A customizable personal dashboard with a focus on speed, simplicity and security 🚀
This is a fairly simple app, which (at the moment), it's literally just a glorified list of links (with a slightly questionable color scheme, lol)
Demo: https://dash-demo.as93.net ✨
👆 Here is an example (I've changed the source of the links, stripped personal data, and removed auth so you can see something running)
The aim, is for users (or maybe just me), to spend the minimum possible time on on this screen (aka opposite of what Mark Zuckerberg strives for). This is achieved through intuitive keyboard shortcuts, for just about everything, enabling you to navigate to the link you need, asap:
- ⚡ Just start typing, and the search-field will auto-focus and items are filtered instantly
- ⚡ Press tab, tab tab to navigate through filtered results, then hit enter to launch it
- ⚡ Use Esc at anytime to clear the filter field and show everything
- ⚡ Collapse/ hide sections that you use less often, and it'll be remembered in session storage
I made this because whenever I open a new tab, there's usually only 1 of a few sites I want to visit, and it annoys me that they either have to be buried deep into the bookmarks, or displayed in an illogical order on my new-tab page. The problem is made worse, as I usually use privacy browsers which don't store any of my settings or history. Also I hate using the mouse, it's not cool.
So it's true that I did make it just for my own use. And I've not spent a lot of time on it. - But still all the code is nice and neat, tested and documented- and I'm publishing it here, in case it (or any components of it), could be any use to anybody else 😇
I have a vague idea of what I want to build, what I will use it for, and how I can make it easy and reusable for anyone else who'd like to use it.
- There should be a Vue app, that reads data from a JSON source and displays a categorized list of links
- Tiles (aka links) should display text, have a URL location, and optionally show a nice icon
- Tiles should have an optional tooltip to show essential info. And where titles are long, they should be shown in full, on hover
- Categories/ sections should be collapsable, and this should be persisted in session storage
- It should be possible, seamless and intuitive to filter, navigate and launch tiles with just the keyboard
- The code must be nice, (lint, test, comment/ document and generally follow some kind if standard)
- Data should be stored in an external, encrypted cloud service and security needs to be top priority
- UI improvements, and theme switching (light, dark, gradient and material)
- Widgets, with persistent memory:Notes, todo, link paster, weather, agender, news and notifications etc
- Ability to add, edit, reorder and delete both tiles and sections, from the UI
- Tile data for users encrypted and stored, read/ write on server, then decrypted on client-side
- Harden security further, try and hack it, then make it even safer
- Host a public version, with a user management system. Allowing users to register/ login then create and manage their own version.
The project is structured in a fairly standard way, so to get started just git clone, cd into it, yarn install the dependencies (or npm, if your that way inclined- no judging here). Then use the following scripts to do what you need to:
yarn run dev
- Starts dev server, with hot-reload, and diff-lintingyarn run build
- Compiles and minifies for productionyarn run start
- Will serve up the built production app from thedist
diryarn run lint
- Lints and fixes filesyarn run test
- Runs all tests
You can then add the data for links in JSON (following the format in the example file item-data.json), and host it wherever works for you. Don't forget to secure requests to resources, and password-protect the running app if you host it online 🔒
This is open source (hence your looking at it here on GitHub 👀). If you want to use it, follow the setup instructions above.
Licensed under WTFPL, so you can do whatever with it, I'm really not too bothered 🥱 (I mean I don't think I really have to worry about you selling it for millions, since it's probably not even worth a fiver). See below for full license:
Copyright (C) 2019 Alicia Sykes : https://aliciasykes.com
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this
license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed.
If you also just build stuff for fun, and don't mind what anyone does with your code, check the license out: http://www.wtfpl.net/about/
Side note: ok, I know the styling is kind of ugly, but go easy on me, I was drunk when I coded this thing 🥴 And I haven't over-used gradients like this since 2015, when they were last cool