When I Rawcooked DPX sequences longer than approximately 15 minutes the result is MKV files that are "Not Valid" according to the Media Conch implementation checker. Other sequences Rawcooked fine. The Media Conch policy lists two failed tests. The full report is attached.
MKV-ELEMENT-VALID-PARENT | Tests run: 142 | Results: [X] Fail count: 1 fail -- 2DCB: [5 bytes] Offset: 20437311 Context: /Segment[1]/Attachments[1]/AttachedFile[1]/FileData[1]/2DCB[1] Format ID: 0x6DCB Reason: FileData is not a valid Parent Element of 2DCB.
TRUNCATED-ELEMENT | Tests run: 1 | Results: [X] Fail count: 1 fail -- Size: 1867661 Offset: 20437313 Context: /Segment[1]/Attachments[1]/AttachedFile[1]/FileData[1]/2DCB[1]/Header[1]
I am able to Rawcooked short sequences fine. When Rawcooking the longer sequences it takes a very long time (24 hours for a 30 minute sequence) and the speed is 0.01x realtime for hours. Before launching Rawcooked I shut down all programs and browsers except Finder (one tab), terminal, and sometimes Activity Monitor. Memory and CPU look fine. Nearly all of the 64 GB of RAM appears to be allocated to Rawcooked. I have tried numerous DPX sequences and configurations, including these, all with the same result.
- Read from and write to QNAP NAS with 10Gb E.
- Read from QNAP NAS with 10 Gb E and write to SSD with Thunderbolt
- Read from SSD with Thunderbolt and write to QNAP NAS with 10Gb E.
Any suggestions?
iMac Pro (2017)
Mojave v10.14.6
3 GHz Intel Xeon W
64 GB DDR4
RAWcooked 23.09