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SONiC CLI Auto-generation tool

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Rev Date Author Change Description
1.0 04/2021 Vadym Hlushko Phase 1 Design


This document describes the high-level design details of the SONiC CLI Auto-generation tool for SONiC Application extensions infrastructure.


Abbreviation Definition
SONiC Software for Open Networking in Cloud
SAE SONiC Application Extension
DB Database
API Application Programming Interface
SAI Switch Abstraction Interface
YANG Yet Another Next Generation
CLI Command-line interface
NOS Network operating system


Feature overview

The SONiC CLI Auto-generation tool - is a utility for generating the command-line interface for third-party features, called application extensions, that provide their functionality as separate docker containers. The YANG model will be used to describe the CONFIG DB schema and CLI will be generated according to CONFIG DB schema. The YANG model will serve as an input parameter for the SONiC Auto-generation utility. The CLI should be a part of SONiC utilities and support - show, config operations.


To make SONiC NOS more flexible for developers SONiC Application Extension infrastructure was introduced.

If someone wants to extend the SONiC NOS functionality - the SAE infrastructure should be used. Some of the third-party features that will be integrated into the SONiC - may require the command-line interface. To avoid spending time on the investigation of how to develop and add a new CLI to sonic-utilities - the CLI Auto-generation utility was introduced. The command line interface that would be generated will be intuitive for people familiar with the SONiC NOS and CONFIG DB schema.


Functional requirements

  • Should support:
    • CONFIG DB tables with ability to add/delete/update entries

Architecture design

A current SONiC NOS architecture does not require changes, because the SONiC CLI Auto-generation feature comes as a component for the SONiC Application extension infrastructure. So, only the sonic-package-manager utility requires changes.

High-level design

Basic concept

There are three main entities:

YANG model - YANG model file which contains a description of CONFIG DB schema. Should be written strictly according to SONiC Yang Model Guidelines

SONiC CLI Auto-generation tool - a utility that reads the YANG model and produces the Auto-generated CLI plugin.

Auto-generated CLI plugin - python script, which will be used as a plugin for existing CLI, will be placed in the specific place (described later) and provide to the user a CLI for a new feature.

Figure 1: Basic Concepts

Figure 2.1 CLI Auto-generation flow

Architecture design

A current SONiC utilities support show, config, sonic-clear operations. A plugin approach is taken when extending those utilities. A common way to introduce plugin support for a python application is to structure a plugin as a python module that can be discovered by the application in a well known location in the system.

Auto-generated CLI plugins locations for config and show command groups:
admin@sonic: /usr/local/lib/<python version>/dist-packages/config/plugins/auto
admin@sonic: /usr/local/lib/<python version>/dist-packages/show/plugins/auto

Auto-generated CLI plugins will be placed to a package directory named plugins/auto under each show, config python package so that by iterating modules inside those packages utilities can load them. This is implemented in a way defined in Python Packaging Guide. Creating and discovering plugins.

A code snipped describing the approach is given:

import show.plugins

def iter_plugins_namespace(ns_pkg):
    return pkgutil.iter_modules(ns_pkg.__path__, ns_pkg.__name__ + ".")

discovered_plugins = {
    name: importlib.import_module(name)
    for finder, name, ispkg
    in iter_namespace(show.plugins)

Modules/sub-modules changes

SONiC CLI Auto-generation tool as part of sonic-package-manager

The SONiC CLI Auto-generation tool is a part of sonic-package-manager utility. A package installation and upgrade flow will trigger the SONiC CLI auto-generation tool if the YANG model was provided as part of the Application extension docker image.

In order to get the auto-generated CLI - the YANG model should be a part of the Application extension Docker image and placed along with manifest.json file. The user should be able to reach the YANG model by using the docker labels.
Figure 2: YANG model location as part of Application extension docker image

Figure 2 Yang model location

If the Application Extension will be installed or updated by sonic-package-manager and the CLI will be generated - the YANG model for the current Application Extension will be placed in a well-known system location on the switch along with existing YANG models. This step is done in order to provide data validation - when the user executing generated CLI.

