Scrum Master: Jan Greger
Build Master: Magnus
Product Owner: Simon MC
Vagrant and ansible should be installed on the system. For example on Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install vagrant
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ansible
To run backend, database and start serving frontend part run
$ vagrant up
use http://localhost:5000/ in you browser to see the application.
If new libraries or packages were added then:
$ vagrant provision
Clone this repository:
$ git clone /path/to/sources
Checkout specific version:
$ git checkout <version>
Project uses Ansible as a provisioning system. Therefore it has to be installed on the server. Provisioning process can be started as follows:
$ ansible-playbook "/path/to/sources/deploy/setup_server.yml" -v -i 'localhost,' --extra-vars "src_dir=/path/to/sources os=linux deploy_type=production" --connection=local
This will install all dependencies, build clienside files, setup and run webserver.
Machines running Ubuntu can use deploy/
script for provision. The first argument is path to project sources:
$ /path/to/sources/deploy/ /path/to/sources
This script will install ansible on machine and start provisioning procedure automatically.
Default settings file:
Optional settings files:
1. path from environment variable 'IFS_SETTINGS'
2. /etc/ifs.cfg
3. ~/.ifs.cfg
- Create a settings file following the guide above (e.g.
) - Add
to the config file, replacing user, pass, host and db with your settings - Activate the Python virtual environment by writing
source /srv/ifs/env/bin/activate
- Install pymysql (or any other compatible mysql driver) with pip by writing
pip install pymysql
- Initialize the database with
manage init_db
- Restart the server with
supervisorctl restart ifs