- Table of Contents
Task 51 - Capstone Prohect VII: Unsuperivised Machine Learning
This data set contains statistics, in arrests per 100,000 residents, for assault, murder, and rape in each of the 50 US states in 1973. Also given is the percent of the population living in urban areas.
This project explores the differences between various cities using unsupervised learning methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and various clustering techniques. The dataset we will be exploring contains data on 50 cities.
There are 4 variables for each city in total, including variables for 'Urban population' and 'Assault'.
- The project is contained with a Jupyter notebook.
- Create a environment that houses Python
- Within the Juypter Notebook or your terminal, you can install the packages specified at the top of the notebook using pip install 'name_of_package'
The project is contained with a Jupyter notebook.
In order to work through this notebook, you need to run each cell individually to recreate the intended output.
A Biplot, produced from a standardardised variable PCA Analysis.
- A Hierachical cluster plot
- None.
- Sklearn
- Scipy
- Matplotlib