YANG models location on the switch:
admin@sonic: /usr/local/yang-models/

The manifest.json file should have a specific ON/OFF triggers for CLI auto-generation:

Path Type Mandatory Description
/cli/click-cli-auto-generate-config boolean yes ON/OFF triger for auto-generation of CLI command config. Default: false
/cli/click-cli-auto-generate-show boolean yes ON/OFF triger for auto-generation of CLI command show. Default: false

Inside the manifest.json there are other keys, that describing a path to a NOT auto-generated CLI plugins. For example, there are:

Path Type Mandatory Description
/cli/show-cli-plugin string no A path to a plugin for sonic-utilities show CLI command.
/cli/config-cli-plugin string no A path to a plugin for sonic-utilities config CLI command.

For example, the user can have a config CLI auto-generated and the show CLI NOT auto-generated.

SONiC CLI Auto-generation tool as independent CLI utility

For debugging purposes the SONiC CLI Auto-generation tool will be accessible from the switch CLI as an independent utility called - sonic-cli-gen. The user could provide a YANG model and place on the switch to:

YANG model location:
admin@sonic: /usr/local/yang-models/

The sonic-cli-gen utility can generate CLI plugin for config and show CLI groups, yang_model_name is a YANG model from the directory above:

admin@sonic: sonic-cli-gen generate config <yang_model_name>
admin@sonic: sonic-cli-gen generate show <yang_model_name>
Example of sonic-cli-gen generate execution
admin@sonic: sonic-cli-gen generate config sonic-acl

Loaded below Yang Models
['sonic-acl', 'sonic-breakout_cfg', 'sonic-crm', 'sonic-device_metadata', 'sonic-device_neighbor', 'sonic-extension', 'sonic-flex_counter', 'sonic-interface', 'sonic-loopback-interface', 'sonic-port', 'sonic-portchannel', 'sonic-types', 'sonic-versions', 'sonic-vlan', 'sonic-vrf']
Note: Below table(s) have no YANG models:
INFO:sonic-cli-gen: Auto-generation successful! Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/config/plugins/auto/

Also, the sonic-cli-gen can remove auto-generated plugins:

Example of sonic-cli-gen remove execution:
admin@sonic: sonic-cli-gen remove config sonic-acl
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/config/plugins/auto/ was removed.

Most of the existed YANG models could be passed to sonic-cli-gen. List of the worked YANG models from /usr/local/yang-models:


Auto-generated CLI workflow

Figure 3. Config command flow

Figure 3. Workflow

The auto-generated CLI will use the next scenario:

  1. The user executes an auto-generated CLI command.
  2. The auto-generated command produces a file, which describes the configuration to apply.
  3. The YANG library validates data provided by the user in 1 step, according to the YANG model.
  4. After successful validation, it writes data to Config DB.

Configuration and management

Auto-generation rules

- Please make sure that you read all the rules.
- Because you will often have a question that is covered in the next rule.

1. For auto-generated CLI (sub-commands, arguments) will be used - hyphen separated style:

For instance let's take a feature called FEATURE-A:

config command
admin@sonic:~$ config feature-a sub-command-1 add <KEY> ...

2. For every container, that goes after top-level container, (top-level container goes after module) will be generated dedicated sub-command for show and config command groups AND in case if container is without list, for every leaf will be generated dedicated sub-command:

For instance let's take a PART of existing sonic-device_metadata.yang

sonic-device_metadata YANG model
module sonic-device_metadata {
    container sonic-device_metadata {
        container DEVICE_METADATA {
            container localhost{
                leaf hwsku {
                    type stypes:hwsku;
                leaf default_bgp_status {
                    type enumeration {
                        enum up;
                        enum down;
                    default up;
                leaf hostname {
                    type string {
                        length 1..255;
                leaf platform {
                    type string {
                        length 1..255;
config command
admin@sonic:~$ config device-metadata localhost hwsku "ACS-MSN2100"
admin@sonic:~$ config device-metadata localhost default-bgp-status up
admin@sonic:~$ config device-metadata localhost hostname "r-sonic-switch"
admin@sonic:~$ config device-metadata localhost platform "x86_64-mlnx_msn2100-r0"

