaming RPC
syntax = "proto3";
package proto;
service StreamService {
rpc List(StreamRequest) returns (stream StreamResponse) {};
rpc Record(stream StreamRequest) returns (StreamResponse) {};
rpc Route(stream StreamRequest) returns (stream StreamResponse) {};
message StreamPoint {
string name = 1;
int32 value = 2;
message StreamRequest {
StreamPoint pt = 1;
message StreamResponse {
StreamPoint pt = 1;