I've been running into repeated occurrences of: "Error: undecodable files from output are not same as files from source." across multiple machines. I reviewed the tickets and saw #355 where the issue is a bug caused by the source files coming from two different encoder sources. I believe I'm dealing with something different.
All of my DPX sequences are generated from the same source. I'm currently processing through thousands of individual source sequences.
When I first began encountering the error, I would simply repeat the entire process, "rawcooked --info --check --hash --coherency --check-padding --encode", in order to receive, "Reversability was checked, no issue detected.". However, as the rate of occurrences increased, I began trying to determine where in the process an issue might be creeping in.
I've currently found that just running "rawcooked --check x.mkv" against a file that previously reported undecodable files reports reversibility check success which leaves me with some questions:
1: Is this being caused by some component in my processing environment? If so, is there a way to enable verbose debug that might point toward a CPU, network, or disk hiccup?
2: Is this just to be expected when processing this volume of data?
I'm currently processing with three Mac Pros. Running RAWcooked 21.09 and ffmpeg 5.1.2 .
Please let me know if you need any additional info.
Thank you,