This project contains a batch script that modifies the registry to reset the trial limit of iMyFone AnyTo, effectively enabling unlimited trials. The script generates a new GUID and updates the relevant registry entries to bypass trial restrictions.
- Resets the trial period for iMyFone AnyTo by changing the
registry value. - Disables
registry entries. - Generates a new GUID automatically and updates the registry.
- The script modifies the registry path:
. - It disables
. - It retrieves the current GUID and generates a new GUID using random hexadecimal values.
- The script updates the registry with the new GUID, resetting the trial period.
Here is the batch script used in this project:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Define the registry path
set "regPath=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\iMyfone\AnyTo"
REM Disable ABTest_Countdown
reg add "%regPath%" /v ABTest_Countdown /t REG_SZ /d false /f
REM Disable ABTestVersionCollect
reg add "%regPath%" /v ABTestVersionCollect /t REG_SZ /d false /f
REM Get the current GUID value (for display purposes)
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "%regPath%" /v guid') do set "currentGUID=%%B"
REM Generate a new GUID
set "hex=0123456789ABCDEF"
set "newGUID="
REM Generate the first 8 characters
for /L %%i in (1,1,8) do (
set /a "r=!random! %% 16"
for %%j in (!r!) do set "newGUID=!newGUID!!hex:~%%j,1!"
REM Add first hyphen
set "newGUID=!newGUID!-"
REM Generate the next 4 characters
for /L %%i in (1,1,4) do (
set /a "r=!random! %% 16"
for %%j in (!r!) do set "newGUID=!newGUID!!hex:~%%j,1!"
REM Add second hyphen
set "newGUID=!newGUID!-"
REM Generate the next 4 characters
for /L %%i in (1,1,4) do (
set /a "r=!random! %% 16"
for %%j in (!r!) do set "newGUID=!newGUID!!hex:~%%j,1!"
REM Add third hyphen
set "newGUID=!newGUID!-"
REM Generate the next 4 characters
for /L %%i in (1,1,4) do (
set /a "r=!random! %% 16"
for %%j in (!r!) do set "newGUID=!newGUID!!hex:~%%j,1!"
REM Add fourth hyphen
set "newGUID=!newGUID!-"
REM Generate the final 12 characters
for /L %%i in (1,1,12) do (
set /a "r=!random! %% 16"
for %%j in (!r!) do set "newGUID=!newGUID!!hex:~%%j,1!"
REM Update the registry
reg add "%regPath%" /v guid /t REG_SZ /d "!newGUID!" /f
echo Old GUID: !currentGUID!
echo New GUID: !newGUID!
echo Registry updated successfully.
Download the .bat file and save it locally. Run the script as an administrator to modify the registry.
Use at your own risk. Modifying the registry can potentially harm your system. Ensure you have a backup of your registry and important data before running this script. This script is for educational purposes only. Using it to bypass software restrictions may violate the terms of service of the software. The author is not responsible for any misuse of this script.