Hi Jerome,
What makes a TTML file labeled as a specific Format Profile? We have a TTML file that is coming out as:
Commercial name : TTML
Format profile : SMPTE-TT / EBU-TT / IMSC1
We can see from the header that the xml namespaces have all 3, but only two are used in any of the remaining tags.
<tt xmlns="" xmlns:ttm="" xmlns:tts="" xmlns:ttp="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:smpte="" xmlns:xml="" xmlns:ebutts="urn:ebu:tt:style" xmlns:itts="" ttp:timeBase="media" ttp:frameRate="25" ttp:frameRateMultiplier="1 1" ttp:cellResolution="32 15" xml:lang="sv-SE" xml:space="preserve">
I can send you the file offline if you would like to review it, but I would only expect it flagged if it used. I'd also think that the format can be only one but which one is the question I'd need to figure out.