Bitcoin Lightning piggybank using LNBits (for LNURLp) running on TTGO LilyGo ePaper hardware with ESP32 microcontroller.
See and
The source code in Main/Main.ino works on both the TTGO LilyGo T5 ePaper 2.13 inch DEPG0213BN display and the (discontinued and more expensive) TTGO LilyGo T5 ePaper 2.66 inch DEPG0266BN display boards.
With Arduino IDE
- Arduino IDE version 1.8.13
- ESP32 Board Support version 3.1.1
- Preferences -> Compiler warnings: Default
- Tools -> Board -> ESP32 Arduino -> ESP32 Dev Module
- Tools -> Upload Speed: 921600
- Tools -> CPU Frequency: 240Mhz
- Tools -> Flash Frequency: 80Mhz
- Tools -> Flash Mode: QIO
- Tools -> Flash Size: 4MB (32Mb)
- Tools -> Partition Scheme: Custom (uses Main/partitions.csv)
- Tools -> Core Debug Level: Warn
- Tools -> PSRAM: Disabled
- Tools -> Port: /dev/ttyACM0
Make sure the Arduino IDE has permissions to access the serial port:
sudo chmod -f 777 /dev/ttyACM* /dev/ttyUSB*
OR with Arduino CLI
- Arduino CLI version 1.1.1-arch commit: fa6eafcbbea391eee
- LNBits v0.12.12 (tested with lnd version 0.18.99-beta and bitcoind 27.0.0)
- Debian Bookworm
arduino-cli compile -u -v -t --libraries Main/libraries/ --fqbn esp32:esp32:esp32 -p /dev/ttyACM0 Main/
On the lnbits webpage:
- activate the LNURLp extension
- click on the LNURLp extension
- click "NEW PAY LINK"
- untick "fixed amount"
- set minimum amount: 1
- set maximum amount: 100000000
- set currency to "satoshis"
- click "Advanced options"
- set "Comment maximum characters" to 128
- set "Webhook URL" to (optional, for anonymous usage metrics)
- set a "Success message", like: Thanks for sending sats to my piggy
Known issues:
- There's an issue with the 2.13 inch GDEM0213B74 display, somehow the display becomes blank after updateWindow() calls. But we use the DEPG display, which is not affected.
To install Lightning Piggy from the code base (rather than just using the latest release and using the web installer at
- Connect the device via USB
- Open /Main/Main.ino using Arduino Studio.
- Update values in config.h
- Copy the libraries used from C:...\lightning-piggy\Main\libraries\ to your Arduino libraries folder (usually C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\Arduino\libraries).
- Upload using Sketch > Upload.
To install the temporary Lightning Piggy Splash (used for shipping):
- Connect the device via USB
- Open /Splash/Splash.ino using Arduino Studio.
- Upload using Sketch > Upload.
To make a new release available on the web installer:
- Open /Main/Main.ino using Arduino Studio.
- Update version number in Constants.h
- Make sure there are no uncommitted development changes (git diff; git diff --staged)
- Update
- Copy the libraries used from C:...\lightning-piggy\Main\libraries\ to your Arduino libraries folder (usually C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\Arduino\libraries).
- Compile the project using Sketch > Compile.
- Copy /tmp/arduino_build_*/Main.ino.*bin to ~/sources/
- Check that md5sum ~/.arduino15/packages/esp32/hardware/esp32/3.1.1/tools/partitions/boot_app0.bin matches ~/sources/
- Update the version number in ~/sources/
- pushd ~/sources/ ; git commit -a ; git push ; popd
See these detailed instructions on ESP32 emulation with QEMU, including WiFi.