The show command produces named columns. Each column name is an uppercase of leaf name from the YANG model, if leaf contain - or _ those will be trimmed:

show command
admin@sonic:~$ show device-metadata localhost

-----        ------------------  --------        --------
ACS-MSN2100  UP                  r-sonic-switch  x86_64-mlnx_msn2100-r0
Config DB schema
		"locahost": {
			"hwsku": "ACS-MSN2100",
			"default_bgp_status": "up",
			"hostname": "r-sonic-switch",
			"platform": "x86_64-mlnx_msn2100-r0"

3. For every list element will be generated add/del/update commands:

For instance let's take a PART of existing sonic-vlan.yang

sonic-vlan YANG model
module sonic-vlan {
	// ...
	container sonic-vlan {
		// ...
		container VLAN {
			list VLAN_LIST {
				key "name";
				leaf name {
					type string {
						pattern 'Vlan([0-9]{1,3}|[1-3][0-9]{3}|[4][0][0-8][0-9]|[4][0][9][0-4])';
				leaf vlanid {
					type uint16 {
						range 1..4094;
				leaf mtu {
					type uint16 {
						range 1..9216;
				leaf admin_status {
					type stypes:admin_status;

In the case of below, Vlan11 - is a positional argument and key for the list. vlanid, mtu, admin-status - are not-positional arguments, and to give them the next style MUST be used (check config command) This style "--arg" is NOT RELATED to the Linux CLI optional parameter style

config command
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan add Vlan11 --vlanid 11 --mtu 128 --admin-status up
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan del Vlan11

The update command will be generated but not always could be executed. The user will get an error message from the YANG validator if the update command is not supported.

update command
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan update Vlan11 --vlanid 12 --mtu 129
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan update Vlan11 --admin-status down

YANG models support The leaf's "mandatory" Statement. If the user wants to distinguish whether a CLI argument is mandatory or not, he can use the --help command (covered in the next rules)

If the user wants to add to the list a new element with KEY that already existed in the list, he will get a warning message.

config command
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan add Vlan11 --vlanid 11 --mtu 128 --admin-status up
Vlan11 already exist! Do you want to replace it? yes/no
show command
admin@sonic:~$ show vlan

----    ------  ---  ------------
Vlan11  11      128  up
Config DB schema
	"VLAN": {
		"Vlan11": {
			"vlanid": 11,
			"mtu": 128,
			"admin_status": up

In case if the YANG models have more than 1 list entity inside container:

For instance let's take a PART of existing sonic-vlan.yang

YANG model with 2 lists
module sonic-vlan {
	// ...
	container sonic-vlan {

		container VLAN_INTERFACE {
			// ...

				// ...

				// ...	

If there is more than 1 list entity inside container then dedicated sub-command for every list will be generated:

config command
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan-interface vlan-interface-list add <KEY> ...
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan-interface vlan-interface-ipprefix-list add <KEY> ...

If there is only 1 list entity inside container then there will be NO dedicated sub-command.

config command
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan-interface add <KEY> ...

