My macOS (High Sierra) desktop.
─── Google+
zsh + oh-my-zsh
cava (cli visualiser) + mosh (ssh)
This script is generally a good preparation step: When I do a clean macOS installation.
I have a pseudo tiling window manager configured using Zephyros & Okeanos together. This is a video demonstration from stayradiated, the creator of Okeanos
"okeanos (ωκεανός) is Greek for the ocean (kind of obvious maybe) and zephyros (Ζέφυρος) is Greek for the West wind" - u/saligari
I've configured iTerm2 in a few ways to suit my liking. Simply import my iTerm2 profile json or set up a few things manually. I imported the Hybrid color preset. Under window settings, Transparency=19%, Style=No Title Bar and I'm using no Blurring. I'm using the powerline patched - Hack font | A typeface designed for source code. I prefer zsh
, and have provided my custom theme trident.zsh-theme.
PROMPT="%{$fg_bold[blue]%}───╼%{$reset_color%} "
RPROMPT="%{$fg[cyan]%}ψ %M %{$fg[green]%}%~%{$reset_color%}"
appleseed v1.0.0 is a command line widget (CLW), I designed for macOS and iTerm2. Its a flexible platform for process automation and added eye candy. It utilizes imgcat to view image files inside the terminal with the help of shell integration. • For best results, launch in a tall by thin proportioned shell.
I recommend the Hybrid color theme for vim. In the macOS General settings, I use the Graphite Appearance, and the Dark Bar and Dock. The command line visualizer I am utilizing is cava. You can also use cli-visualizer. I run the sofware over a mosh
(persistant ssh) session to a Linux VM or instance. As for tmux
, this is my preferred config. View the Wallpaper.
Contact me at [email protected] with any questions or comments.
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