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Ege Balcı edited this page May 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

       __   _ __        __                               _ 
  ___ / /  (_) /_____ _/ /____ _  ___ ____ _  ___  ___ _(_)
 (_-</ _ \/ /  '_/ _ `/ __/ _ `/ / _ `/ _ `/ / _ \/ _ `/ / 
/___/_//_/_/_/\_\\_,_/\__/\_,_/  \_, /\_,_/ /_//_/\_,_/_/  
    ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻           (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ 仕方がない

Usage: sgn [OPTIONS] <FILE>
  -a int
    	Binary architecture (32/64) (default 32)
    	Generates a full ASCI printable payload (takes very long time to bruteforce)
  -badchars string
    	Don't use specified bad characters given in hex format (\x00\x01\x02...)
  -c int
    	Number of times to encode the binary (increases overall size) (default 1)
  -h	Print help
  -max int
    	Maximum number of bytes for obfuscation (default 50)
  -o string
    	Encoded output binary name
    	Do not encode the decoder stub
    	Do not modify and register values
  -v	Move verbose output

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