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Fibonacci Heap

example workflow

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A fibonacci heap is a data structure best used for applications such as priority queues. What they allow is for is get_minimum, pop_minimum, and alter_key to run in constant time. Likewise, get_minimum will run in logarithmic time (amortized). For further explanations as to what this means, please watch the video this project was based upon.


  • C++20 (concepts & compare)
  • CMake 3.24 or greater
  • CTest


This project is designed with Modern CMake principals in mind, so it can easily be used with other CMake projects. Either install or otherwise link the project, and add:

find_package(FibonacciHeap 2.1.0 REQUIRED)
# Add Targets
target_link_libraries(foo PRIVATE GRon::FibonacciHeap)


The API for the Fibonacci Heap is quite simple:

  • GRon::FibonacciHeap<std::three_way_comparable T, class Container = std::list, class Compare = std::less>
    • Creates a Fibonacci Heap object with the provided key type T. T must be three_way_comparable, hence the notation above.

    • There are default, move, and copy constructors as well as a perfect forwarding constructor that forwards all arguments to Container's constructor.

    • Container must have reference stability. If Container lacks reference stability, the heap will not function properly and data may be lost. Furthermore, Container must also have the following functions:

      • emplace_back
      • push_back
      • size
      • back
    • Node

      • The format the data in the heap is stored in.
      • T key
        • Key held by the node
      • Node* parent
        • The parent node
      • Container<Node*> children
        • The child nodes
    • void insert(T key)

      • Emplaces a key at the back of the root_list container
    • Node* get_minimum()

      • Returns a pointer to the node with the lowest key
      • Also cleans up the heap, allowing insert(), pop_minimum(), and alter_key() to run in constant time. Should be called relatively frequently for best results, but the first call after using the other functions may be slower. However, once the heap is ordered, this runs in constant time as well.
    • Node pop_minimum()

      • Pops off the _top node and returns the entire node
      • Makes a call to get_minimum, so the same distinctions apply
    • void alter_key(T key, T new_key)

      • Updates the node containing key to now hold new_key
      • Can be combined with pop_minimum to remove keys from the heap


  1. Clone the source code

    git clone
  2. Change directory into the project and create an output directory

    cd FibonacciHeap/
    mkdir build
  3. Generate Makefiles (if using Ninja, add -GNinja)

    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -H. -Bbuild
  4. Build project

    cmake --build build/ --config RELEASE
  5. Install the project. Examples for Ninja and Make have been provided

    cd build
    make install
    ninja install
  6. (Optional) Run tests

    cd build
    ctest -C RELEASE


Copyright 2022 Gabriele A. Ron

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

This class contains the Catch2 Testing Library from Catch Org which is licensed under the Boost License. Copyright © 2012-2022 Catch Org