4. For every leaf-list element will be generated dedicated add/del/update commands, also the user can use a comma-separated list when creating a new list element to fill leaf-list. Also will be added dedicated command clear to delete all the elements from leaf-list:

For instance let's take a PART of existing sonic-vlan.yang

sonic-vlan YANG model
module sonic-vlan {
	// ...
	container sonic-vlan {
		// ...
		container VLAN {
			list VLAN_LIST {
				key "name";
				leaf name {
					type string {
						pattern 'Vlan([0-9]{1,3}|[1-3][0-9]{3}|[4][0][0-8][0-9]|[4][0][9][0-4])';
				leaf vlanid {
					type uint16 {
						range 1..4094;
				leaf mtu {
					type uint16 {
						range 1..9216;
				leaf admin_status {
					type stypes:admin_status;
				leaf-list dhcp_servers {
					type inet:ip-address;

The user can create a new list object, and provide values to leaf-list dhcp_servers by using a comma-separated list (example below)

config command
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan add Vlan11 --vlanid 11 --mtu 128 --admin-status up --dhcp-servers ","

The user can use dedicated sub-commands add/del, a clear sub-command will delete all the elements from leaf-list. The add subcommand will append a new element to the end of the list.

config command
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan dhcp-servers add Vlan11
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan dhcp-servers del Vlan11
admin@sonic:~$ config vlan dhcp-servers clear Vlan11

The update command will be generated but not always could be executed. The user will get an error message from the YANG validator if the update command is not supported.

show command
admin@sonic:~$ show vlan

----    ------  ---  ------------  ------------
Vlan11  11      128  up  
Config DB schema
	"VLAN": {
		"Vlan11": {
			"vlanid": 11,
			"mtu": 128,
			"admin_status": up,
			"dhcp_servers": [

5. In case if YANG model contains grouping and uses syntax:

Please note that grouping MUST be located:

  • in the same YANG model and placed under module entity (i.e. NOT nested in container entities)
  • in other YANG model under module entity (i.e. NOT nested in container entities), the import statement should be used to import grouping from another YANG model.
YANG model
module sonic-feature-a {
	// ...
	grouping target {
		leaf address {
			type inet:ip-address;
		leaf port {
			type inet:port-number;
	container sonic-feature-a {
		// ...
		container FEATURE_A {
			list FEATURE_A_LIST {
				key "host_name";
				leaf host_name {
					type string;
				uses target;
config command
admin@sonic:~$ config feature-a add Linux --address "" --port 1024
show command
admin@sonic:~$ show feature-a

---------  ------
Linux      address: ""
           port:    "1024"
Config DB schema
		"Linux": {
			"address: "",
			"port": 1024

6. In case if YANG model contains description , it will be used for CLI --help:

YANG model
module sonic-feature-a {
	// ...
	container sonic-feature-a {
		// ...
		container FEATURE_A {
			description "FEATURE_A overview";
			list FEATURE_A_LIST {
				key "host_name";
				leaf host_name {
					type string;
config command
admin@sonic:~$ config feature-a --help
Usage: config feature-a [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  FEATURE_A overview

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  add     Add configuration.
  del     Del configuration.

In case if leaf contain "mandatory" statement

config command
admin@sonic:~$ config feature-a add --help
Usage: config feature-a add [OPTIONS] <key> 

   Add configuration

  --help     Show this message and exit.
  --adrress  [mandatory] IP address.
  --port     Port number. 


No SAI API changes required for this feature.

Warmboot and Fastboot Design Impact

No impact for warmboot/fastboot flows.

Restrictions Limitations

  1. The YANG models for Application extension MUST have unique names for constructs - module, container, that are located on the same nested level in comparison to existing YANG models. This needed to avoid an intersection with the existing CLI on the switch. The below sonic-vlan.yang has a module name - "sonic-vlan", so the developer can NOT use this "sonic-vlan" name for another module in another YANG mode.
module sonic-vlan {
	// ...
	container sonic-vlan {

		container VLAN_INTERFACE {

If there will be some conflicts, CLI auto-generation process will fail with an error message.

Testing Requirements Design

Unit Test cases

The unit tests will be provided during implementation.

Open questions

Development plan

Phase 1 requirements

  • Should support:
    • CONFIG DB tables with the ability to add/delete/update entries

Phase 2 requirements

  • Should support:
    • All SONiC DB tables with the ability to add/delete/update entries
    • Auto-generation of sonic-clear CLI